Why do people think New Vegas was actually good?

It doesn't really seem like it's worth writing books to this dude. But I am glad it stirred up conversations and we got another good laugh along the line.
True but it's been a while since I thought of New Vegas (with my expanding backlog and all) so I wanted to exercise my brain with regard to recalling stuff in New Vegas.

Trolls like it tend to allow me to keep my brain cells working in recalling stuff from New Vegas.
Unless the developers are supposed to make all new, all different quests for the same purpose (keeping the President alive) which is impractical from a development standpoint
It would have actually made NCR deeper if they wanted to to destabilize them so they could seize the base you use its artillery fire. The issue isn't that you can play nice, its that the ncr lacks any semblance of a plan beyond sending you. The ncr didn't know or care about your involvement in this conflict until you reached the strip. They should have had some type of plan before they add you into the mix, and this would be a good way to minimize damages.
This isn't a case of anything being wrong, just not great. It adds much more depth to the factions to give them unique plans.
Not only that BiggumsSoy in his proposition talks about story elitism..?
The hell would be the point of looking at the story critically to say "its all fine but rather shallow" and not point out what I mean by that? Legion is poorly developed due to the game only showing them do bad things and their leader appearing incompetent in the only forced interaction you have with him half the time.
Ncr is shallow in being way to altruistic and nice, as anything bad they have caused is typically not intended by the core controlling groups and leaders.
House has a ridiculous plan written to be way to convenient. And the yesman route is basic, which is actually really good because it shouldn't be centered on anything but the player, and I'll admit I'm nitpicking on how easy it is for you to do this.

Its almost as he insinuates by his own writing that Fallout NVs main story IS exceptionally done
It is if you like a shallow, overly convenient story without a focus on how things happen. It has things like Victor being houses lack as a twist for no reason, and things were written to happen without consideration of how player choices would break the scenario (being anti-legion before gaining access to the fort). I'm not here to lie and say NV is entirely bad at telling a story, but the main story is weaker than the side stories in my opinion, and overall exceptional is way to overrated an opinion.
I said it before, people like the attempt of what the devs shot for, but that pushes them to rationalize a mediocre product as something more than it is.
And I'm not telling you to not be critical of the other games in the series, I'm asking you to not have a double standard between them all.
There is no double standard. For the time they were allotted the main quest they orchestrated was much, much, much more better than ANY other modern Fallout- thats what I'm saying. If I wanted to play a mediocre product I would be playing Fallout 3 continuously (Fallout 4 I don't even have in my Steam Library, I knew it was going to be shit around 2014 when the leak happened).

I can't take you seriously because you say Fallout NV's story is shallow, I don't even know why your here because your promptly wrong. It has concrete themes of "War, War never changes", different radical ideologies fighting against eachother (Pre-War analogue NCR but with a Wasteland republic-democracy spin on it, a quasi-tribal authoritarian Empire in the form of Caesar, a Libertarian cyborg overlord in House, or your own route through Yes Man). No Fallout game even has come close to broaching interesting factions with such differing viewpoints with concrete motivations. You also say the story is without focus? We LITERALLY spoonfeed you Fallout NV's entire main questline chart to the contrary. Just look at @Risewild given comparisons between Fallout 3 and NV.

The only time you even get choice is at the END of the game for Fallout 3 and its literally 4 idiotic routes that almost the entire Fallout audience (even Bethboys) lambast because its so fucking horrible. NV has NONE of Bethesda's horrendous writing. If we even take it alone without comparisons (because you apparently need that handicap because you know and admit to yourself that the other metrics are roadkill compared to NV) its a well thought out and serviceable story. The only counterpoints you have against Fallout NV's main questline is your personal anecdotal nitpicks, only critiquing gameplay and storyline tie-in fiats. @TorontoReign already phoned this in- you only infantilely pick at things common to almost all games or other story based media, always asking "X faction should've done this".

