Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

"how long did your team spend with the actual writing of the countless quests and storylines?"
TH: Actual quest writing? About a year with several people.

"While Morrowind has very few flaws, especially ones considered to be major, the general consensus seems to be that the combat could have been better. As such, is there anything you wished you'd done differently in that department?

TH: Yeah, I wish it was more violent. That sounds shallow, but animated violence is fun and everyone knows it



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I was just using it as an equivalent of "See that mountain?" Or "It just WORKS". The link holds some good news, but I'm cautious.

See that Shrine YOU CAN build it, See that Temple YOU WILL worship me, See my ass YOU WILL kiss it.
[Todd Howard] "lol I Raped Fallout"
I was just using it as an equivalent of "See that mountain?" Or "It just WORKS". The link holds some good news, but I'm cautious.

See that Shrine YOU CAN build it, See that Temple YOU WILL worship me, See my ass YOU WILL kiss it.
[Todd Howard] "lol I Raped Fallout"


A bunch of idiots who read ThinkGeek think the next Fallout game should take place outside of the United States.

source: IGN.com

At the very least they prefer to play on PC, but still... >_>
Has anyone actually noticed the weapon mods in Fallout 4's E3 moment? Some of them are actually considered 'fluff' mods as they, in reality, add nothing unique to the table but rather bloat the amount of weapon mods to considerable heights.


Take a close look when the player is transitioning from Laser Rifle to Laser Pistol...still can't see it?


It's pretty obvious in this section, the laser weapon types for the barrel have an "Improved" version, which is basically fluff because all it does is a stat increase of damage. Not very interesting. They could've easily just took away the "Improved" versions, and kept the stat increase with the base models. This is add fluff for no reason but to bloat the player's workbench.


This one is a bit less obvious but upon description and detail, there's also fluff added on the weapon grips as well. Comfort Grip transitions to Tactical Grip, they both do the same thing increase hip-fire accuracy and recoil, Short Stock------>Full Stock, the Full Stock being the obvious better version with stats increase. Added fluff, but at least these have visuals, I suppose.


This one, I can't really say for sure for the scopes, because the player hasn't browsed through them, but the Improved sights is just more fluff, so who knows, the sights could be actually unique besides that one.


This one is also another obvious one. Beam Splitter, meet Amplified Beam Splitter. Beam Focuser? FINE-TUNED Beam Focuser. More added fluff that's just seriously sad, honestly.

From my observations, it seems Perks will open up 'improved' versions of the normal craft, which basically becomes a "Why should I even waste my crafting material to make stock versions when I can just take 2 perks at lvl.3 and crank out advanced versions?" moment.

P.S. Another observation I made from the video is how the laser Pistol transitions to a Laser Rifle, just as I thought before. It seems after a certain amount of mods are added to a weapon, it quickly changes into a totally different weapon type, so now begs the questions: What are the 50 base weapons?...are they completely unmodded? Meaning we cannot look at the Laser Rifle or Laser Musket as a base weapon, or do the weapon base categories mean they're part of the 50 weapons listed? (Laser Pistol, Laser Rifle, laser Sniper Rifle, Automatic Laser Rifle, etc.), If it's the latter, this is a disaster. Already I count 12 energy weapons out of 50 weapons, Not including the Flamer part I spotted. This could mean the world weapons have extremely little to no variety, and that the player themselves have access to the creative weapons. Kind of disappointing.
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I get the feeling that Bethesda is getting envious of the modding community. Lets face it Skyrim would have been a mediocre game if not for its modding community. Not wanting to be overshadow by modders they are going to restrict modding. Not get rid of it but restrict mods like with quest, story, companions and NPC mods. Why else would they have a voiced protagonist besides pleasing the fanboys who want Fallout to be more like Mass Effect. :irked: For Bethesda with Fallout 4, mods like amour, weapon and gameplay mods are A-OK but mods that overshadow Bethesda writing and story and make it look like the sub par mess that it is like quest, companions and NPC mods, big, capitalize NO.
I get the feeling that Bethesda is getting envious of the modding community. Lets face it Skyrim would have been a mediocre game if not for its modding community. Not wanting to be overshadow by modders they are going to restrict modding. Not get rid of it but restrict mods like with quest, story, companions and NPC mods. Why else would they have a voiced protagonist besides pleasing the fanboys who want Fallout to be more like Mass Effect. :irked: For Bethesda with Fallout 4, mods like amour, weapon and gameplay mods are A-OK but mods that overshadow Bethesda writing and story and make it look like the sub par mess that it is like quest, companions and NPC mods, big, capitalize NO.

