I was told by a Fallout 4 fan that I was an idiot for telling him that cars in real life don't explode when shot... This kid actually believes videogame physics are real....
Says it all
can explode though, but it takes a great deal of effort, and they usually "over-ignite" rather than blow up like a block of dynamite
Movies love to perpetuate these ideas though - the exploding cars (both by shooting, crashing or by falling. strange you never see cars exploding like bombs in traffic cams... ), the insta-kill bullets - or the bullets that lift people off the ground, and send them flying through the air
Nostalgia Critic once refered to "flamboyant dying", that made me laugh... but that is also a typical movie trope - when people die with great flamboyancy

Typical in older westerns, you shoot a cowboy, and he grabs his chest, throws himself backwards, screams out, does a pirouette, then dives head first off a roof, and lands in a tray of water
Other cowboys applaud, and give points "10/10, 9/10, 10/10"