Honestly your argument is still frivolous because you have to prove it. You say people only like only like the "attempt" Obsidian made when that couldn't be further from the contrary- Fallout NVs execution and concept in story is lauded globally (atleast as far as I know in the Western world, I'm sure in other parts it is well received too by consumers who like ACTUAL RPGS, not the shit Beth pushes out) as a cult classic.

You came in this thread with a proposition that people only like it for the "ideas" or think its "follow through is lacklustre" (which you have been extensively debated upon and promptly shot down by concise counterpoints) , but its genuinely clear people favor NV over the other Fallouts for its storyline execution. Its as if you only think NMA has this renowned favor to it- but our favor to it is a widely held common belief in the mainstream. The other asinine claim is that you said NV quests are boring, but I proved you wrong on that and you conceded. Everything your spewing is being torn down asunder here, so just have to ask one thing: what do you honestly seek to accomplish when you came in here without any prepared arguments? Did you really think you could come into NMA without any plan for an adequate backup of ideas to scaffold your claims? You would've had a much more easier time debating in a Youtube comment section Mr BiggumsSoi.

Legion is poorly developed due to the game only showing them do bad things

Its the fucking Wasteland, the Legion was borne out savage tribals crafted into neo-Romans by a autocratic megalomaniac. Most of the things they aren't going to do isn't going to be good and just doing "evil" actions doesn't mean their badly developed at all when they have motivation and ideology to have it all tie-in.

Ncr is shallow in being way to altruistic and nice, as anything bad they have caused is typically not intended by the core controlling groups and leaders.

NCR isn't altruistic at all. Its an ever expanding stretched to-thin Jingoistic banana republic. They rarely do anything for niceties and the NCR's alignment is mostly chaotic neutral. Also this how I know your bullshitting here because your plan spouting retarded nonsense or didn't play the game- the NCR is run by cutt-throat interest groups, Brahmin Barons, self-serving generals, and most of its economy being shaped by Wastelander trade companies that have considerable pull within the senate of the NCR. Its the main reason why Caesar has a ideological dynamic against it because its everything he despised against it as a former citizen. The NCR moves into other peoples lands (Freeside, Mojave in general, using dirty tactics to bring Vault City into the Republic for its Pre-War tech, etc),shooting water beggars for water that used to be theirs *1, and many other shady things to gain more territory for profit.

1* []

(funnily enough more cut stuff from Obsidian. Imagine how much more things would be in without the time constraints. Alas even with that factor they still made a well done product, even when Bethesda can take years developing a Fallout and it still somehow is abysmal)

House has a ridiculous plan written to be way to convenient.

Mr House's plan isn't really ridiculous if you consider his philosophical view. He's a libertarian cyborg immortal who doesn't care about the Wasteland or any of its petty machinations beyond his timetable. He's basically been there, seen that. All his main goal is to ensure Vegas itself is stable to continue on the dream he worked so hard to protect- even going so far constructed anti-nuclear exchange infrastructure to spare his city from being nuked. He has old world blues for being a product of it. His plan is to have static stability to carry on his vision, sort of like the Technocracy from Mage: The Ascension.
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It would have actually made NCR deeper if they wanted to to destabilize them so they could seize the base you use its artillery fire. The issue isn't that you can play nice, its that the ncr lacks any semblance of a plan beyond sending you. The ncr didn't know or care about your involvement in this conflict until you reached the strip. They should have had some type of plan before they add you into the mix, and this would be a good way to minimize damages.
This isn't a case of anything being wrong, just not great. It adds much more depth to the factions to give them unique plans.

To extrapolate from that garbled text; Why waste resources sending out known agents or potentially unqualified individuals or come up with convoluted plans when they could send in a third party contractor who has been proven to have the determination to accomplish their tasks. People are aware that the PC is the courier who got shot in the head at Goodsprings and those who know are more than impressed with your pursuit of Benny in the Mojave (i.e Mr. House, Yes Man, NCR reps and even Caesar, ergo the four main factions). Plus a third party contractor allows them plausible deniability seeing as the NCR schemes to annex the Strip but still want to maintain diplomatic relations with Mr. House until the time is right to seize the Strip (i.e the NCR ending). There is a treaty present after all and the NCR is spread thin in the region (which is a recurring plot point in the game).

