Walpknut Mar 18, 2020 I don't remember all this stuff hapening with H1N1 or ebola, and those were much more deadly. I guess it's because healthcare got so fucked.
I don't remember all this stuff hapening with H1N1 or ebola, and those were much more deadly. I guess it's because healthcare got so fucked.
Walpknut Mar 17, 2020 Can't get into like 90% of all this Zoomer anime, too much shit is just about some nerd transported to a generic DnD campaign.
Can't get into like 90% of all this Zoomer anime, too much shit is just about some nerd transported to a generic DnD campaign.
Walpknut Mar 17, 2020 All my classes have been suspended until further notice. Now if only they would let me work from home....
All my classes have been suspended until further notice. Now if only they would let me work from home....
Walpknut Mar 13, 2020 Was banking on my cough getting worse to ask for telecommuting to work, but woke up fully recovered. Damn you healthy inmune defense system.
Was banking on my cough getting worse to ask for telecommuting to work, but woke up fully recovered. Damn you healthy inmune defense system.
Walpknut Mar 12, 2020 *Don't Panic but follow the prevention measures* People: Panic hoard everything and be racist? Will do!
*Don't Panic but follow the prevention measures* People: Panic hoard everything and be racist? Will do!
Walpknut Mar 11, 2020 What is the local white rapper and indie scene gonna do without their E3 gigs this year?
Walpknut Mar 11, 2020 Today in Bogota it hailed so hard for an hour that it looked like snow and during the next several hours the roads were a deathtrap.
Today in Bogota it hailed so hard for an hour that it looked like snow and during the next several hours the roads were a deathtrap.
Walpknut Mar 10, 2020 Had to change the joystik on the left Joycon, hope this new one doesn't Drift so fast.
Walpknut Mar 9, 2020 Ordered Ramen but they forgot to pack the chopsticks, so I had to slurp on the noodles with a fork, like an animal.
Ordered Ramen but they forgot to pack the chopsticks, so I had to slurp on the noodles with a fork, like an animal.
Walpknut Mar 8, 2020 Some asshole replaced the Pink shell of the Splatoon Joycons with generic red. Way to ruin a collectible.
Some asshole replaced the Pink shell of the Splatoon Joycons with generic red. Way to ruin a collectible.
Walpknut Mar 8, 2020 Demorilize half your voting base hardcore and then demand their undying support, I don't see how that could backfire horribly.
Demorilize half your voting base hardcore and then demand their undying support, I don't see how that could backfire horribly.
Walpknut Mar 5, 2020 In the new version of the DC Cinematic Universe Joker falls into a tank of G-fuel.
Walpknut Mar 5, 2020 I don't get furries, shouldn't the characters be drawn with 6-8 pectorals or tits if you are making them have human proportions?
I don't get furries, shouldn't the characters be drawn with 6-8 pectorals or tits if you are making them have human proportions?
Walpknut Mar 5, 2020 So is the new season of Castlevania just as bad as the first two or did Warren Ellis finally write it sober?
So is the new season of Castlevania just as bad as the first two or did Warren Ellis finally write it sober?
Walpknut Mar 2, 2020 Who needs to write a good story when you can have an intern make up your lore for you on Twitter?
Walpknut Feb 27, 2020 Welp, seems like it will be smart to cancel my trip to Japan for this year. I guess I'll use some of the money to upgrade my PC.
Welp, seems like it will be smart to cancel my trip to Japan for this year. I guess I'll use some of the money to upgrade my PC.
Walpknut Feb 27, 2020 "Thank you, I will drink until next morning" Bong Joon Ho, receiving his third Oscar of the night.
Walpknut Feb 25, 2020 What if it was called the Gang Bang Theory and it was just about.... Inner city gang violence and it's causes?
What if it was called the Gang Bang Theory and it was just about.... Inner city gang violence and it's causes?
Walpknut Feb 25, 2020 I remember when I joked about eating the fatest steak I could on Lent and an user here actually got super angry at me lol
I remember when I joked about eating the fatest steak I could on Lent and an user here actually got super angry at me lol