Cleary details like ants on a tree stub are more important than story telling, narrative, good quests and writing in an RPG. I mean, imagine all the people that want to role play an entomologist! Or a bone collector in F4!
Interesting. Just learned that Nuka Cherry was from Tactics and it is also in Fallout 4. Reference perhaps or coincidence?
Interesting. Just learned that Nuka Cherry was from Tactics and it is also in Fallout 4. Reference perhaps or coincidence?
Wait, I thought Bethesda said they weren't treating Tactics as canon?
Aaand I'm officially bored by the armors.
It was cool to begin with, when I thought it would actually go somewhere. It didn't take me long to upgrade my iron armors to high levels, while always "saving" a full set of heavy combat armor for later (save for a right leg. I can't find a heavy combat armor right leg for the fucking life of me, but this is typical whenever I am looking for one particular item...)
But whenever I compare, combat armor is weaker than metal armor, despite the fact that they cost more and in simplest forms (light?) are indeed stronger.
Shouldn't sophisticated polymers beat iron in terms of ballistic protection? Especially in a supposedly over-gratifying fictious world?
Man, I've been lugging this stupid iron bucket suit around half the game, and now it turns out I am wearing the absolutely best armor in the entire game, and there's nothing else for me to strive for.
(except for power armors, then again, power armors degrade dissapointingly rapidly. Regular armor stays solid)
Except the "enclave" armor, which I bet is just-a-little-worse than the rusty T-45 I find in the early gave, that would be hilarious![]()
Why even bother modding it really?
Why even bother modding it really?
I am on the same boat, only quests I have now are Gravy's radiant quests. I have a full set of X-01 PA except for one of the arms. I tried switching to Survival for a while but I think that by the point you reach level 45 it's pretty pointless. Enemies are literary just bullet sponges now but I can soak up as much damage, combat is just tedious and there is a legendary enemy on every corner. Switched back to Hard, at least combat encounters aren't so pointlessly long there....
I can't believe people defend it. I'm having a dispute with someone over at Codex who claims Fallout 4 offers as much choice as the old games. Unbelievable.
You want to see a bullet sponge? This is a recording of me fighting this big old bitch took many bullets she did, this was on survival difficulty and it felt like forever trying to kill her since she instakills you. This was before the mod that gives everyone the same damage multiplier(since it's lowered to x0.5 on survival) and it makes the combat tolerable. I can't understand why difficulty means giving the enemies more health and gimping the player damage output by a ton.I am on the same boat, only quests I have now are Gravy's radiant quests. I have a full set of X-01 PA except for one of the arms. I tried switching to Survival for a while but I think that by the point you reach level 45 it's pretty pointless. Enemies are literary just bullet sponges now but I can soak up as much damage, combat is just tedious and there is a legendary enemy on every corner. Switched back to Hard, at least combat encounters aren't so pointlessly long there....
Why play on hard or survival anyway? There has to be a point to it.
"Hardcore" on New Vegas had an actual point (but was separate from "very difficult", which I consider pointless)
I'm really not a fan of bullet-sponge gameplay, I'm guessing few others are, but that's why this puzzles me. FO4 is a pain allready on "easy", I'm L58, I got the max upgraded combat rifle, and I have to shoot raiders on average of 3-5 times each to kill them, usually 2 head shots are required, and since I play on PS, I can't aim for shit, so it's all VATS and waiting for those APs to replenish - I can't even imagine playing this on "very hard", where my gameplay would consist of simply pissing bullets into raiders for hours on end, how do you guys do it!?
I mean, just today - on easy - it took me 20 minutes just to clear enough raiders for me to be able to fast travel the fuck away from where I was, because it was SO fffucking boring, just raiders, raiders, raiders, raiders, raiders, and then gunners, gunners, gunners, gunners, gunners and gunners, then mutants, mutants, mutants, mutants and mutants
I went out there with 900 .308 rounds, and came back with 400.
500 bullets spent on ONE area, maybe prodding 2-3 "locations" in that area...
I mean, I probably killed over a 100 people in a single afternoon...
(And can the super mutants really afford suicide squads?? Wait, what am I asking, for this to make sense!?)