The Dutch Ghost Feb 17, 2025 Sorry I haven't been much around. Things just don't want to work in my head.
The Dutch Ghost Jan 4, 2025 Been suffering from mind fog, that is why I barely have been a presence here. Hope it clears up eventually.
Been suffering from mind fog, that is why I barely have been a presence here. Hope it clears up eventually.
The Dutch Ghost Oct 24, 2024 Bit late with this but it was my birthday yesterday. I always found it a weird coincidence that my birthday is on the same day as the great war in the Fallout universe.
Bit late with this but it was my birthday yesterday. I always found it a weird coincidence that my birthday is on the same day as the great war in the Fallout universe.
The Dutch Ghost Apr 4, 2024 I finished my first gunpla a couple of days ago, well a mini gunpla. I am quite proud of having accomplished this.
I finished my first gunpla a couple of days ago, well a mini gunpla. I am quite proud of having accomplished this.
The Dutch Ghost Dec 28, 2023 Damn, really missed the last two days because I have been playing with ChatGPT so much.
The Dutch Ghost Oct 24, 2023 Hello all, my birthday came by again yesterday. I am not going to post it in the thread as I think the last post was my previous one.
Hello all, my birthday came by again yesterday. I am not going to post it in the thread as I think the last post was my previous one.
The Dutch Ghost Oct 8, 2023 I helped a cat today that I found with a broken leg next to a walking path by calling the animal ambulance.
I helped a cat today that I found with a broken leg next to a walking path by calling the animal ambulance.
The Dutch Ghost Sep 23, 2023 Darn it. I just had a very cute moment with my cat and a fly. My cat tried to catch it but it escaped her by jumping on her nose.
Darn it. I just had a very cute moment with my cat and a fly. My cat tried to catch it but it escaped her by jumping on her nose.
The Dutch Ghost Sep 7, 2023 Hey guys, do you still want me to do an update article or post on Ashes Hard Reset? It is rather old news by now.
Hey guys, do you still want me to do an update article or post on Ashes Hard Reset? It is rather old news by now.
william dempsey Aug 28, 2023 I am skilled in the vernacular. The English language sometimes seems strange to me.
The Dutch Ghost Aug 28, 2023 I need someone skilled in the English language in order to check some articles I am writing and perhaps editing them. Any volunteers?
I need someone skilled in the English language in order to check some articles I am writing and perhaps editing them. Any volunteers?
The Dutch Ghost Aug 3, 2023 Ugh. I hated my tablet today. Behind my back the screen turning option had been altered and it took me an hour to find out what was wrong.
Ugh. I hated my tablet today. Behind my back the screen turning option had been altered and it took me an hour to find out what was wrong.
The Dutch Ghost Jun 21, 2023 Just wished again today that I could hurt some people so deeply. Scar them so emotionally that they would forever walk in fear of more pain.
Just wished again today that I could hurt some people so deeply. Scar them so emotionally that they would forever walk in fear of more pain.
The Dutch Ghost May 17, 2023 Rather upset at the Dutch mail office. I was waiting for a package for a month and they already sent it back.
Rather upset at the Dutch mail office. I was waiting for a package for a month and they already sent it back.
The Dutch Ghost Apr 22, 2023 Just came across a Bethesda defender's post on reddit on why two hundred years is not enough to rebuild anything.
Just came across a Bethesda defender's post on reddit on why two hundred years is not enough to rebuild anything.
The Dutch Ghost Apr 10, 2023 Apparently because I think a lot of comics these days are political propaganda and speak out about that I am now considered a Nazi/Fascist.
Apparently because I think a lot of comics these days are political propaganda and speak out about that I am now considered a Nazi/Fascist.
The Dutch Ghost Apr 10, 2023 There is an increase in Youtubers promoting games and movies but never mention the f'ing name. Do they think the audience is omniscient?
There is an increase in Youtubers promoting games and movies but never mention the f'ing name. Do they think the audience is omniscient?
The Dutch Ghost Dec 14, 2022 I tested slightly positive for Covid yesterday. I guess that is what I caught last week. I am going to have to be in isolation for now.
I tested slightly positive for Covid yesterday. I guess that is what I caught last week. I am going to have to be in isolation for now.
The Dutch Ghost Dec 10, 2022 I had a fever for a couple of days at the start of this week. I dislike how that can interrupt one's plans and routine.
I had a fever for a couple of days at the start of this week. I dislike how that can interrupt one's plans and routine.