I just feel bad for anyone who bought the Pip Boy edition and then "woke up" to realize Bethesda is an awful company. By the time most people got it, it would have been way too late to get a refund so they were stuck with a hunk of plastic an terrible game, and all their trust and love for a company completely destroyed. I used to love Bethesda, but no longer. I'm so glad I didn't shell out the cash for this bullshit and only got the Season Pass instead. I was one of the lucky ones. Plus I got FO4 for 40 instead of 60 so I wasn't scammed as hard as other people.
Fuck 'em. They're dumbasses anyway. If InXile were to release the same kinda shit that Bethesda then anyone who fell for that kinda shit would be equally retarded. Don't buy a bunch of stupid pointless shit. Period. And especially do not spend money on pre-ordering the stuff before you even know what the true quality of it will be. Maybe them spending a shit ton of money on Bethesda's Fallout 4 money machine will be a good wakeup call. But don't feel bad for dumb people doing dumb things. That will just reinforce a deluded idea in their head that they're somehow a victim. No, walk up to some dumb fuck who did parkour and hurt themselves badly and point out that maybe you shouldn't be running around doing jump tricks over obstacles without safety gear and then call them a dumbass. They deserve nothing more than that. Idiots should be called out on their idiocy, not pitied.
Now as to Collector's Editions: Unless they have something of actual meat inside of them I'd argue that one should not buy them. Wasteland 2's one came with the soundtrack and some novella's. Actual content. The only thing in the New Vegas edition of worth IMO was the All Roads graphic novel and I think the documentary disc thingie. The poker chips and playing cards were just trivial trash. There's not enough poker chips to make up a real poker set and the cards are more like memento's. I would not trust any of my friends with those cards as they'd end up spilling beer and shit on them. So they're not going to get any use from me. Besides, if I wanted to play cards then I could get a standard pack for way way cheaper.
It's all about what is inside of the Collector's Edition's and the majority of the time it is useless junk. At least the Wasteland 2 one can be bought indefinitely as its content is digital.
Now here's the Pip Boy Edition for Fallout 4:
Nothing in this edition is worth a damn. Nothing at all. A big ass clunky capsule case that takes up a lot of space? A useless arm-gimmick? A fucking poster? And a pocket guide? Yeah that's real important for a shallow game like Fallout 4.
I don't mind special editions for games but if people fall for stupid shit like this then that's all on them. Nothing in this edition is worth paying extra cash for. Now if it had come with a documentary disc, a soundtrack, a novella or two and maybe a little action figure then I could see the point in shelling out extra cash as you'll be getting extra content out of your purchase. But this? All of this? Useless junk.
I can't fathom how people are still falling for these kind of cashcow editions.