Again, what did you expect? Timed events are reviled by a lot of people. Even Fallout 1 got criticised for it and it's arguably the best game in the series.
I didn't expect miracles, I knew it was a 3d open world despite it's other qualities. As for timed events, maybe put one on the main quest with a game over if you get lost isn't so good, but come on, Fallout 1 wasn't designed to get lost and be insanely impossible, you can explore locations at your leisure and still be largely on time. It was well executed.
And it's not the only kind of timer that can be done. Someone offer you a job, you take it. You don't do it and goes wander for days, weeks, whatever, it shouldn't be a surprise that the person greet you with a 'where the fuck have you been? I solved my own problems\a disaster happened to me\I hired someone else', type of reaction at the very least.
Given the fact that you have the Platinum Chip (the single most important item in the game), that being the reason the factions want you and by the time the chip's purpose is no longer required you are pretty much sided with a faction, i really don't see the issue here. I want reactivity as much as anyone else, but what you are asking would be very convoluted and require a ton of more dev time.
Again, it's all in execution and design of the game. You don't do a huge world first then fill it later, then you have plenty of freed time to make reactivity instead of laborious fetch quests\or half finished quests that the player is supposetly the only one capable of doing. I don't care to 'redo' this game for the sake of conversation, but I have my reasons to think what I write.
And I know how Obsidian didn't have it easy with Vegas, it's not againt them personally, we speak of the game as it was delivered, not of any devs's competence or the like.
You know, I just tried to take the witcher trilogy as a example even if I have my problems with each of these games, trying to show that 1 and 2 are better games for their more limited scope, but I really can't make myself clear for the sake of conversation.
And while I write this(or try), my more tangible occupations get delayed. BiggumsBoi isn't all wrong, is really all I wanted to say.