Atomic Postman
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  • Choosing between playing Metro 2033 in Russian or English AKA Missing any side dialogue or horrible voice acting - Which one do I pick?
    Just remember to go for russian the next time ;)
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    I wish I had gone with Russian. The terrible accents and hearing Yuri Lowenthall and Steve Blum everywhere really took me out of it. I also didn't feel like I was gaining much from the non-subbed NPC dialogue either.
    Exodus was awful in russian. Multiple overlapping voices with no color coded subtitles or even an "artyom:"

    Couldn't tell who was talking half the time
    I've not interacted with any public business since March and my village pub opens on the 4th. My temptation grows inescapable.
    Don't forget to bring a mask.
    Fallout TV show in the works. Not a joke.
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    Reactions: Supermarauder
    Oh boy
    Finally. I want this franchise so unrecognizable that everyone stops visiting the site instead choosing to catch an asteroid to outer space with space Jesus.
    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon
    Bruh, wasn't there a good live action fan series years ago? Last I recall, good ol bethesda shut em down.

    Fuck Bethesda, all my homies hate bethesda
    The fuck happened to enemy AI in FPS? Halo CE and FEAR still have better AI than 99% of shooters released in the last decade.
    F.E.A.R is probably my all time favorite FPS ever. The game still looks good and the AI is still well made.
    FEAR AI was mostly really tight scripting.
    True, but it worked so well!
    I don't know how to explain to fanboys that something can be deriative and creatively unremarkable but still ultimately good
    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon
    in regards to what, fo4 and 76?
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    Halo. I'm a fan of the original Halo games and I think they're well presented but the setting is undeniably generic/cliche. I think Halo's strength is brushing together all these cliches and presenting them in a charming, fun manner but some fanboys reacted as if I'd killed their mother
    Today on internet fun: Being accused of "communist subversion" for asking somebody to explain what they actually believe in detail. Fun.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    To be fair that whole manifesto on the evil of Joe McCarthy was a bit on the nose, pal. Also the fact that you referred to everyone as 'comrade'.
    I have an intensely frustrating relationship with Firaxis games. I love them, but I burnout before I've ever properly beat one of them.
    Sometimes it's about the adventure not the destination.
    I've not been tracking the community news, what's the "definitive" way to enjoy Fallout these days? Fixt or Et Tu?
    Sduibek is currently not working on Fixt, so it still has some issues.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    Interesting. I effectively just want a patched Fallout 1 with the endings restored and don't really want much else in terms of changes. Is Et Tu worth checking out?
    It is, but it adds a bit more than what you want (FO2 weapons hidden around the world, FO2 unarmed moves, a vehicle). If that's not your thing- FIXT is completely playable, but it won't have some issues fixed for some time.
    Is the FIRST "Last Of Us" actually any good? Someone tried to sell it to me as being Half-Life 2 style in feeling like a grand journey
    Is good, not nearly as GOOOOOOOD as most critics say in my opinion. The gameplay is interesting, altho I only played it on hard, but it does have a different dynamic t othe Uncharted games while having the same basic fight mechanics. Story is a bit on the cliche side nowadays but it has it's moments and good characterization. Solid 7 out of 10.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    Yeah that sounds like what I figured. I detested the Uncharted games and zombie fiction generally bores me but regardless I've heard its well presented.
    If you like moving ladders around then you'll like the last of us. Video game dunkeys 3 minute review sums up the game nicely I think
    Death Stranding's 8+ hour ending. What a fucking rollercoaster of quality.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    I thought the whole UCA/Chiral brainless hippie optimism was very misaligned and dumb the entire time until the ending completely reworked it. Reminded me of how I was frustrated with MGS2 until I finished it and it all "Clicked" and retroactively repainted everything
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    The UCA being this superficially "positive" connectivity that's in fact a technocracy that strips everything of privacy and reduces human interaction to shallow conversations and literally Likes, and Sam just saying fuck it all and heading off into the wild off the grid with his singular, actual, meaningful human connection also saved the game for me.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    Good game that I will never, ever replay.
    It annoys me that Naughty Dog stuff was ever held up as a pinnacle of gaming. They're garbage gameplay with stories I'd skip if it were film
    What? You don't find Neil Cuckmann's sick fetishes to be high art? I mean, how can Sony fanboys and gaming activists... err... I mean journalists be wrong?
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    The snoy brand of movie games (that are often hackneyed copies of better material; like how all rockstar games are meshing of different crime movies or westerns in the case of RDR) must die so that the new age of gaming will take form. Hopefully in the form of VR fully interactive 80+ hour porn adventures.
    Sorry but the only porn that will be allowed is gay and trans porn or porn made solely for women. Can't have that male gaze oppressing imaginary women. Check your privilege you patriarchal, cis-shit, white male.
    Fallout-Core book recommendations?
    Deleted member 53669
    Fallout Bible.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Roadside Picnic
    Harlan Ellison books (mainly boy and his dog)
    Canticle of Leibowitz
    Metro 203X books
    Jack Vance Dying Earth series
    Every fucking time with Kojima. My brain just desperately wants to like his good ideas so much my brain astroturfs all the terrible shit.
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    Reactions: TorontoReign
    Take those Monster Energy Drinks. You can unlock beer so Sam gets drunk in between missions. I never unlocked that though.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    Shit man you were right. Immediately enjoying Epsiode 3 way, way more. The setting is way nicer, the missions are better and connecting libertarian surivalists to the network is much cooler than government offices. Game is picking up
    Yep. It's one of those things that I have learned a few years ago. Never try to do everything your first run or you might burn out and miss the best parts of the game. Second time through I played on Hard and it made the game a little more fun too since i could actually die early game. I think 8 is the one where things really kick into gear and it lasts the whole way through.
    Visually and gameplay wise Death Stranding is impressing me but this story is Kojima at his worst. Reminds me of MGS4 but with better class.
    He is one of the best parts in the game. Followed by Cliff. Sam gets better near the end. Less like Daryl from Walking Dead.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    I actually already like Sam. He gives me huge MGS1 Snake vibes. This whole game aesthetically makes me wish we got another futuristic Metal Gear that didn't look like shit. More MGS1/MGS2 than MGS4 or the Cold War stuff. Shinkawa is a god at designing cool sci-fi shit
    Yeah it sets up for a sequel so I hope he militarizes the sequel.
    Trying Death Stranding today. I can see myself loving this game or hating it pretty equally so I'm intrigued.
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    Reactions: TorontoReign
    10/10 jars filled with semen delivery simulator.
    My GOTY.
    Replayed Mirror's Edge for the first time in a decade. We need more games like it and Portal. Unique mechanics, doesn't overstay welcome.
    Tried to play it once. Got stuck in an area where I was being shot at but my frames dropped to 1 FPS and I couldn’t do anything. Gave up on it.
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