* warning, some spoilers *
Hello all,
Now that I have finished Deus Ex Human Revolution I can compare my thoughts on it and how it compares to the previous games.
Graphically the game looked very nice and the level in detail is great even though some people are complaining that the graphics are not as good as that as other popular games on the moment but I find that a moot point and honestly not that important.
In general this game felt a lot more like Deus Ex 1 than Invisible War did, not as streamlined and made more into an FPS.
Surprisingly I found Jensen even weaker than JC Denton when it came to combat, even with all the armor upgrades
Most likely done to put more emphasis on stealth and hiding behind cover during fighting.
The cover system was not as detracting as I feared it would be, feeling like a console thing.
Still I found it a bit of a shame that skills and augmentations were almost still completely the same thing as in Invisible War, rather than that skills like hacking and fire arms were separate from augmentations which were more like special abilities.
I still prefer the DE1 system.
Story wise the game was pretty good but I can not help but feeling that the whole augmentation issue was kind of a repeat of the Knights Templar sub story from IW.
It was more of a open political issue now rather than the issue of nano augmentation, with people more openly debating it and being divided in various camps about it.
Plus it was also more visible rather than nano augmentations which only a select few people had, making the debate issue a bit more complex.
Still, to be honest I did not find the story as strong as the first Deus Ex.
It could be that nostalgic memories are influencing my judgment but I found the setup, the background, and the conspiracy mysteries more stronger in tune with popular culture,
While I like the graphics and the details a lot, I sadly have a bit of an issue with the looks.
They are not bad and that is not the problem, but they are way to futuristic compared to DE1 which seemed more closer to our present but still felt more natural advanced.
There was really high tech technology such as robots, the computers, energy weapons, and cities were a bit more advanced but there were still present day 'roots', like for example passenger planes, ships, and helicopters.
Technology, cities and dress styles looked way more futuristic in Human Revolution, making me wonder what could have happened that changed this deliberate renaissance like look that the world seemed to be going through, and make it decay into the near present and yet further in the future DE1.
Shanghai was basically one city on top of another, and while I can understand that a recession could stop that from happening with for example Hong Kong, Hong Kong or the other cities in DE1 did not show any signs that architecture had advanced that far before things slowed down.
I can understand that this comes down as artistic interpretation, with the old development team having a different vision than the new one, but this creates a type of inconsistency.
To me DE HR seems more advanced than DE1, and if we did not know of the time period and the augmentation technology, would make more sense taking place behind DE1 rather than before it.
Sorry for the long rant, what I would like to ask people reading this topic and who have perhaps played DE1 in the past to tell what their favorite DE game is.
While I really like Deus Ex Human Revolution, recuperating the franchise from the blow it took with Invisible War, IMO Deus Ex 1 is still my favorite of the franchise.
It may look rather outdated, I still find this game regarding its controls and story better.
Now if only they could add the grenade throwing button to it.
Hello all,
Now that I have finished Deus Ex Human Revolution I can compare my thoughts on it and how it compares to the previous games.
Graphically the game looked very nice and the level in detail is great even though some people are complaining that the graphics are not as good as that as other popular games on the moment but I find that a moot point and honestly not that important.
In general this game felt a lot more like Deus Ex 1 than Invisible War did, not as streamlined and made more into an FPS.
Surprisingly I found Jensen even weaker than JC Denton when it came to combat, even with all the armor upgrades
Most likely done to put more emphasis on stealth and hiding behind cover during fighting.
The cover system was not as detracting as I feared it would be, feeling like a console thing.
Still I found it a bit of a shame that skills and augmentations were almost still completely the same thing as in Invisible War, rather than that skills like hacking and fire arms were separate from augmentations which were more like special abilities.
I still prefer the DE1 system.
Story wise the game was pretty good but I can not help but feeling that the whole augmentation issue was kind of a repeat of the Knights Templar sub story from IW.
It was more of a open political issue now rather than the issue of nano augmentation, with people more openly debating it and being divided in various camps about it.
Plus it was also more visible rather than nano augmentations which only a select few people had, making the debate issue a bit more complex.
Still, to be honest I did not find the story as strong as the first Deus Ex.
It could be that nostalgic memories are influencing my judgment but I found the setup, the background, and the conspiracy mysteries more stronger in tune with popular culture,
While I like the graphics and the details a lot, I sadly have a bit of an issue with the looks.
They are not bad and that is not the problem, but they are way to futuristic compared to DE1 which seemed more closer to our present but still felt more natural advanced.
There was really high tech technology such as robots, the computers, energy weapons, and cities were a bit more advanced but there were still present day 'roots', like for example passenger planes, ships, and helicopters.
Technology, cities and dress styles looked way more futuristic in Human Revolution, making me wonder what could have happened that changed this deliberate renaissance like look that the world seemed to be going through, and make it decay into the near present and yet further in the future DE1.
Shanghai was basically one city on top of another, and while I can understand that a recession could stop that from happening with for example Hong Kong, Hong Kong or the other cities in DE1 did not show any signs that architecture had advanced that far before things slowed down.
I can understand that this comes down as artistic interpretation, with the old development team having a different vision than the new one, but this creates a type of inconsistency.
To me DE HR seems more advanced than DE1, and if we did not know of the time period and the augmentation technology, would make more sense taking place behind DE1 rather than before it.
Sorry for the long rant, what I would like to ask people reading this topic and who have perhaps played DE1 in the past to tell what their favorite DE game is.
While I really like Deus Ex Human Revolution, recuperating the franchise from the blow it took with Invisible War, IMO Deus Ex 1 is still my favorite of the franchise.
It may look rather outdated, I still find this game regarding its controls and story better.
Now if only they could add the grenade throwing button to it.