The Dutch Ghost
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  • There are days such as the last couple that I honestly wish that Death would stop playing hide and seek and just claim me.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Rather late with responding because of my usual bullshit (I'm great at that).
    I have been in therapy on and off over the years, and it has not helped me that much.
    One of the frustrations is that I always asked to lower my expectations and accept my life as it is.
    As my life is mediocre and pointless, what is there to embrace?
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Being dead would actually be an "upgrade", as even those few hopes I have that keep me going on will be off my mind, along with my frustrations, memories, reminder that this is it.
    Hardboiled Android
    Hardboiled Android
    I would reccomend at least trying therapy again if you really are at such a low point, and quite frankly getting medicated if you aren't already - there's a stigma but the stuff is there for people who really need it, and someone I know who has gone on antidepressants has been reporting really wonderful results.
    Ugh, I keep thinking about how I would fix FOBOS1 and 2, and make them enjoyable. Mainly because I feel sad.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Perhaps some people really have been overrating these titles because of nostalgia, but I also don't think that they should be considered "terrible" either.
    They're just "average", mostly because the game is very shallow and repetitive.
    You want to commit suicide because Interplay Fallout is gone?
    Just play a 3d platformer instead.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    I do not want to kill myself because Iplay is gone. Fuck Herve and Fargo.
    I feel frustrated because I can not accomplish anything on an equal level despite wanting so much to do so.
    I just had to call the veterinarian this evening to make an appointment to have my cat Lapke put to sleep as she is so sick. I feel cursed.
    It's so thin veiled that is trying so hard to be "controversial" just for the purpose of getting views, and hence get ad revenue. It's pathetic and shameful.

    Specially when the article does such a piss poor job explaining anything, and skims so much from each game to make its "points".
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    Now that is a fucking work if I ever seen one. everything Norzan said is correct and that is just some rage bait article with the goal of attracting fallout turbonerds to harass the author on social media. jokes on them, there are no more fallout tubronerds, they all died.
    I would really like to talk with some of the other writers here about my Fallout Texas ideas. I would like to hear their thoughts.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    While I would like there to be references and some links to FO1, 2, and FNV, the idea is to create a setting with its own factions and organizations. So no NCR or BOS, but instead Lone Star and Followers of the ATLANTIS.
    I wanna see Fallout Pirates! like those dudes from Water World.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    If possible I would like there to be water themed raiders, and yes I had something like the Smokers in mind. They would be harassing the prospectors from the drowned city.
    Sometimes I wonder if I for my own dream Fallout project should perhaps only treat FO1 and FO2 as canon and ignore FNV.
    NV is still respected enough by fans to be accepted as canon.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    I feel the Van Buren documents leave a more consistent and interesting world than NV at the end of the day.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Hello all, sorry for not responding
    Aurelius, that is also what I sort of have. I like FNV but I feel that VB would have been a better continuation and place to continue from.
    To much was cut to fit in FNV.
    I godhonestly don't know what games to look forwards to, and please don't bring up Cyberpunk 2077
    Civ 6 is pretty great now. Prefer it over 5 but mainly because I'm sick of the art deco UI theme.
    Two previous Expeditions games are Conquistador and Vikings. Fun tactical encounters mixed with a good amount of choice&consequence in a really interesting settings (games take a few liberties with the history).
    I'm looking forward to Gran Turismo 7
    I was looking at Modiphius Fallout Warfare game again. I am so disappointed that this thing is based on Bethesda's crap.
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    Reactions: KingArthur
    Fallout Tabletop should’ve been West Coast. #changemymind
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    As if it'd be anything else. The tabletop RPG system is even worse. 2d20 instead of 1d100 and they're going to simplify skills
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    Why on earth you'd want to lobotomize the RPG features for a tabletop audience with an original system that is perfectly applicable to dice rolls in the first place I don't know
    Dammit, I have been waiting for two hours now for that damn plumber to come, and I really need to go. I already missed buying groceries.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    The toilet was blocked. Think it happened because of toilet paper, I was having a case of severe runs during this week.
    The plumber did eventually show up and the issue was solved within ten minutes.
    All that was needed was a plunger which I of course did not have.
    That is kinda something you need on hand to save yourself money in situations like that. It is also why in the country you have a trashcan to throw away those piles of shit paper you were flushing down the drain.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    The plumber is part of the services the organization provides that I rent the apartment from so costs are at least not my problem.
    But having a clogged up toilet is a real pain.
    Heh definitely not going to save up the shit paper here.
    Great, delivery service screws up with a package two weeks ago, and instead of trying again like they promised they sent it back.
    My chameleons bugs mostly arrived dead because they were sitting at the post office instead of being delivered.
    Question: what is the best place these days to check for new PC games news? Which place is still relatively honest and cuck free?
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    You know what I mean, pandering to the social political activists, feminists, etc.
    O, you turned into one of those people...
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Okay I do not want to sound like that either, I want reviews that don't pander to anyone, pro or against okay?
    Neutral reviews, games on their own merits.
    I honestly don't want to discuss or read about politics.
    Does anyone here know of any software that can upscale a small image but without quality loss?
    Damn, I suffer from mandela effect, I could swear this crappy cartoon called Power Team had a certain episode I wanted to see again.
    It all blends together at some point. I find myself recalling conversations from twenty years ago while playing games that relate to the exchange.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Well it is really annoying as I have been looking for that episode ever since I downloaded the whole show.
    BTW did you know there was a high demand for accordion repair technicians during the 90s?
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    The adds during the show told me so.
    Also really weird to see old promos for the Simpsons Season 1 again along with promos for Alf.
    Occasionally I have this urge to collect old games again despite that I know that it is just a waste of money.
    When I see news on bad practices in the gaming industry, next plans for monetization, hyped AAA titles, I just feel tired and sick of gaming
    I felt the same way around 2012-2017 but seems AAA is actually delivering good games again. I mean RE2 and DMC5 made me nut at least.
    Feel absolutely listless again and have been looking at various games to feel interested in anything. Even consider Fallout 4 now.
    Just saw your Area 51 idea in the 'What Fallout was supposed to be' thread. If you ever get a year spanning wild hair and make that mod be sure to let us know. It sounds excellent, and frankly anything to explain some of the Wild Wasteland-style inclusions, before and after the Wild Wasteland solution was created, would be great.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Something else I wanted to do was bring Tibbet's facility back in a mod/fan DLC. The player would accidentally be caught by the computerized warden and would have to organize a prison break only to discover that letting the prisoners escape into the wasteland is not such a good idea as all are infected with Limit 115.
    The player could work with the warden/ODYSSEUS, the prisoners, or work out a solution with both.
    I'd have liked to see how that might have evolved. Tibbet's prison was in Arizona, I believe, so you're having fun times in legion territory. How the interactions between the Legion town heads nearby, and the warden could be interesting. Some people may even *want* to release Limit 115 prisoners to spawn unrest in the East. Fun times.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    I really had this wish to bring back some of the locations planned for Van Buren. The player would go to Denver to seek the source of the plague, the Nursery to develop a cure, and BOMB001 when the player learns from the Warden that as part of a containment protocol it activated BOMB001 in order to sterilize the infected region.
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