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  1. K

    Wattz2000 3d model

    Made this in Max recently, one of my absolute favorite guns from Fallout. Obviously I can't texture worth a shit, so it looks better untextured. But it's my first time texturing a whole model anyway. It's reasonably low poly (4,5k) so I suppose it could technically be used as a weapon mod in F3...
  2. K

    Renovating a house

    What kind of house is the apartment in? How big is it? I'm not a painter so not much I can say about wallpaper and plastering other than it sucks (have done it a few times though). But I am a carpenter and have been heavily involved in renovating whole houses a few times, an apartment is of...
  3. K


    Beards are awesome. I have a beard.
  4. K


    Well, one can only speculate about these things. It's based on finds of +/- 1200 years old weapon-knives from Sweden, so they certainly didn't think it was a problem. But then again they were a status symbol, and function might not have been the only priority. From a practical viewpoint though...
  5. K


    But that might put me out of business :twisted: No I'm just too lazy, and I don't have a good workshop at this time. Here are some new works btw, all the blades are made by other people, but everything else is made by me (including the sword hilt). the crappy picture quality...
  6. K

    The 10mm pistol

    epic indeed :clap:
  7. K


    Some blades that are not mine, but partially made by me: First, a knife with a pattern welded blade from a swedish/german bladesmith called Götz. The handle and sheath are both hand made from scratch by me. Next, an other knife with a pattern welded blade from the same guy. Also here...
  8. K

    Age Cap

    I think we should forget the age and just kill off all the weak people, Like fat people, disabled people, mentally retarded, etc. all people who are unable to function in society basically. They are all slowing down the queue for all us healthy young people. We should also get the jews and...
  9. K

    Safety demonstration done Right!

    aaah, that's why I tie up my hair when doing stuff like that.
  10. K

    Talking Heads

    That looks extremely Fallout (1) -ish, nice indeed!
  11. K

    Talking Heads

    This one is very good! Still ze awesomest!
  12. K

    Talking Heads

    It are teh awesome.
  13. K

    Talking Heads

    Only one criticism, I think the spikes should be more like this: As seen here. At least on the first one it's pretty evident I think.
  14. K

    All of a sudden you are offered the dream job of your choice

    I'd go viking with Egil Skallagrimsson
  15. K

    Postworld Update

    The winchester widowmaker is the double-barrel shotgun you find in Fallout... I'm pretty sure this is going to turn out awesome, the atmosphere in the early build I tried out (I'm allowed to say that right?) was just unbelievable! If you think the videos are good then the tech demos will blow...
  16. K

    Internet Explorer losing browser share

    Opera is konungr. Mouse movements for the win.
  17. K

    Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!

    Very cool, as always. Am I the only one who sees a twisted face on the chest?
  18. K

    Fallout 3 Painting by Calvin Wong

    It's actually better than the FO3 super mutant.
  19. K

    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    I'm not really a war historian, but I have read some literature by real soldiers who fought in real wars. I can mention "All Quiet On The West Front" for instance, by a true common soldier who fought in WWI. And generally the soldiers are depicted as treating each other "respectfully", as far as...