More like lining their pockets with other people's ideas. Most of the advancements in their games come from modders. I like to think that the modding community field tests the ideas before Bethesda steals them. More developers should probably take a look at what they do.
doubt they will actively try to limit Modders, I mean that's one of the main things that keep their games relevant for so long. Modders will find a way, they have recorded rather high quality voice acting and with the innevitable "Remove protagonist voice" mod they will have no problem getting quests mods..... As long as they keep it in that horrible 4 option dialogue cross.
Has anyone actually noticed the weapon mods in Fallout 4's E3 moment? Some of them are actually considered 'fluff' mods as they, in reality, add nothing unique to the table but rather bloat the amount of weapon mods to considerable heights.

A lot of things don't have real substance in any of the Beth games, already since Oblivion and Morrowind.

And when you look at 90% of the mods out there, people enjoy the most to play the game like a dress-up doll or house-decoration simulator. Which is somewhat understandable, making quests for example is a lot more difficult than changing colours on an existing model or creating a few new armors.

It seems to me like they simply moved to the next level. You now dress up your village. And your gun. And your power armor of course. I have to be fair though, since Morrowind this was always a strong point about Beth games the way how you could modify your character. I was very disapointed when they decided to offer less armor parts in Oblivion compared to Morrowind. But the end of the day they spend a hell lot of time on those visuals and fluffs and in turn the story and quests have to take a back-seat.
I vote Canada!
I was thinking about a Fallout game set in Canada some time ago. Would be kinda cool, a big potential for cultural references similiar to NV's. And technically it's still in the US, right?

RangerBoo said:
I get the feeling that Bethesda is getting envious of the modding community. Lets face it Skyrim would have been a mediocre game if not for its modding community. Not wanting to be overshadow by modders they are going to restrict modding. Not get rid of it but restrict mods like with quest, story, companions and NPC mods. Why else would they have a voiced protagonist besides pleasing the fanboys who want Fallout to be more like Mass Effect.
For Bethesda with Fallout 4, mods like amour, weapon and gameplay mods are A-OK but mods that overshadow Bethesda writing and story and make it look like the sub par mess that it is like quest, companions and NPC mods, big, capitalize NO.
I don't think so. The modding community is Beth's blessing, modders fix everything Beth has screwed up, they make their games more appealing and simply better, so Bethesda can put less effort and resources into making their games. Do you really think Beth has ideals, ambitions and is "envious"? They are a company and they just do business, just like other companies. And modders are good for their business.
(not saying this in a negative way)
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Bethesda GIVES us modding tools for their games as free downloads. That's probably the best thing going for their games and they know it.
I don't think so. The modding community is Beth's blessing, modders fix everything Beth has screwed up, they make their games more appealing and simply better, so Bethesda can put less effort and resources into making their games. Do you really think Beth has ideals, ambitions and is "envious"? They are a company and they just do business, just like other companies. And modders are good for their business.
(not saying this in a negative way)

I'm just trying to find a logical conclusion as to why Bethesda decided to make the protagonist voiced. A voiced protagonist greatly reduces mods like quest, companions, and NPC. It was either that or that they want Fallout to be the next Mass Effect or decided to listen to the demands from the Mass Effect, Bioware crowd.
Well the obvious logical reason is that they wanted to emulate Mass Effect as that style of "rpg" is very popular and sells.
Well the obvious logical reason is that they wanted to emulate Mass Effect as that style of "rpg" is very popular and sells.

And is acclaimed by many and is declared as great storytelling if not the greatest story in video games. If Mass Effect is consider the greatest piece of storytelling in gaming then the late Rodger Ebert is right, video games aren't yet a respectable form of art, at lest in regards to AAA title games.
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I don't think it will ever be possible to have conversation with Fallout 3 Retard/Fan

SPECIAL + Skills = Core Game play and "Perks" were added later. Why is this so hard to understand??
Removing "Skills" = Removing core game play of real "Fallout"
I don't think it will ever be possible to have conversation with Fallout 3 Retard/Fan

SPECIAL + Skills = Core Game play and "Perks" were added later. Why is this so hard to understand??
Removing "Skills" = Removing core game play of real "Fallout"

Skills don't translate well in 3D space. You do more damage with higher skills which is a crap usage, and you can't use it as a miss factor because you aim it. Science, lockpick were only important on 4 values. So they only have two options, either reimagine them or cut them entirely.