This ghoul has seen it all

Caesar destroys tribal identity, but he builds on top of it, he doesn't just destroy them and then hole himself up on a bunker. Which is what the Institute did.
Caesar also is hellbent to try to rebuild based on a flawed idea that has no chance of succeeding. The NCR and Legion already proved why nation building is flawed, because its always doomed to result in destruction.Caesar destroys tribal identity, but he builds on top of it, he doesn't just destroy them and then hole himself up on a bunker. Which is what the Institute did.
Did you play New Vegas? The whole point of the game, neigh the ENTIRE point of the series has been "war, war never changes" that people's inability to change ultimately results in the destruction of all empires.That made zero sense.
Which is why so many NPCs talk about how both the NCR and Legion are doomed to collapse due to a variety of factors ranging from lacks of food and water, to not one actually following Career's ideals?Did you play New Vegas? the point wasn't that Nation Building was futile,
Uhh no, its near universal from even pro NCR supporters that the NCR is going to collapse due to a number of reasons.Yeah, because there is a war going on and the different sides have different opinions on the factions.... You know, kind of like the real world? Some people are very optimistic about the NCR, some are wary but hopefull, the game isn't about "the futility of nation building".
Uhh no, its near universal from even pro NCR supporters that the NCR is going to collapse due to a number of reasons.Yeah, because there is a war going on and the different sides have different opinions on the factions.... You know, kind of like the real world? Some people are very optimistic about the NCR, some are wary but hopefull, the game isn't about "the futility of nation building".
-Hanlon mentions they are out of water.
-Hildern mentions that they about to face mass starvation in 10 years time.
-Everyone from Cass, to even Marcus, mention that the NCR's government is bloated, corrupt, they try to hold more land then they can, and them constatly just taking everything they want has cuased a lot of resentment that is likely to boil over into a revolution.
Even in Van Buren things were going to get nuked. Why? Because that's the whole point of the game. War never changes, people never change, all ideals of the past are doomed to failure for the same reason they were in the past.
Plenty of people? and Maybe?Who wants to know what happens to the NCR anyway? Do we get any Alien DLC for FO4?
Uhh no, its even mentioned that the NCR imposes crippling taxes on its citizens, raiders and bandits still run free due to the NCR's inability to patrol their lands, large cities like The boneyard are still considered bad places for people to live, Brahmin barons are pushing people off thier lands with thug tactics.This is even mentioned in FONV, that people back home are care free.
Uhh no, its near universal from even pro NCR supporters that the NCR is going to collapse due to a number of reasons.Yeah, because there is a war going on and the different sides have different opinions on the factions.... You know, kind of like the real world? Some people are very optimistic about the NCR, some are wary but hopefull, the game isn't about "the futility of nation building".
-Hanlon mentions they are out of water.
-Hildern mentions that they about to face mass starvation in 10 years time.
-Everyone from Cass, to even Marcus, mention that the NCR's government is bloated, corrupt, they try to hold more land then they can, and them constatly just taking everything they want has cuased a lot of resentment that is likely to boil over into a revolution.
Even in Van Buren things were going to get nuked. Why? Because that's the whole point of the game. War never changes, people never change, all ideals of the past are doomed to failure for the same reason they were in the past.
Black Isle/Interplay. See Van Buren's endings. Its also why Chris Avellone said the nuke everything endings of Lonesome Road are the ones he believes is correct. It was always the intent to have everything get nuked.This is what Bethesda brought us.
Uhh no, its near universal from even pro NCR supporters that the NCR is going to collapse due to a number of reasons.Yeah, because there is a war going on and the different sides have different opinions on the factions.... You know, kind of like the real world? Some people are very optimistic about the NCR, some are wary but hopefull, the game isn't about "the futility of nation building".
-Hanlon mentions they are out of water.
-Hildern mentions that they about to face mass starvation in 10 years time.
-Everyone from Cass, to even Marcus, mention that the NCR's government is bloated, corrupt, they try to hold more land then they can, and them constatly just taking everything they want has cuased a lot of resentment that is likely to boil over into a revolution.
Even in Van Buren things were going to get nuked. Why? Because that's the whole point of the game. War never changes, people never change, all ideals of the past are doomed to failure for the same reason they were in the past.
Who wants to know what happens to the NCR anyway? Do we get any Alien DLC for FO4?