Gravity (2013) - what's the consensus... I thought it was pretty good, but not great.

I thought the good parts were very good and the bad parts rather bad -- but not bad enough to ruin the good parts.Gravity (2013) - what's the consensus... I thought it was pretty good, but not great.
Yup, nothing great. Hour and a half of breathtaking action, flat story. I think it's movie intended primary for that supercool(tm) 3D projection, which I don't care much about.Gravity (2013) - what's the consensus... I thought it was pretty good, but not great.
I saw the remake of The Thing from a couple years ago. I really don't know what the point was, beyond making the main character a female who literally does everything while all the men (every other character in the movie) stand around doing nothing. It's not horrible, I guess, but it pales in comparison to the John Carpenter version. I even like The Thing from Another World better. That's the original 1950s movie that inspired Carpenter's version.
I finished watching it, but it was an emotionless experience. I kept asking, "Why does this movie exist?" I still don't have an answer.The Thing remake was so terrible I couldn't even finish watching it.
If you haven't seen the low-budget 80s flick I mentioned, Prince of Darkness, give it a try. It's one of my favorite cheap horror movies.Wastewander said:I'm kind of a horror movie junkie in general...