Black Angel
Grand Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus
Lol @chunglord420 you're lucky NMA has gone soft over the years now. Having your thread derailed in the exact opposite direction? Only very slightly embarrassing.
Now, if you're to try and pull off the same shit in the Codex.... oh man, I can only imagine it. I'm never a fan of their plethora of buttons and will always just stick to Brofist to the very end, but man it never stops from amusing me to see people getting button-rated to oblivion
And in an ideal world, the Outer Worlds should've been a spiritual successor to New Vegas, taking place in the exact same setting, some ~100 years after House ending....
Why must you do this to me, Cain
Oh well, we still got Sonora, Mutants Rising, SpaceWreck, ATOM RPG: Trudograd, Underrail: Infusion, Colony Ship RPG, Encased, Sands of Space etc etc
Now, if you're to try and pull off the same shit in the Codex.... oh man, I can only imagine it. I'm never a fan of their plethora of buttons and will always just stick to Brofist to the very end, but man it never stops from amusing me to see people getting button-rated to oblivion

The way I see it, House ending is the most likely one to be picked as canon considering 200 years is way too long to keep people staying in dirtcheap shacks and ruins. And honestly, MCA's view of wanting to push the reset button is way too extreme.I don't know. I put points to House being the most fitting one cause of the while glamorous Vegas thing as you said, the fact that if you follow the main story directly it makes the most sense to keep working for him as the Courier. Also because the way Vegas is set up I always thought taking the "third way" between NCR and Legion was the coolest path and had that sort of western Fistful of Dollars dynamic going on. Also the Courier Duster bearing the Old World flag.House for sure. The entire game is focused on Vegas and he embodies the city perfectly. Forget the talk of space and just look at how well he mediates two warring powers. He essentially tells NCR what they have to do if they are going to do business there. The entire story of him rushing to meet them with force since he was asleep for so long...the only thing you can find questionable is his destruction of the BoS, but hell they would kill House and his robots if they could. He dealt with things logically imo.
My chips against House is that I think the Mojave Brotherhood gets too much of a look in and is too tied to the DLCs/narrative as a whole for you to just destroy them, unless the Devs intend the Courier to be a completely cold betrayer. Same thing with the King's ending. It doesn't sit right with what is pretty clearly the "better" path.
And in an ideal world, the Outer Worlds should've been a spiritual successor to New Vegas, taking place in the exact same setting, some ~100 years after House ending....
Why must you do this to me, Cain

Oh well, we still got Sonora, Mutants Rising, SpaceWreck, ATOM RPG: Trudograd, Underrail: Infusion, Colony Ship RPG, Encased, Sands of Space etc etc