Recent content by Zlatorog

  1. Z

    ActionTrip interviews Gavin Carter

    See, i knew they they're doing the Oblivion sequel not Fallout, retards... :roll:
  2. Z

    Fallout 3 Q&A

    maybe it's beacuse of Fallout 3 presentation... blah... Bethesda still thinks they're on the right road to true Fallout sequel, how stupid :roll:
  3. Z

    What would you like to see in a true Fallout sequel?

    What about this ?
  4. Z

    What would you like to see in a true Fallout sequel?

    What engine will be used ? - F 1 & 2 - F Tactics I prefer the Tactics engine, only i would lock up the "real time combat" for good...
  5. Z

    Noonan/Grandstaff: Seriously, we won't talk

    No no, they are just afraid of telling what they are really preparing, so they'll keep waiting until it's release...You know someone who is naive enough will buy it just by seeing title Fallout 3. If they tell what they are doing, they'll likely fend off these "potential buyers"...
  6. Z

    Game Informer Unlimited FAQ and video

    I will mod it and import Oblivions weapons, armors and stuff in it, because in fact it is Oblivion 2 with fallout setting, they are just afraid to tell it.. that's why "Nobody is talking..." :D
  7. Z

    Spiritual successor to Fallout?

    Well we'll see but i have better feeling than by bethe$da...
  8. Z

    Spiritual successor to Fallout?

    Wouldn't it be funny if the game came out the same time as Fallout 3 and would have everything that F3 lacks (Iso, TB, ...) ? That would be a good kick in the ass for Beth$oft :lol:
  9. Z

    Game Informer Unlimited FAQ and video

    blah couldn't agree more, the franchise is dead for sure... but anyways it was already dead when Black Isle was gone so i'm not so shocked. Fallout ended after Fallout 2, that's it. P.s: The only keys that will be used in F3 will likely be: W, A, S, D and left mouse button :twisted:
  10. Z

    Gaming's Fringe Cults

    I was thinking about 5 years ago, to get personally involved in the site too, but then i changed my mind, got a lot of stuff to do... I think i registred on this forum at that time, but i don't know which nickname i had back then,... so i started over with a new one, since things are getting...
  11. Z

    Gaming's Fringe Cults

    Btw what's now with him ?? haven't seen him for ages here... P.s.: I've just read most of the time on this forum since the beginning of NMA, but registred only few weeks from now...
  12. Z

    Jericho returns

    I think for Beth$ we would need 500000 pounds of goo not peanuts :twisted:
  13. Z

    Press reaction to the Fallout 3 teaser trailer

    This Thorsen fag is another oblivion with guns lover... I wonder how many of them are on the net... But i doubt they will have any effect on production of F3, i still hope it will be iso,TB with SPECIAL, typical Fallout feeling and the rest, maybe i'm just a dreamer :roll:
  14. Z

    Fallout 3 to hit PS3, GI says

    Maybe they will change the name to Fallivion : Mutant hunter (It's basically a simple, mildly entertaining, and somewhat uneven quasi-futuristic dungeon crawl for one or two players.) only for PS3 and Xbox360