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  1. U

    Witcher 2

    Yrden worked well for me against the Draug, was a bit annoying until I finally observed staying close in worked well. The last boss wasn't that bad, just kept making mistakes myself, heh, but the most annoying sequence for me is the [spoiler:94d51cdf2f]wraith gauntlet as you protect Henselt...
  2. U

    FIFA Football

    Woo! Was not expecting that result over Barcelona. Maybe a good omen for the rest of the season Have to love Szczesny's reaction :)
  3. U

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Replayed, so so game. Decent from a small studio, the setting is somewhat interesting though. Other than that, got nothing to play, maybe will pre-order DOW2 Retribution.
  4. U

    Weird/Stupid fears on gaming?

    Those Chrysalids in X-COM scared me something terrible. Mind you, I still refuse to play night missions in that game, although mostly due to the PITA it is to hunt them in the dark.
  5. U does dumb stunt

    Well for GOG, just make sure you keep a copy backed up locally. Don't need to call home to run it, after all.
  6. U

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Playing a lot of Caesar IV, I fail heavily at planning cities - but in a way it does make the game more exciting. The "random" events in the game are of the old "you're doing well so here's major catastrophic events" style, as I found in a recent mission : Three earthquakes in quick succession...
  7. U

    Starcraft 2 - It is out there

    Good point about Zeratul, my initial impression was that he had no idea what they were. As for Raynor, yeah, that was a bit off but given you have choice in which mission to do, the mission dialogues don't track what you've done. Narrative ends up disjoint though.
  8. U

    Starcraft 2 - It is out there

    It seems like a rehash of Zeratul's in BW. Strange that Zeratul forgot all about that one too. Hm.
  9. U

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Decided to replay Red Alert, never finished the Soviet campaign - Stalin's actor is awesome. Really should play games that were released after 2000, sometime.
  10. U

    Dragon Age II: now more like Mass Effect 2

    Love the direction games are taking. might be somewhat interesting to play. Not sure what the hell 'dynamic' combat could be (maybe enemies adapt to your class or something along those lines)
  11. U

    What's the worst video game you've ever played?

    All Apsect Warfare. By Derek Smart. All you really need to know.
  12. U

    First XCOM screens

    Should have just made something a la X-COM Alliance.
  13. U

    Resurrection: Fallout 3 op-ed article

    That guy's on some powerful stuff.
  14. U

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Playing some of the SupCom 2 demo. Not really sure why Chris Taylor did what he did to the game. Economy change I knew about and didn't like, but stuff like no adjacency, factory assist, auto-grouping, unit weapon ranges and the rather odd art direction were disappointing. Blah, had such good...
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    Duck and Cover interviews Tim Cain

    Shame he didn't elaborate on what he would have done differently. But oh well.
  16. U

    Chris Avellone talks Fallout 3

    Frankly, yeah, I wouldn't have minded the series stopping after 2.
  17. U

    Fallout: New Vegas OXM preview scans

    Hah, funny quote. Wonder if they'll start making fun of these fans.
  18. U

    Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout: New Vegas (and OXM)

    Bah, expected as much, given the region and the ties to FO3 (pretty sure people would be asking "Where's the BOS?").
  19. U

    Mass Effect 2

    Combat seems about the same in each game to me, haven't noticed any flanking (only played on Veteran though so maybe that's it) - hit cover, pop out, shoot, repeat. I find it funny in games with cover systems how conveniently placed blocks and other objects are though.
  20. U

    PSM praises writing of Fallout: New Vegas

    So I guess they found a way around the 80 character limit. Sounds good, even if the bar's set low :)