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  • Just started playing AC Syndicate. It's fun, but the Templars using street gangs is completely out of character and really stupid.
    Exactly. The best way I can describe it is that it's an entertaining game, handled terribly. Put that aside, though, and it is dumb fun to just beat gang members up as Jacob, giving your own street gang a foothold, all the while justifying to yourself this mob violence as a good thing.
    I borrowed 1 from a coworker, I did the first two bosses and got halfway to the third one and couldn't stand it.
    If you ever decide to play AC again, play Rogue. It combines the stellar naval combat of Black Flag with a better story and protagonist.
    Installed a mod for Empire: Total War that lets you play as the pirates faction; all I can fucking think of is that "You Are a Pirate" meme
    Just watched IT: Chapter II... and I actually liked it. Either the shitty movies are fucking with my mind or it really was entertaining.
    These shitty movies usually are entertaining to a degree. See butthurt rant.
    Reading about Major John Andre; the penultimate redcoat gentleman officer. Fascinating guy, even before the outbreak of the AWI.
    I’m a Joker main in the first Injustice because his (A), (A) basic heavy combo is fucking wonderful for interrupting literally anything.
    I never played the second one but the first one had a better story it seemed.
    Injustice 2 was a toss up; its better gameplay was crippled by that loot box, gear shit, and the better graphics were offset by everyone being ugly as shit (seriously, Catwoman and Batman look fucking HIDEOUS), and a decent story was less decent than the first game because shitty dialogue
    I used to play Deathstroke at parties and just use the ranged attacks and people would scream he was OP after telling me how good they were at the game. So good they can't get past a weak character only good at noobstomping noobs who can't avoid range attacks and close in.
    I dunno who needs to hear this, but if you main Kabal in MK9, fuck you, die in a hole. Spammiest, most obnoxious character. I hate it.
    Kabal was notoriously busted in MK9. His on block frames for a lot of moves were way too safe. He was also top tier alongside human Smoke in UMK3. I think in UMK3 Kabal could do a 75% combo?
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    What's your main. INB4 Scorpion & Sub-Zero...
    In 9? Either Noob or Nightwolf.
    Injustice 2 takes up more space on PC than ACIII Remastered, Arkham Knight, and Total War Attila. What in the fuck?
    Also there was a trend started around 2014 (if I remember correctly) to stop compressing things like audio and other files which gave games a larger overall file size? It's what I heard, didn't really care since I hardly ever run out of room on a drive and have good internet.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Maybe this is a sign you should play good fighting games like guilty gear or samurai showdown instead, filthy gaijin.
    "filthy gaijin" Is Aurelius #2 a weeb?
    I like how I was born handsome and occasionally smart, but the powers that be made me 5’9”. Can’t make things too easy, I guess.
    I’ve watched something for the third time and hated it; felt the need to tell you all this because my social life is empty and unfulfilling.
    There's a couple of movies I've watched an insane amount of times and I still love them to this day. "American Beauty", the 1950 George Pal version of "The Time Machine", Tim Burton's 1989 "Batman", "The Doors", "Vanilla Sky" (yeah, with Tom Cruise, bitches). Some of those I probably watched close to a hundred times, without kidding.
    I’ve actually watched more “bad” films than good ones, many of which I personally love (see Troll 2 and those gods awful Leprechaun movies)
    I know that feeling. Guys don't watch your sex tapes even for a first time.
    Why do I sound like Sinatra when I sing but a complete nerd when I speak? Is it the Boston accent? Oh God, spare me this awful fate
    Because you are gay.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Maybe you sound like a nerd because that's what you are... now get into the locker.
    Fun fact, someone tried to locker shove me in high school. My shoulders were too broad. I proceeded to drag him to a bathroom and water board him in the toilet until a bystander stopped me.

    Fuck with the bull, get the... hands? I dunno, I thought they filed bulls’ horns down or something
    Holy shit, welcome back, @Serge 13. Happy to see you alive, man.
    One of his teeth is dying, though. Isn't that funny? It always starts in the more inconspicuous places, doesn't it? My grandfather died because death was having a BBQ in his colon. I never went. If I want a shitty hamburger, I just go to McDonald's.
    Man my teeth are rotting too, I can relate lmao.
    Brenner the Bounty Hunter has been released as a Warhammer Chronicles omnibus. Well worth the $21 USD price tag. CL Werner is a good author
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