Still Mildly Glowing

On the other hand some raiders in Fallout 4 actually do get a backstory and fluff. But, because this is Bethesda we're talking about, it's only through conveniently placed terminal entries. Like the raiders at Libertalia, they were remnants of Minutemen turned mercenaries, but when the fuckers at Bunker Hill refused to pay them they resorted to raiding in order not to starve.
Or those in the East Boston Prep School, those with the blood contracts. The terminals tell of how new people were forced into their gang.
Of coruse, there's no real difference between any of these raiders, they're all immediately hostile, there is no way to interact with them and they are not distinct from each other in terms of style. The only distinct groups are the Forged and the Rust Devils. And the Gunners, because let's face it, they're raiders, too, thanks to Beth's lazyness.
And that's the crying shame about those note/terminal stories--they're pretty great. If they had taken the time and had the raiders themselves flesh it out in conversation and quests, it would have built up so much more emersion and made them so much more human. The Rust Devils, Forged, and Trappers are better, but in the end they aren't that different from typical raiders as far as interaction's concerned. I did like that we got to chat with the Forged leader first, and that there were a few Trappers that didn't go hostile in Far harbor, it's just not enough.