Atomic Postman
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  • Mandalorian was flawed but very enjoyable. Seriously looking forward to Season 2
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    For me it felt like the show was pinching my cock while it was about to burst, then by the end when shit started going down it sort of dribbled out but I felt relieved when it was over.
    I always felt the canon Chosen One shoulda been a melee/unarmed build, but Jas Wilkins from NV puts a hole in that idea.
    I say this as a guy that used to obsess over canon. Unless you are creating a story. Don't worry about it. You want the Enclave in China? Go ahead.
    He could be a melee/unarmed person that happened to carry a gun? And figured out how to use it?
    Like I've always said, canon is nice and all but it's more about the intent of the writers/creators. When you mess up a big thing in lore/canon you should respond to fans with an apology and aim to do better. Not laugh at them and say something like who the fuck cares? Because your customers care you idiot. Also, lore/canon isn't always a perfect thing to follow. Sometimes shit should be changed.
    Just started Tyranny. More games need to let you be a Darth Vader type. This shit is cash.
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    Reactions: SquidWard
    Eh, it fell short for me. The world of Tyranny is very interesting and I'd love for a second game that was more fleshed out to be done there. I also like that you are by default the "bad guys" and it is hard to be a good guy. The game just felt like it wasted a lot of potential to me though, besides the world building.
    Getting blind drunk and ranting to my friends about the Franklin Expedition is my new favourite lockdown hobby
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    I had one friend who would drink with me and we'd talked in great detail about historical events and eras, societal norms and mores and what not. But sometimes it was fun to just get him to rant on about certain ones. He got so heated over things like Civil War.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    I don't know what's more shocking really, that drunk me decided rambling about the Northwest Passage at 3am to a girl was a great idea, or the fact that she responded positively.
    The victim complex Beth Fanboys hold on the Fallout subreddit boils my blood more than it rationally should.
    When you realize it is really a safe space for kids that grew up playing nothing but Bethesda games it makes sense.
    Man, I haven't looked at any fallout reddit in a long time. And definitely not since I've registered to NMA. No point really. Reddit's good for shitposts most of the time.
    Actual discussions are awful and completely circlejerks. The voting system is like communism, looks great on paper but when you put in action, everything's fucked. Downvotes are for comments that aren't contributing to the discussion. But they're used as a "You're wrong cuz you said unpopular opinion" button and it lends itself to the circlejerk that way
    As much as I dislike Fallout 4' s radio selection, Atom Bomb Baby is a jam.
    Country Roads was so much better before 76.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    I think Inon Zur is a fine composer, but his work in Fallout 4/76 and even 3 sounds too much like medieval fantasy. Weirdly, however, New Vegas has a very different sound and mixes extraordinarily well with the Mark Morgan tracks. I assume Obsidian gave him really good direction on the Fallout dark ambient vibe.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Yeah, it can't be said enough. New Vegas has both good ambient OSTs and radio songs selection. Inon Zur is actually a good composer because under Obsidian he was able to pull off wild-west post-post apocalypse vibes, and the songs selection itself aren't conveniently about post-apocalypse.
    NMA is literally the only place online where I still use "AlphaPromethean" which was my handle when I was a teenager. I regret it everyday.
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    Reactions: KingArthur
    I can't change names. Hass can. I would never add your zipcode to a name though.
    Oh that’s not my zip code, this is *doxxes self*
    Just message Hassknecht.
    Outer Worlds has the DNA for being the kind of space-opera RPG I want. Just If they toned down the aesthetic and the over hamhanded satire.
    Yeah that is what made me not play it.
    Reading a policy wonk study, I see "First we have to consider if legislation even really needs a goal". Do I live in the movie Brazil?
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    Reactions: KingArthur
    Goals are so 20th century. Now we just react with hostility and confusion.
    Nah, but maybe we all live in the movie “Boys From Brazil”, if you catch my drift.
    Finished the New California rewrite. Tbh, not really sure why I did it other than just feeling like writing Fallout shit.
    Is it bad taste to make a thread about how I'd rewrite Fallout: New California? Feels like batting low to shit on a community mod
    Big No
    Big No
    Really didn't like the ending where not only are you a clone of the VD, but you're also the Courier. Kills alot of the RP for both characters and gives the implication the whole world revolves around the VD and nothing else.
    Just make the thread.
    Please make a thread. I have a lot of issues with that mod too.
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