Atomic Postman
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  • Walking outside my apartment building and seeing a pile of vomit with mushed up pills in it. Yeah that's probably not supposed to be there.
    The Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes movies are underrated
    Aren't those the movies where RDJ started getting his lines fed to him through an earpiece?
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    If they are he did a pretty good job. Although Jude Law as Watson outshines him
    Cobra Commander
    Cobra Commander
    Only saw the first one and was a pretty fun movie.
    I've written up a Fallout theological faction for my homebrew setting. Not sure whether to post in the PnP subforum or the fanart sub.
    Probably fan art if you just wanna show it off, unless you want to directly start a campaign around it, in which case the the PnP subforum would be better.
    Por que no los dos
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    ended up posting to fan art
    UK Office or US Office?
    The US Office doesn't have Ricky Gervais, so I'm assuming it's immediately better.
    Never watched the UK one since it is not on TV 24/7.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    I actually like Ricky Gervais because I think the XFM shows are some of the best comedy ever, but they're not scripted
    Working on a vehicle module for my PnP I have determined cars destroy the scale of Fallout. Fallout needs more trains and boats.
    • Like
    Reactions: Morgan_
    always wanted to see Fallout Pirates. dunno if they would look like the dude from Waterworld but whatevs.
    My poorly understood twisting of Hegelian philosophy for the sake of argument in my last essay is worse than Caesars
    Legion is objectively the best piece of capeshit media ever released and literally nobody can convince me otherwise
    awe true to casear dengeres laik you go on crosses the wil of casears is our own and you must die the slaves aer spraerding rommors aoot the burernd name aiagn
    Found out I can move back to my gf due to a legal technicality in our new lockdown rules, 2021 might be salvageable yet.
    Zeke was used in the next Gear I think. Right it needed some work. 6 months and it would be remembered more fondly. Plus Ground Zeroes is supposed to be part of it.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    Yeah, if GZ had been the tanker prologue to V people would overall remember it a lot more fondly IMO
    Well it was supposed to be the intro right? But Konami was seeing the money sink it had going on and had to get something out there.
    You may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile. You may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife
    Hmm work on assignments or procrastinate and write a Fallout: The Frontier rewrite. Decisions decisions
    If they're not STEM assignments then the decision won't make much difference :smug:
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    Screw you man, screw you
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    You missed your finals, the Professor emailed me to tell you. Sorry.
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