Recent content by BarackSays

  1. B

    A Fallout game set in Wisconsin?

    As a resident of Minnesota, I would give my middle nut to see some glorious explosions in the Twin Cities.
  2. B

    An enemy you hated most in whole fallout series

    Wolves and manti from a tedious standpoint, wanamingoes and floaters from a frustrating standpoint, and Enclave patrols from a flat out "oh shit" standpoint. Surprisingly, I never minded mutants and deathclaws too much. Mutant miniguns generally had no effect on Power Armor (and they mowed...
  3. B

    Bethesda registers new domain, signs point to F4

    I never finished Sky rim, but I'll admit it was more intriguing than F3. Maybe they've learned but I'm not holding my breath.
  4. B

    Bethesda registers new domain, signs point to F4 Personally, I'm not so sure. Actually, I'm really sure F4 will be horrid. Bethesda can't fucking write. Why can't anyone see that? I guess we'll just have to be thankful for NV, because that's the best we'll ever get.
  5. B

    Fallout and religion

    So brave.
  6. B

    Lonesome Road Talk (obviously spoilers)

    My take on him was that after the loss of the Divide, there was nothing but the bitter lessons he had learned and his overriding obsession with the Courier. Imagine a figure that walks the Mojave, testing people by bringing change through destruction. That was probably how Ulysses saw the...
  7. B

    Fallout 1: Which is harder, Master's Vault or Military Base?

    Military Base. I'm a completionist, so the second floor sucks just based on volume alone. It helps when mutants keep using burst though, saves a lot of trouble for you.
  8. B

    Does anyone remember ANY Fallout 3 characters?

    The sad part is most gamers thought Three Dog and the Tunnel Snakes were hilarious and awesome. That makes me cringe more than anything. I can't remember a single character who wasn't one-dimensional or likable. Maybe Harold and James.
  9. B

    Bethesda’s PR agency leaks Fallout 4 details ???

    "I tried playing the original Fallout but I didn't know how to draw my gun and I got killed in that ant temple, where are the quest markers? I just couldn't get into it, sorry! :("
  10. B

    Bethesda’s PR agency leaks Fallout 4 details ???

    It is. It's over 9 months old and the original source admitted he was lying for shits and gigs. But man, all the positive comments in the Reddit thread have me facepalming. Ahh the classic "I didn't like NV as much as FO3 because it didn't feel like Fallout"...
  11. B

    Why Fallout 3 is not as bad as most people on this forum think

    You guys, Justin Bieber sells more copies than Queen and Led Zeppelin do today, this proves he's far superior to those bands. God, just move on you pathetic fags LAWLS!
  12. B

    Has the Fallout series ended for you, Bethesda/Fo3 haters?

    As long as Obsidian hangs around, we'll be fine.
  13. B

    What is your favorite TV show?

    Current stuff: Parks and Rec, Always Sunny, and South Park. Was a huge Breaking Bad fan too, wish it was still here :(
  14. B

    What's your opinion on Tactics?

    You've probably been asked this a ton...but what's your avy and sig from? Super modded Fallout?
  15. B

    Companion you hated most on a personal level?

    Dean Domino is a great answer. He was a manipulative, egotistical piece of shit that I took great pleasure in blowing his head off. Very well-written though.