Recent content by thegaresexperience

  1. T

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    hceck out Magnolia. It's not a sci-fi, its a drama, but I think it's one of Tom Cruises best acting roles
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    George Zimmerman, race and the NAACP

    While we're at it we should get rid that rock n roll music because it makes white teenagers into delinquents. Do you not see the irony in your statement? We are on a board for a videgame that is pretty violent and (for the most part) we play other violent games. You saying "gangsta rap is...
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    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Finally saw Event Horizon all the way through. It was interesting but over all it felt like it tried to be too many movies without trying to be it's own at times.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Played the original X-Com after getting it with the pre-order deal for The Bureau. I had no clue what I was doing and lost my first battle. Installing the 2012 XCOM as we speak
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    Favorite Music Group/Band etc.

    Nine Inch Nails Tool Devin Townsend Bad Religion (up until The Process of Belief, which was amazing but after that... meh) Streetlight Manifesto Shai Hulud Blink-182
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    Rate the above song and post your own.

    5/10. It sounded really good just went on too long for me Probably my favorite BOC song now
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Finally played Bioshock Infinite. Gameplay wise it wasn't spectacular but I loved the story. Now I'm playing Persona 4 and Metro 2033.
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    Fallen Earth

    Wasn't a fan of it. I got bored during the quest where you had to kill a bunch of raider but you had to do it in certain ways and i just said "fuck it". Then again the only MMO I enjoyed was Runescape, and that was years ago. I just can't get into the fetch quest/grind anymore
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I got bored of Fallout 3 so I decided to finally play Final Fantasy IV on my DS. I love it but I'm terrible at these games.
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    Favorite books / What are you reading?

    Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Really good, but I feel like the translation may be a bit weird but nothing I can't ignore.
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    North Korea Invades the United States

    Any other country could threaten the US and I'd give it some consideration and fear. But it's always NK spouting the same old shit. A country who can't train pilots because everytime they do the pilots fly away to anywhere else is no country I fear.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I've always wanted to play Dota but I won't unless I can join in and play with my friends. I don't mind being verbally abused but not reported because I'm not good at a game. But my PC is broke at the moment (hoping to build a desktop soon. I really want to play DoW 2 and Diablo II again), so...
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    Fear of talking about it....

    I don't hate Fallout 3, when compared to the others it is kind of lackluster in terms of the main story. I felt the character became too overpowered to the point that I beat the main story at level 13 with laser weapons which i barely put points into. But then again 3 and NV were the only...
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    Are you a druggie?

    I wish you could smoke cigarettes unmoded. I've always pictured my character as a chain smoker (almost like Constantine pre-lung cancer/Dark one deal). Other than that: Rarely. I'd rather not deal with the effects of addiction. That and I just collect and sell them when I need the cash.
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    The Emperor demands...

    What I've played of DOW2 I loved. I'm not great at RTS's so when they switched to a more tatictal RPG/RTS combo, it was easier for me to pick up. But the original DOW is one of the better RTSs I've played, it's easier than Starcraft but I still can't wrap my head a round what I need to do half...