Megaton has huge walls to protect from raiders and other beasties, all of the citizens carry weapons and they have a sniper on the roof. They also have plenty of food, judging from the two restaurants that are in operation.
Oh, i guess those 10-15 raiders at Springvale school couldn't finish off this town by, say sitting outside the
Only door and stopping supplies from coming in? It is a very poor defense system, as any blockage in the front door would starve them to death. Unless they pull magical food out of their ass.
The solution to this is very simple. Firstly, Stockholm is going to shoot anyone that looks like a slaver or a raider. So, let's say they're actually smart enough to get a person to get a haircut and dress like a wastelander to infiltrate the place. He can't really do anything, because if he tries to shoot anyone, he'll be dead in an instant.
So, let's say they all dress up like wastelanders. They'd need pretty serious weaponry to do this, which would be automatically suspicious. Let's say they DO get to the front door, somehow surviving Stockholm and the others. Megaton isn't a prison. It's made of pieces of metal. You can get through the walls, and into the outside with little effort. So, let's say they surround the whole city. That eases the load on the front gates, and they can open them and take out the raiders with their better weaponry and higher numbers.
Rivet City is EXTREMELY well guarded. It grows it's own fresh food, and being a battleship, would naturally have much food. Like Megaton, two "restaurants" show it has a steady supply of food.
Agreed, Rivet city is the most reasonable town in the game IMO.
Big Town WASN'T surviving until the LW helps them.
Ye old "Status Quo until Player arrives". How the hell did it survive for 200 Years?
Maybe the attacks only started in last few decades? Lots of people died, and they were in trouble. They were fighting them off somewhat, but they were in a losing battle.
Arefu had trouble surviving as well.
Yah, i mean, an old man would be able to hold out for that long. and they apparently don't have night patrol (that guy killed his parents and no one saw it) so, yet again,"Status Quo until Player arrives"
Perhaps Arefu is a relatively new settlement? You can't just assume it's been there for that long. His name is Ian, by the way. He was in his HOUSE when he did it, so there would've been no reason to check inside when there was no attack from the Family.
Andale survives by cannibalism. All of the residents carry weapons, as well.
Yeah, all 4 of them carry weapons(5 with old guy). That should defend them form those roaming raiders carrying flamethrowers and machineguns.And, if they pick a house at a time at night it is even easier.
Well, you could be right on this one. Maybe the raiders have just never noticed it?
Those are the only "civilian" settlements I can think of at the moment. Though please, if I missed one, point it out.
Tenpenny tower(Guards, plausible),Oasis(Wooden walls can't stop guns hurr durr),Canterburry commons(A guy, a kid plus three roaming traders and two crazy people, no defenses, great wealth brought by the traders), Republic of Dave(It has a school when the kids should be learning how to shoot and care for brahmin, again one door), Underworld(No defenses except for wooden doors, and near a fuckton of mutants),Little Lamplight(kids striving for their own) and Grayditch(2 people,no defenses).
Tenpenny has guards. Lots of them. And a supply of food.
Oasis is hidden with the exception of a tiny-ass gorge and the guards carry guns should anybody actually find it, hurr durr. It can be assumed that they eat the plants as well.
Canterbury Commons is obvious. They survive by trading. Also, consider this. Commons is where the caravans start. They go through slaver and raider areas. Perhaps they trade with them? They have to get supplies somewhere. So, CC could be safe.
Republic Of Dave citizens carry guns, and they're in the middle of nowhere, pretty safe from raiders. It's safe to say if a band of 2 or 3 raiders came by, they could be defeated easily.
Maybe if you had payed attention, you'd know how Underworld is safe from mutants. Willow says super mutants don't attack ghouls for some reason. They're safe.
Little Lamplight is pretty hidden and secure. The mayor would kill anyone that looks like a raider or slaver on sight should they find their way in.
Grayditch... Probably because it isn't worth the time. There aren't many raiders around that area, and Ron takes care of the "wildife". Even if raiders were around there, what's the point? They're going to take a Nuka-Cola collection?
Eulogy Jones mentions people buying slaves. Also, Dukov has slaves.
We could have an slavering city using slaves for their dirty work, but i guess a slaver mentioning buyers and a russian guy(who isn't even supposed to be in PA 50's america) with two slave girls(who are free to go, because when you take cherry to RC he doesn't even say something) should do the job. Not.
So? The point is, people DO use slaves. Is it really necessary for everyone in the wasteland to have slaves? They might not just sell them to the wasteland. Other areas could be sold to.
Depends on what you mean by "equipment". Naturally, buildings that have things inside will have things after a blast, just in bad condition.
After a blast it would, but after 200 years of rotting and being scavenged,i don't think that the hospital would still have 35+ stimpacks , or the other section of the history museum would remain unlooted(i mean, that treasure hunting girl would go there first to fetch stuff for abraham, and who knows what went on in the last 200 years)
Most of these places are too dangerous too loot, for whatever reason. As for the history museum, who knows? Perhaps Sydney thought everything would be gone and didn't bother.
Computers could run on fission batteries.
You mean fusion right?

But those computers do not look like laptops for me.
Also, see about computers.
No, I mean fission batteries. Also, take a look at most terminals in Fallout 3. There is no external power source. So, obviously, batteries. Fission batteries last over 200 years. It's right under your nose.
Robots use them and still work after 200 years, why not computers?
Please do not justify a flaw with another one.
What's so flawed? Robots use fission batteries, and still operate. Most terminals in the game have no external power, so they have to use batteries of some sort. Fission batteries make perfect sense.
Because you're level 2, you have a shitty pistol, and your opponent has leather armor and you don't. The weapons aren't weak. One shot in the head with a lot of weapons will kill a lot of enemies, like it's supposed to.
Firstly, level should only affect accuracy of guns, how will your gun skill affect the speed of the bullet? Secondly, will a pistol bullet go slower because of the maintenance condition of the gun? I don't think so, so the kinetic energy would be the same and the damage too.Thirdly Leather armor doesn't protect the head
So, every enemy in the game should be able to be killed with a single shot to the head with a pistol?
They have Raven Rock, it isn't so far-fetched with all that tech that they don't have another facility to make that stuff.
Raven Rock, it still remains a mystery of how the enclave got there in the first place. and what used it used for.and why it isn't bombed.and why would anyone build a high-tech center near the area that would be most bombed.
Raven Rock was transformed into what it is after the War. It was used as a base for operations in the Capital Wasteland. It wasn't bombed because it wasn't a high priority target back before the war. It could've even BEEN bombed, and they restored it. Like I said before, it was built after the war.
Food was probably packaged with radiation due to America's obsession with it. Since these games operate with such loose logic about radiation, it could preserve it. I think I remember reading something about this as well.
C-C-C-C-Citation needed!
Escaped from the factories and other places?
200 years of escaping robots!