Recent content by Faceless Stranger

  1. Faceless Stranger

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    Well it's not like they need to squeeze skill checks into 4 dialogue choices.
  2. Faceless Stranger

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    Where are the skills Eggman?
  3. Faceless Stranger

    Proper Fallout 4 trailer

    I don't see how it's plagiarism when Mark Morgan was the composer for The Stand. Plus the Aphex Twin stuff in the thread is really grasping at straws as far as similarities.
  4. Faceless Stranger

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    Especially considering the reaction to New Vegas was pretty positive. I don't know how everyone seems to forget that.
  5. Faceless Stranger

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    No, but because they removed the dice roll system, all combat skills did were give a damage bonus, and unlock some direction power attacks. They weren't much different than the perks. The quests were better, but the art design, and level scaling were atrocious.
  6. Faceless Stranger

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    I don't even like Fallout 3, but don't you fine people think you're putting the cart before the horse as far as how bad it'll be? At least wait until E3 when you have some tangible details to rag on. Keep in mind that even if they pander to FO3's audience (which they most certainly will), what...
  7. Faceless Stranger

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    If the E3 leak said that the trailer was produced by a 3rd party company, it might not mean that the PC is voiced. It would be jarring to hear a disembodied voice since most people play in 1st person. Other than that, the color scheme is nice, and if it goes for neon-western, I can dig it.
  8. Faceless Stranger

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Could almost pass for Spiderman of not for all that hair/10
  9. Faceless Stranger

    Fallout: Lonestar releases first development diary

    I was looking at it with at least mild interest. Project Brazil as it is now was a bit disappointing in my opinion, but if what TorontRayne reposted is true, then I won't hold my breath. Most of these Conversions don't really go anywhere anyway.
  10. Faceless Stranger

    What Josh Sawyer wants from Fallout 4

    Well, to be fair, it was definitely harder than FO3.
  11. Faceless Stranger

    Wasteland 2's opening cinematic

    I thought it was pretty good, though it looked like the narration was dubbed a bit at the end.
  12. Faceless Stranger

    Garn Creations: A Soldiers Last Post

    Well, I'm getting a glorious 404, as for the naysayers, from what I gather, it's a museum piece, so we can always assume it's from early on during the Invasion of Alaska. :wink:
  13. Faceless Stranger

    Fallout 4 announcement might still take a while

    I'm leaning towards an Elder Scrolls reboot, since Kirkbride's new C0dec comic pretty much points to that and Todd has mentioned his desire to make one. As for Fallout, I'll remain cautiously optimistic. I hope that Bethesda might've learned a few things from New Vegas, and will take...
  14. Faceless Stranger

    Fallout 3 (almost) drops GfWL

    True that, but it was really inevitable for the industry giants like EA or Activision to find a scapegoat, in this case piracy on PC, in order to implement their draconian measures in order to bleed our wallets dry. But hey, at least we have more than two decade's worth of games to go back to...
  15. Faceless Stranger

    Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics free for 48 hours

    Heh, you'd be surprised. It usually boils down "Muh atmosphere". And of course, the ever-relevant "immersion" debate.