Fallout 4 DLC revealed

Personally I hope it's them announcing they're selling the license to Obsidian, lol.
We would all love that, but that won't happen, I'm sure we would also like if J.E or Cain could get their fingers on a side game, but as I mentioned in another thread, I would happy if a hobo with a 2 week loose recap of Fallout lore took over for game design. I am actually serious which makes me sad.
We would all love that, but that won't happen, I'm sure we would also like if J.E or Cain could get their fingers on a side game, but as I mentioned in another thread, I would happy if a hobo with a 2 week loose recap of Fallout lore took over for game design. I am actually serious which makes me sad.

On the bright side, considering the success of Wasteland 2, maybe InXile and Obsidian will team up to do another game together? It won't be Fallout, but at least it'll be post-apocalyptic and have the Obsidian Touch to it. Maybe they'll make their own IP together? Who knows.
I remember hearing a rumour that Obsidian were working on a new Vampire: the Masquerade game, that could prove promising (no idea where I heard the rumour though, could be pulling it out of my ass).
I remember hearing a rumour that Obsidian were working on a new Vampire: the Masquerade game, that could prove promising (no idea where I heard the rumour though, could be pulling it out of my ass).

Well it's because, first of all, Obsidian's boss corporation or whatever they're called bought out the guys who made Vampire the Masquerade. Then, J.E. Sawyer tweeted out these brochures for Louisiana, saying "It's time". When everyone started freaking out and saying there was a new Obsidian Fallout, he quickly retracted his statement, saying "That's not Fallout related by the way, sorry.." so a lot of people now assume it has to do with Vampire the Masquerade. One set in Louisiana or a Louisiana-like setting maybe.
I would happy if a hobo with a 2 week loose recap of Fallout lore took over for game design
As long as they're a gamer, I don't give a shit. They'd probably still do a better job than BLURRLUGRGRGR fuck i'm sick of talking about em - they don't deserve my keystrokes. I'm gonna go plant some potatos in old car tires.
Emil was lead writer for Skyrim, though not lead designer. He was credited as both lead writer and lead designer for Fallout 4, which is probably why both concentrations are poor, though Nesmith did poorly also for Skyrim. There is an overlap undoubtedly between what we consider poor and what Bethesda set out to do intentially to make a'crowd pleaser,' and based on the DLC descriptions, they are still in that mindset, lulling people into being complacent to lower standards and mediocrity, This is a part of what we hate about them. Instead of fostering an appreciation for and interest in some more RPG complexity, they're intentionaly lowering the bar for what people find acceptable. But it is good that a higher percentage have realized this than ever before.
Hmm, I don't think that stuff is in the Collector's Edition.
I managed to restore some of it through fan mods.
Nah i mean for cut content with the card deck, that has some unused and characters designs, like the Marylin securitron or the caucasian ambassador Crocker
I just feel bad for anyone who bought the Pip Boy edition and then "woke up" to realize Bethesda is an awful company. By the time most people got it, it would have been way too late to get a refund so they were stuck with a hunk of plastic an terrible game, and all their trust and love for a company completely destroyed. I used to love Bethesda, but no longer. I'm so glad I didn't shell out the cash for this bullshit and only got the Season Pass instead. I was one of the lucky ones. Plus I got FO4 for 40 instead of 60 so I wasn't scammed as hard as other people.

Fuck 'em. They're dumbasses anyway. If InXile were to release the same kinda shit that Bethesda then anyone who fell for that kinda shit would be equally retarded. Don't buy a bunch of stupid pointless shit. Period. And especially do not spend money on pre-ordering the stuff before you even know what the true quality of it will be. Maybe them spending a shit ton of money on Bethesda's Fallout 4 money machine will be a good wakeup call. But don't feel bad for dumb people doing dumb things. That will just reinforce a deluded idea in their head that they're somehow a victim. No, walk up to some dumb fuck who did parkour and hurt themselves badly and point out that maybe you shouldn't be running around doing jump tricks over obstacles without safety gear and then call them a dumbass. They deserve nothing more than that. Idiots should be called out on their idiocy, not pitied.


Now as to Collector's Editions: Unless they have something of actual meat inside of them I'd argue that one should not buy them. Wasteland 2's one came with the soundtrack and some novella's. Actual content. The only thing in the New Vegas edition of worth IMO was the All Roads graphic novel and I think the documentary disc thingie. The poker chips and playing cards were just trivial trash. There's not enough poker chips to make up a real poker set and the cards are more like memento's. I would not trust any of my friends with those cards as they'd end up spilling beer and shit on them. So they're not going to get any use from me. Besides, if I wanted to play cards then I could get a standard pack for way way cheaper.

It's all about what is inside of the Collector's Edition's and the majority of the time it is useless junk. At least the Wasteland 2 one can be bought indefinitely as its content is digital.

Now here's the Pip Boy Edition for Fallout 4:

Nothing in this edition is worth a damn. Nothing at all. A big ass clunky capsule case that takes up a lot of space? A useless arm-gimmick? A fucking poster? And a pocket guide? Yeah that's real important for a shallow game like Fallout 4.

I don't mind special editions for games but if people fall for stupid shit like this then that's all on them. Nothing in this edition is worth paying extra cash for. Now if it had come with a documentary disc, a soundtrack, a novella or two and maybe a little action figure then I could see the point in shelling out extra cash as you'll be getting extra content out of your purchase. But this? All of this? Useless junk.

