Recent content by Daimyo

  1. Daimyo

    Regarding Vulture's Cry and Highpool. Need help. (Spoilers)

    Spoilers in clear text. Turn away now or risk having the experience spoiled. I went to Highpool and cleared everything, picking up various quests along the way. Talked to Sean Bergin and got the quest to kill the raiders in order for him to consider working with us Rangers instead of the...
  2. Daimyo

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    So big, so pink, so tough. 8/10 Hey, where did my av go? Sigh ...
  3. Daimyo

    The Steam Summer Sale starts this Thursday (probably)

    Have been buying games every day so far, hehe. Have 15ish new games and still no time to actually play them. :)
  4. Daimyo

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    The Witcher 2 (Enhanced edition) Love it. Find it quite difficult so far though. (Not done with Chapter 1 yet)
  5. Daimyo

    Wasteland 2 first look video released, update

    I never played Wasteland. I have had the desktop image of the Scorpion robot thingy as my desktop image ever since it was posted here on NMA. This video almost made me cry out in joy. :) I think it looks awesome so early in the development cycle.
  6. Daimyo

    Art stuff I did

    Jesus, Crni Had no idea you had this in you. Sweet! Love the pencil sketches. You have skills! I approve.
  7. Daimyo

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I'd give that a 10/10 just for popping up and thus proving a still present spark of life. But I also like it enough to give it 10/10 anyway.
  8. Daimyo

    Crying Horn APA mk II fanart

    So nice. Thumbs up!
  9. Daimyo

    Wasteland 2 Scorpitron 2.0 concept art

    I am amazed - love it! Saved to my harddrive :)
  10. Daimyo

    Wasteland 2 drive in the final 24 hours

    Will be watching this closely :)
  11. Daimyo

    Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!

    Nice Wooz! Still "hate" that your blog requires me to sign up for shit I don't want to sign up for in order to comment. Because if it did not I would comment. Just sayin'
  12. Daimyo

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Still Star Wars: The Old Republic, and it rocks. The Sci Fi nerd in me is very happy.
  13. Daimyo

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Playing SWTOR and loving it :)
  14. Daimyo

    Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

    Sweet. So sweet. Fingers crossed. X-Com is one of my all time favourites.