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  1. T

    Takeda 3

    I Enjoyed Takeda 1 back in the day. Strength and Honour is also pretty enjoyable. Their games are a nice middle ground between the EU series and the Total War series.
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    Fallout 3 at PAX: Heroine Sheik and The Exploding Barrel

    Cimmerian said it well, a great many of the players Bethesda is counting on being drawn to Fallout 3 have little or no context for the Fallout name. Its still disappointing when someone gets it this wrong though. And it makes me feel old.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Glad to see some other people looking forward to the Colonisation remake along side myself. I'm playing through a Lords of Magic campaign as the Earth faction (Although sometimes I only get a few turns every couple of days). I used my start up gold to purchase some shiny armour instead of an...
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    Starship troopers 3 : marauder trailer

    Its okay. I still hate you more. As far as I'm concerned, there wasn't even a Starship Troopers 1.
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    [POLL] Have you played Wasteland!?

    Anyone who has not finished it will be shot for desertion. Anyone who has not even played it will be hung for sedition. Unless you just do not like RPGs, there is really no excuse to have missed Wasteland. Easily one of my all time favourites, although I have not trusted an empty toaster since.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Played some of the Witcher this weekend. Seems pretty solid, but I'll know more when I can put a couple hours into it next week. I didn't realise it was set after the last book, so the "Geralt is alive! Also he lost his memory" plotline feels kind of weak.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I spent some time on MegaTraveller 2 this weekend. Now there was a game unashamed about being designed from the ground up as PnP. Oh how I envy you. Just beginning down the road that has carried me so far.
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    Headphone interference/weird noises

    I had nothing to do with that.
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    Fallout 3 level scaling, location, turn-based?

    Fallout is dead. Long live Fallout.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Yes, but make sure to get the fan made "Circle of Eight" patch. Right now I'm working my way through another Space Rangers 2 campaign. Its such a weird game, I love it. In addition, I'm doing some table top gaming with a Geheimkrieg style skirmish/rpg game, only set in modern times. They're...
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    Meet the Fallout 3 Devs

    I'm not debating which games are better or worse. I'm trying to point out that baseless and knee jerk reactions don't just fail to help, but in fact, cause damage and unnecessary panic. I don't care if you like STALKER or think its the worst game ever made. They said they might be able to learn...
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    Meet the Fallout 3 Devs

    Ten or more game breaking bugs (Assuming you didn't lose some fingers to an angry watermelon) is far too many. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy (As in, continue to replay) Arcanum. But it has things we don't want to see in Fallout 3. Just like STALKER. I really don't see a reason to single...
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    Meet the Fallout 3 Devs

    And Arcanum was a buggy mess with broken combat. You don't fear they will take too much from that as well?
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    Meet the Fallout 3 Devs

    Perhaps a bad look for gameplay as far as Fallout is concerned, but STALKER did a good job creating an atmosphere of apocalyptic decay and despair which included many Cold War elements. I certainly think thats enough to warrant taking a look at. And there is certainly no reason why playing...
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    Armed Robbery at my Grocery Store

    I'm only angry at them for failing such a simple assignment. I mean, if I had sent them, I would be. Obviously since I didn't, I have no particular outrage over their failure at all.
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    The most hated family in america

    You mean like thousands of soldiers and volunteers executing, imprisoning or deporting millions of people based on their religion? Good times.
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    There is simply too much 40K for a single movie. And for people who are unfamiliar with whats going on, its probably a much safer bet to pick some of the more "familiar" conflicts to tell the story. It wouldn't be too hard to grab one of the Gaunt's Ghosts or Horus Heresy books for the story...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    If I ever get back home again, that recruiter's gonna die! Forced into some free time this week, I too am hitting up some older strategy games. Although not as old school as Deadlock or MOO, I never finished Hegemonia: Legions of Iron, and as of right now, I'm preparing to liberate Mars by...
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    Ever notice how there are no women in STALKER?

    I think I recall the developers stating that there were no women in STALKER intentionally. I don't remember where, though. As if the Zone needed the added horror of hundreds of filthy, sex starved, Ukrainian men.