Atomic Postman
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  • Snyder's Army of the Dead looking like the most Walmart shirt movie of all time
    It looks like good dumb fun.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    Gotta respect a man for releasing the hottest movie of 2011 in 2021
    I wish we could have gotten the Harold/New Plague cure storyline from VB. Would have brought Fallout pretty full circle in a nice way.
    How about fridge in the ghoul
    Nah I like how he is a Tree now and I can kill the tree and then become the tree.

    or not I don't even remember how that goes.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    He was still a tree in Van Buren but the fruit produced was FEV laden, and was the key to curing the New Plague - which was what FEV was meant to do in the first place.
    Today marks six months since I got tinnitus. Shit sucks man.
    Back in my draft my corporal found himself crawling right underneath the muzzle of an M2 browning, right as the operator opened fire. They were blanks, but the damage was both instant and permanent. He got tinnitus, permanent, at 19, a loud "windy" sound, and indeed, when I met him years later, he still had it. I can't imagine.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Bummer. All I hear are the occasional voices.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    I'd rather that than tinnitus, but occasionally I get phantom sounds too. Ends of songs or crickets buzzing, sometimes it'll sound like there's a swarm of flies around me. Apparently that's part of the tinnitus too, according to my doctor.
    Rewatched Wind River for the first time a couple years. Think Renner's character should have been Native but still, very underrated movie.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    He's a bit of a weaboo for natives, I wonder how that new Sheridan film will turn out.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    You think Renner's character was a self-insert? It's a great film otherwise but the end bit where he says "My family's people" was pretty odd sounding.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    My wife's people... yeah I feel he was probably an insert. Fun fact, Sheridan was an actor on Sons of Anarchy and he eats out some hot shot FBI bitch.
    Breaking Bad or Sopranos
    "You ever heard of the Masada? For two years, 900 Jews held their own against 15,000 Roman soldiers. They chose death before enslavement. The Romans? Where are they now?"

    "You're looking at them, asshole"
    Sopranoes is kind of ass.
    Other than that I'd say Breaking Bad as I've not seen anything about the Sopranos.
    Today I made a grilled cheese with Kimchi. Officially, this makes me a better chef than Gordon Ramsay.
    Ever had Kimchi ramen? It's amazing and will clear you of a cold right up.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    I haven't but I have both in my cupboard right now so I'll give the fusion a try
    Ramsey's ideas close down restaurants because he didn't tell them to include kimchi.
    Ethics: if your gf's mother makes you a culturally treasured meal homemade, and it tastes like shit, are you honest or should you pretend
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    I mean it's a very minor lie. Moreso just didn't want to seem rude/ungrateful, also since it was a dish from her country.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    For context I didn't go to a dinner - my gf went home for a few days and her mom made the food specifically for me as a gift for her to bring back - but my GF asked me directly rather eagerly
    Just say you like it and eat the shit wtf
    When you've been together longer you can be more honest
    We had him whacked outside of Golgotha. Some real greaseball shit.
    I was buried there once.
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