As for your point of destabilize and artillery fire, I cannot extrapolate any meaning from that drivel so I'll ignore that. It looks to be nonsensical and frivolous points so not worth even looking at.
Is this guy really even 22? How is he four years older than me but he can't even write paragraph allotments with some basic literary cohesiveness? I noticed that too about him, he doesn't understand or check back what he writes properly at all. He's just winging everything without thinking of it. Honestly I don't even think he's a troll, just a low information poster at a presumable best.
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He isn't 22. Neither is his buddy. This is the kind of shit kids do now. When I was his age I would drag main listening to music while looking for some tail. His generation uses TikTok and Tinder while sitting on the toilet taking a shit.
This might not have much to do with this discussion, but it's interesting and it's relevant in terms of FNV reactivity anyway:

It's about why NPCs in base game lack a lot of reactivity about stuff/NPCs from DLCs:

Why waste resources sending out known agents or potentially unqualified individuals or come up with convoluted plans when they could send in a third party contractor who has been proven to have the determination to accomplish their tasks.
Seriously? Your asking me why they shouldn't trust one dude to figure with varying loyalty to deal with this?
For one, asking nicely for them to help is fine, but my point is we get greater moral complexity if the NCR just takes the base. To do that they would need to kill everyone there.
Having the courier play saboteur towards them, and backing him up in this context makes more sense than him going alone. Same idea with retaking Nelson.
It wouldn't have even had to change the structure of volare, as you'd likely need to gain some of their trust first and work solo, but a non-peaceful options vs a more neutral group than the khans would put something in the actual game to make the NCR bad other than hearing how greedy politicians are as if House and Caesar don't share those flaws with the NCR. I'm not saying they should be all ideals here, just the NCR needs more bad behavior.
I'm bored with this anyway. Yall have really low standards of things being written well. Somehow it makes loads of sense that a software upgrade shakes the earth enough to feel like a bunker being blown to shit. (the bunker is also under the fort, and Caesar doesnt know which way its tunnels go, so think of how funny it would be if blowing it killed everyone at the fort)
This arguments boring now anyway, I'm not satisfied with the story due to the flaws it has to call it amazing.
And that mainly has to do with how the fort goes down. In Vegas the ways Benny will betray you if you don't kill him is some of the best written parts, it makes sense how Benny has the balls to hold out for his plan.
But if you don't kill him and you go to the fort, its dumb how Caesar interacts with you. The game doesn't care if he should like you or hate you, and that's a big weakness to me. The reputation system should have mattered here, given you some kinda escape sequence if you were hated by them before. If you don't see how NV, the game most focused on player choice has its story hindered by removing any hurtled the legion could have put in front of them here then it's pointless for me to repeat myself and I'll say this instead.
Fuck whoever made decision to wipe your infamy in the game. Makes the plot weak. The game is about how necessary the courier is to taking the damn, literally nothing matters other than who you pick to favor. You might have a lot of flavor in side content, but the only choice that matters in the main conflict is who you wanna take the story quests from. Fail all the faction alliances? Sabotage the legion as heavy as possible before the main quest? Literally you can side with yesman, blow the base at the fort, get no allies, and still win out lol. I want more consequences.
What game has given you the most consequences BigBoi?

BigBoi did not answer me (I gave him well over 15 minutes and he was reading my response and then logged off) because he is using a false premise like I said earlier. Even if he was still butthurt because I called him a dumbass, he would still have some desire to at least say what game is better than New Vegas. To one of you fine Mutants at the very least! To actually make a real argument or some shit like that.