I can't fathom how people are still falling for these kind of cashcow editions.
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I'm also using all of those uncut mods: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/users/3010984/?tb=mods&pUp=1
And http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/56625/?
Plus I also use some smaller restoration mods (like unused weapons/armors etc.) mostly from Nexus.
Those mods restore very much content to the game. I love restoration mods for FNV (also for VTM: Bloodlines), more content for New Vegas is always good! :-)
Fuck 'em. They're dumbasses anyway. If InXile were to release the same kinda shit that Bethesda then anyone who fell for that kinda shit would be equally retarded. Don't buy a bunch of stupid pointless shit. Period. And especially do not spend money on pre-ordering the stuff before you even know what the true quality of it will be. Maybe them spending a shit ton of money on Bethesda's Fallout 4 money machine will be a good wakeup call. But don't feel bad for dumb people doing dumb things. That will just reinforce a deluded idea in their head that they're somehow a victim. No, walk up to some dumb fuck who did parkour and hurt themselves badly and point out that maybe you shouldn't be running around doing jump tricks over obstacles without safety gear and then call them a dumbass. They deserve nothing more than that. Idiots should be called out on their idiocy, not pitied.

Woah there friend you might need to calm the fuck down there. First of all, a lot of people loved Bethesda, trusted Bethesda. Were their games perfect? Absolutely not, but were they fun? Absolutely. As I said in an older post, no one could have predicted just how awful of an RPG Fallout 4 would be. As in, it wasn't an RPG at all. At least in Skyrim there's some diversity on how to complete missions, and Fallout 3 lets you be as evil as you want. In Fallout 4 you're stuck on a railroaded path with hardly any options and no chance of being evil outside of shooting everyone. And you can't even do that because 50% of the NPCs are essential marked.

So would I consider these people victims? Yes. Were they stupid to pay 120 dollars for what amounted to a piece of plastic, a poster, a book, and a game? Sure they were, but like I said, no one could have known what a complete piece of utter horse manure this game would end up being. For every good moment in Fallout 4, there's about a dozen awful ones to make you stop playing.

I certainly didn't expect Fallout 4 to be terrible, I enjoyed Fallout 3 even if I think New Vegas is vastly superior. I don't think a lot of other people expected it to be as bad as it was either.
They loved Bethesda, they trusted Bethesda. So what? Don't make them any less of a dumbass. I love InXile but I will never give them blind zealously loyal trust. No company deserves that kind of trust.

And so what if they expected Fallout 4 to be good? That's all on them as well. They let their expectations rule over their judgement. That should be pitied?


Oh and anyone who actually paid attention would have realized how bad of an RPG Fallout 4 would've been.

I'd also argue that Skyrim does not let you complete quests the way you want them to as whenever I played that game the vast majority of quests had only 1 outcome and most quests came down to do or don't do them.

The progression of Bethesda's design from Morrowind onward shows that with each title they are stripping away more and more RPG elements. That includes Fallout 3 and Skyrim. So like I said, anyone who paid attention would've realized how poor of an RPG Fallout 4 was going to be.

Newcomers wouldn't, but anyone who has played multiple prior games of Bethesda would. Then again, why would someone as a newcomer spend extra money on a special edition? That's just dumb.
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I agree, I actually expected that FO4 will be a shit game, all the trailers and promos showed that clearly, all you had to do was just to pay attention..

P.S. But they think that FO4 is much better than FO3 and even FNV, because it sold better.. So we can expect Fallout 5: CoD sooner that we might think, which will be pure fps/action game, but hey it will be RPG because you will be able to get to level 1000! :-P
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We have the ability to do research on products before we buy them, we can wait until a month after it has been released so we can get as many reviews and videos we need to research the product properly.

If someone chooses to not research a product in this day and age I don't see they should be pitied. Especially when it comes to a widely popular product. Simply wait for it to be released and 'then' research it. What do people like? What don't they like? How does it truly look like? Is there something that is a make or break deal?

Critically analyze the product before you buy it.
It's that simple.

Phones, laptops, tablets and computers. So many devices we can use to research a product. So many ways to access the information we need to make a judgement on a product. And some people choose not to and instead chooses to blindly trust a triple-a gaming studio/publisher in giving them a quality product.

Read metacritic or steam user reviews and watch half a dozen different gameplay videos and you'll have all the research you need most of the time to make a reasonably informed decision. You don't have to be a rocket scientist just to do an appropriate amount of research on a product before buying it.

And never EVER pre-order.
That seems a little harsh, the NV collectors edition was of good quality so I could see somebody buying the Pip-boy expecting a high quality product.
But for 500$? That's a bit excessive. I mean what was the original price, something like 80$ or 90$? I am not sure. I mean people can do with their money what ever they want. But it it's still stupid.

Also, I don't see why someone would expect quality from Bethesda just because Obsidian eventually delivered some. That's a bit silly in my opinion. Those are two very different companies. Like Fish said. If you can't be arsed in this day and age to inform your self, since everything is just a google search away ... well ... you almost deserve to be riped off.
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I remember hearing a rumour that Obsidian were working on a new Vampire: the Masquerade game, that could prove promising (no idea where I heard the rumour though, could be pulling it out of my ass).
Paradox was the company that help launch Pillars of Eternity with Obsidian. Last year Paradox acquired White Wolf who owned Vampire the Masquerade, so if they do something with it I hope they let Obsidian have a crack at it. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2015/10/29/paradox-white-wolf/
I'm also using all of those uncut mods: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/users/3010984/?tb=mods&pUp=1
And http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/56625/?
Plus I also use some smaller restoration mods (like unused weapons/armors etc.) mostly from Nexus.
Those mods restore very much content to the game. I love restoration mods for FNV (also for VTM: Bloodlines), more content for New Vegas is always good! :-)

Yep, I already have all of these mods. It was possible that I was missing out on some restored content but that does not seem to be the case.