Why do you think a crossbow was never added?

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I, for one, would welcome a properly done crossbow. It has several advantages for stealth operations (as opposed to suppressed handguns), or hunting.

My main concern would be whether it's simply an oversized FO3 dart gun (cobble together a dart gun with a toy car, surgical tubing and a paintgun and some poison glands) or a legitimate crossbow.

A crossbow has an egregiously slow rate of fire compared to more modern guns. Even fast hand-drawn crossbow with a pro crossbowman could probably get off about 8-10 bolts off per minute. It makes up for this with some pretty good accuracy and more power than such bolts need. Add some poison... pretty lethal against lightly armored foes.

A historically accurate heavy crossbow would be a real pain, especially a torsion-powered one. One round per minute if you're good, up to ten-fifteen minutes if you're not. And then you can't really move.
DevilTakeMe said:
A crossbow has an egregiously slow rate of fire compared to more modern guns.
This problem was partialy solved 1800 years ago, by a famous Chinese strategists. :)
A repeating crossbow is a crossbow where the separate actions of stringing the bow, placing the bolt and shooting it can be accomplished with a simple one-handed movement while keeping the crossbow stationary. ... Such action could fire 10 bolts in 15 seconds, after which the magazine would be reloaded.
valcik said:
DevilTakeMe said:
A crossbow has an egregiously slow rate of fire compared to more modern guns.
This problem was partialy solved 1800 years ago, by a famous Chinese strategists. :)
A repeating crossbow is a crossbow where the separate actions of stringing the bow, placing the bolt and shooting it can be accomplished with a simple one-handed movement while keeping the crossbow stationary. ... Such action could fire 10 bolts in 15 seconds, after which the magazine would be reloaded.

Of course, the idea of using a CHINESE design in Post-Apocalyptic America by a Roman-themed faction has its own problems.


"But it existed before Communism was even invented!"

Semantics! A Communist tactic to divert us from the fact that you're a Communist!

But seriously, like it says in the article itself, nobody uses or has used a repeating crossbow of the chinese design in quite awhile. And I'd hate to try and aim the thing with that big wooden magazine.

Crossbows in the last century, for instance, are mostly sporting or hunting varieties. Some actual militaries use crossbows, often to fire grappling hooks or bolts for ziplines. These could just be repurposed to fire regular arrows. And still other militaries (as late as the 80s) had used poison-tipped crossbow bolts in lieu of suppressed/silenced weapons.

So, in all likelihood, Wasteland crossbows would be rare, but I could see them building a few. Even the repeating crossbow as a one-off unique weapon would be fun.
DevilTakeMe said:
Of course, the idea of using a CHINESE design in Post-Apocalyptic America by a Roman-themed faction has its own problems.
Nah, that wasn't a point.
When an old Chinese nation could involve the repeating crossbow, it cannot be a serious problem for a modern Vault-descended technicians too, right? (especially the descendents from Vault 53 were a serious engineers)

Feel free to call it an imperialist crossbow then. :lol:
:::SILUS::: said:
Crni Vuk said:
There is definitely some kind of sexual tension between you two.

Actually, i wouldn't mind a hot anal ride on a dervish. They already got skirts so..........

translation: You are going to continue to ignore the fact that I raped the living shit out of your arguments and the fact that you resorted to calling me a troll because you ran out of ideas.

What really defines desperate is hoping as hard as you can that someone will be offended if another person attacks the screen name they chose for themself instead of actually debating the points put forth.

newsflash kiddo: If I was bothered by images of dervishes, like a certain insecure 12 year-old who thinks anything that resembles a skirt must be the feminine, I wouldn't have chosen the nick.

in other news: you still haven't refuted a thing I said, while I crapped liberally all over your "points" in favor of putting a stupid crossbow in this game to appease the kiddies.
Oh my, he's gaining momentum, it's just a man and his will to survive now. You're winning it, don't give up now.

:::SILUS:::, you seem overly aggressive. whirlingdervish, So do you.

This thread needs to be locked
whirlingdervish said:
:::SILUS::: said:
Wow, now he's not even trying to argument and camouphlage the trolling.

Notice the numbered bullet points in my posts refuting every single thing you said in your posts that you thought was actually a point.

With that in mind, do you really think you are going to be able to bullshit people into thinking that I am not arguing or debating, and instead that I am just trolling?

Perhaps while you look up nuance and niche, you can look up "numbskull" and "hypocrite".

PS: Trying to claim that someone is trolling because you can't refute a thing they said means you lost hard. Son.

Looks like you missed something... Read it again for good measure.
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