If I came in here and said New Vegas did not offer enough C&C I would back it up with another game. You know...like a real person that wants to have a fucking conversation would. It's common knowledge that kids are dumb as dog shit. This one is no different.
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I like how he conveniently ignored my continued dissertations against his pitiful assertions once again (when he replied to you, but didn't bother to speak against my points on page 7 by the way for reference. It took him 76 minutes to respond unironically :lmao:). Even when I gave direct evidence debunking his claim that the NCR isn't greedy or jingoistic to a point its one of the key claims showing that its teethering on the brink of instability and anarchism once again despite all the work in the previous decades to uphold an attempted facet of Pre-War justice and stability in the face of the uncaring nuked out Wasteland.
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You can tell when someone is just trying to win a fucking argument, but they really don't know how.
Nice cherry-picking, kid. I can do it too and may as well as I haven't posted in a long while.
Seriously? Your asking me why they shouldn't trust one dude to figure with varying loyalty to deal with this?
Again, plausible deniability and stretched resources.
For one, asking nicely for them to help is fine, but my point is we get greater moral complexity if the NCR just takes the base. To do that they would need to kill everyone there.
Having the courier play saboteur towards them, and backing him up in this context makes more sense than him going alone. Same idea with retaking Nelson.
Takes base? Which base are you talking about? You do realise I am not the same person as the rest of the posters, I have never raised this point. As for retaking Nelson, while you do the busywork, you do improve the morale of the base and eventually, influence the support you get. @Lidku has raised this iirc.

Also, ever heard of coherence and structure? Ever try it?

It wouldn't have even had to change the structure of volare, as you'd likely need to gain some of their trust first and work solo, but a non-peaceful options vs a more neutral group than the khans would put something in the actual game to make the NCR bad other than hearing how greedy politicians are as if House and Caesar don't share those flaws with the NCR. I'm not saying they should be all ideals here, just the NCR needs more bad behavior.
The fact that the NCR has to hire you to do this work paints their operatives, outside the Rangers, as inefficient and less than satisfactory in terms of competence. As for politicians, you meet Cassandra Moore and Lee Oliver, two of the most corrupt people in the NCR. With Cassandra, you see that many solutions she advocates are more violent and serve her vendettas while Lee Oliver's incompetence is shown and told. Shown by depicting certain camps as lacking supplies (Forlorn Hope, Bitter Springs) and morale due to resources pulled away to Hoover Dam and told via many dialogue options and radio broadcasts. The NCR has not been a force of good but a force of bureaucracy, for better and for worse but mostly worse.

Again, ever heard of coherence and structure? I can't understand a single sentence in your post.

I'm bored with this anyway. Yall have really low standards of things being written well. Somehow it makes loads of sense that a software upgrade shakes the earth enough to feel like a bunker being blown to shit. (the bunker is also under the fort, and Caesar doesnt know which way its tunnels go, so think of how funny it would be if blowing it killed everyone at the fort)
Huh? If something blows up with enough force, the ground will tremble especially if it involves an explosion. But being a fortified bunker, the explosion(s) would not destroy the bunker. Plus each Securitron regains use of their grenade and missile launchers so if they attack all at once, there will be explosions.

Again, ever heard of coherence and structure? I still can't understand a single sentence in your post.

This arguments boring now anyway, I'm not satisfied with the story due to the flaws it has to call it amazing.
I guess this means:
I offer you this as a profile pic. It suits you.

And that mainly has to do with how the fort goes down. In Vegas the ways Benny will betray you if you don't kill him is some of the best written parts, it makes sense how Benny has the balls to hold out for his plan.
But if you don't kill him and you go to the fort, its dumb how Caesar interacts with you. The game doesn't care if he should like you or hate you, and that's a big weakness to me.
You do realise it is in character for Caesar to make bad judgement calls. In-universe, his tumor is affecting his judgement and after getting rid of Joshua Graham, he is surrounded by yes-men who worship the ground he walks while never criticizing him out-loud. He lists out every act you have done against him but is willing to forgive you as he thinks he has the upper hand (plus you meet him disarmed so that may motivate you to not go in guns blazing).

