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  • Out of context quote from my father: “I like the blacks. I don’t have a problem with them.” It’s both extremely racist and not somehow. Eh.
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    Deleted member 93956
    The elderly usually can't really stay up to date with slurs and such, but really that's to be expected.
    That’s just it my dad is 40! He SHOULD KNOW BETTER. Like, it’s fine going “I don’t have a problem with black people” but “the blacks” just sounds... off, you know?
    Sounds like nitpicking for no reason. Being this divisive over nothing is the heart of racism.
    Every once in a while I like to play Skyrim while flagellating myself and screaming the lyrics to Chelsea Dagger. Only way I can get off.
    It has come to my attention that there’s another AureliusofPhoenix around here. I’m the only Aurelius, and I’m willing to kill for the title
    How does the NMA community feel about the charges against the Knights Templar? I think a lot of charges were bullshit.
    It was bullshit. Even our King Dinis didn't believe them and formed a new Order (Order of Christ), which was granted all of the Knights Templar holdings. It was basically just a rename of the Knights Templar though, since most members of the Order of Christ were Templars.
    Just so the Pope would leave them alone.
    @Risewild can’t agree more. My question is why all the charges were so outrageously over-the-top. I mean, it was the Middle Ages; people blatantly tried to usurp thrones and claim ancestral birthrights and shit, I can’t help but find it odd that they had to fabricate that level of insanity to get to the Templars when any other more rational claim would probably have sufficed.
    accusations of sodomy would have been enough. Instead the people who raised the charges were like “devil worship! Child sacrifice! Self-sodomy! GOAT FUCKING” and everyone went along with it.
    I recommend the book “Persecution of the Knights Templar” by Alain Demurger. It goes into depth on the exact charges. Spoiler alert: they were fucking insane.
    I'm really depressed by the fact that I can't find a job after quitting my barista one. Serves me right for being dramatic, I guess.
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    Fuck Discord in the goat ass. No sense of humor those people. Banned banned banned. They simply hate Moonman related shenanigans.
    Slack is superior. You can host tons of pdf's, mp3's, roms, whatever.
    I really thought Toront was speaking of Slack as in Church of the SubGenius lmao. Now I'm interested in this other software. I'll have to check it out.
    Appaloosa by Robert Parker is the type of book where you put it down and go “fuck”. My favorite kind. But the movie isn’t that great.
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    Audio-books really should be more of a thing. I've always had some sort of... undiagnosed dyslexia-esque problem with reading, it costs me a lot. I therefore tend to read only when I'm urged by insatiable curiousity, which means I've had to forego a LOT of fiction litterature
    Discovering audio-books (I pirate a lot still, cough, but I'll get better!) was absolutely marvellous! Especially if they're good, as in, nicely read, good reading-voice etc. One of the first I went for was The Godfather, I think I listened through it twice in a row
    The Godfather is excellent
    I’ve got 30 books going right now, so obviously what I should do is buy more. Obviously.
    AS the great Roman statesmen Cicero once said; "A home without books is like a body without a soul."
    Ah, quoting famous Romans. A woman after my own heart lol.
    Is it bad that I’m still horribly upset about Sarah wishing me dead and never wanting to hear from me again?
    I love how I mod games, they crash, & I get pissed at the game. “WHY CAN’T YOU RUN MY LOAD ORDER THAT MAKES MY LAPTOP PHYSICALLY HEAVIER?!”
    Yep. and @Squadcar everyone makes mention of how the Legion is "beating down their door", yet the only main camp they really have is Cottonwood Cove, MAYBE Teachtticup Mine. So, one of the mods on my load order adds more Legion camps and outposts and snipers to give the impression that they actually have a fucking presence.
    The other mods I mentioned just re-outfit the Legion, add more confrontations between NCR Rangers/Troopers and Legionaries (in which the profligates get fucking shredded, I might add), etc.
    Mods are fun like that.
    “Oo-oh here she comes, watch out boy, she’ll chew you up, oo-oh here she comes, she’s a maneater”
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