You guys should learn how to detect a joke... I even put a "
" to be quite obvious. Sheesh, bunch of fanboys getting all riled up about a joke

It looks interesting but if it's a Epic Exclusive then I'll pass.
Was really curious about this too. Was weird.Why is the "Humanity" dialogue option in the Drug dealers part "I'd like to see you try?"**
Yeah and every video I've seen of this, the barrel was landed on. Maybe they don't have fire barrels dealing damage?? Or it just wasn't fully programmed yet?Fire used to be deadly to vampires, but the PC falls on top of the flames from a flaming barrel and loses no health.
Let's hope. I'm hoping that's what is going on with the AI too.Combat feels clunky. Hopefully it's because of being a pre-alpha demo.
They've said already that it won't be but of course that could always change. It has been up for preorder on Steam, Epic, and GOG since it was first announced. If you already preordered it, I'd assume you'd get the Metro Exodus treatment.
I doubt it'll be Epic exclusive though.
Was really curious about this too. Was weird.