Again, ever heard of coherence and structure? This is better so keep at it.

The reputation system should have mattered here, given you some kinda escape sequence if you were hated by them before. If you don't see how NV, the game most focused on player choice has its story hindered by removing any hurtled the legion could have put in front of them here then it's pointless for me to repeat myself and I'll say this instead.
Fuck whoever made decision to wipe your infamy in the game. Makes the plot weak. The game is about how necessary the courier is to taking the damn, literally nothing matters other than who you pick to favor. You might have a lot of flavor in side content, but the only choice that matters in the main conflict is who you wanna take the story quests from. Fail all the faction alliances? Sabotage the legion as heavy as possible before the main quest? Literally you can side with yesman, blow the base at the fort, get no allies, and still win out lol. I want more consequences.
Except why? That all sounds pointless and wastes too much time and effort in development. Each faction gives you a chance because they see a wild card to grab onto in (pardons are an actual thing btw). You are free to ignore the pardons and burn bridges all over again. Also, you winning despite no allies in the Battle of Hoover Dam is a testament to your character's skills in combat but the epilogues show that this bites you in the tuchus hard as the new nation you formed has no allies which makes the growing pains even worse.

Again, ever heard of coherence and structure? You've lost the coherence and structure here and were doing so well just now.

Overall: D- in terms of grammar, coherence and structure. Please see the teacher after school.

Actually I did that.

Was that in an episode of Quantum Leap? Didn't know about that.
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Yes it was Quantum Leap. In this continuity BigBoi thinks he is a smart guy that has it all figured out then he looks in the mirror and he is a fat fucking retard that can't wipe his ass.

He has viewed this thread multiple times presumably, but his last post was an hour ago and he still hasn't responded to any points levied to him as of yet.

I assume that we've reached the climax of this little shindig?
I want more consequences.
Fallout New Vegas has the most consequences for your choices than any of the other 3d Fallouts or any Bethesda rpg. Sure more consequences are always good to show you having an immediate impact on the game world but with obsidian's schedule and the consequences already in the game any more wouldn't be very feasible.


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lol yeah, I'm the 5 year old, when yalls think saying something is cherrypicking when I bring up one of the most important characters in the main story, apply minimal critical thinking skills, and point out that the structure of the story is weak and calling me a retard.
The fuck is the point of choosing a side to aid in the battle for the damn, when you being on that side is all it takes to win? There is literally 0 chance of failure, and you are not punished for anything lol. How the hell are you gonna tell me NV is well written when nothing works off of any in universe logic, characters don't even follow the personality traits they have, and the scenarios the game invents are borderline retarded.
Yall are telling me Caesar thinks your import and highly capable which is why he wants to work with you, but at the same time he is doesn't see you as any bit of a threat to monitor your work for him, something he was doing before he tries to order you to do something, and if you defy the man in his own base does the game punish you? Does the reputation system effect how the leader of this faction deals with you positively or negatively? Nah, it just clears your bad reputation.
The mans running a small nation in the wasteland and setup as their leader. Sounds like in character, he has more success then failure in his life, typically the mark of making bad choices.
I guess its just in character for him to be written badly, and display the naivety of a child.

You can tell when someone is just trying to win a fucking argument, but they really don't know how.
Lol winning an argument is a dumb way to look at it. I'm being critical of the game, looking to make the strongest case I can on things. I know better then thinking tons of fanboys devolving this into "n-n-n-nitpicking" is at best ignoring the points I've made. You guys are right, Caesar is just a minor character in the game and story. Who the fuck needs sensible motives? Every aspect of the plot should hinge on the major characters doing retarded shit to further the plot. Why should we pay attention to the fact that House hired plenty of people to look for the platinum chip beforehand, but I guess just never hired anyone he could rely on in the mojave, so he needs to put his future in the hands of a half dead mailman in a coma.
Next yall will tell me its all a dream of the player in a coma and thats why none of it has to make any sense lol.