This ghoul has seen it all
They are too old to eat hotdogs now, Clam chowder and tapioca flan, please.
I think we should stop fishing the oceans. Like, no fishing at all.
I think we should stop fishing the oceans. Like, no fishing at all. And any country who doesn't abide by this will have their ships sunk.
Would probably not produce enough fish to act as a replacement.
God does not exist.
There is no afterlife.
Heh, I recently had a flash of 90s/early 00s nostalgia and also listened to that song, finding it surprisingly decent.
Are you kidding me? Only 7% of the world population is atheist/agnostic and most of those live in China. What fucking planet are you from?That's unpopular? I'd say it's pretty much the mainstream today.