This ghoul has seen it all

Guys, never learn editing or animation, you will start seeing through everything and the magic is kind of lost...
Same with music. What you love now, you will likely come to hate with bloody passion.Guys, never learn editing or animation, you will start seeing through everything and the magic is kind of lost...
I actually have the opposite view - a through understanding of how things work allow me to enjoy them so much more. Look at general knowledge of physics, chemistry or biology, you know, the kind people learn in high school. Compared to all there is to know about those subjects, the average person only learns the extreme basics, but even that is a huge amount of knowledge in terms of how we see the world. I'm not a physicist, but I can look at a wall and know why all those trillions of atoms connect in the way they do to form what I see. I can drop a ball into the floor and I know exactly why it falls, why it reaches a specific speed, why it causes a certain impact. I'm not a biologist, but I can walk outside into my yard and know why each plant has all its different structures, why it grows a certain way or not. It's the same thing with works like movies, music, cartoons, software, art. Even if you're not an expert in any of those things, if you just take the time to read a book or watch some documentaries and just learn a bit about how it's done, you are able to appreciate it so much more. If I know how music is made I'll hear more details in the composition of any song, if I know how good stories are written I'll notice more subtleties hidden within the plot, if I know how a movie is made and edited I can see details I would have never thought about before, and how they contribute to the full picture...Guys, never learn editing or animation, you will start seeing through everything and the magic is kind of lost...
Psh, you should get into the game. It only gets better, the more you learn and the deeper into it that you get!Same with music. What you love now, you will likely come to hate with bloody passion.Guys, never learn editing or animation, you will start seeing through everything and the magic is kind of lost...
Waaay ahead of youPsh, you should get into the game. It only gets better, the more you learn and the deeper into it that you get!Same with music. What you love now, you will likely come to hate with bloody passion.Guys, never learn editing or animation, you will start seeing through everything and the magic is kind of lost...
Also the more people who know a damn thing about economics, the better the world would be. We need more artists and businessmen, and fewer politicians and soldiers.
Of course - you're already used to touching something mini frequently, right?No, because I wana touch that girls minigun.