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    Obsidian's Project Eternity Oh hey, my wish came true after 3 years!
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    Playstation 4 Announced, Diablo 3 and more coming

    Well they have enough reason to bitch about Diablo 3 thanks to this: Apparently Blizzard is allowing offline play on both PS3 and PS4 version.
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    Looking to build a gaming PC for about $1000 CDN

    To be on the safe side, it's better to get one that fits. Especially with one of these Radeon GPUs which take up quite a lot of space. My old Micro ATX mobo had some issues with fitting one of those GPUs in, and it had overheating problems as well. Now the card hasn't failed at all since the...
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    Looking to build a gaming PC for about $1000 CDN

    I'd roll over a few more dough and get yourself a better CPU and Mobo. It'd still stay under $1k, and you'll get better performance out of it. For CPU, get either one of these: CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor ($209.99 @ NCIX US) Yes, it's Sandy Bridge, not Ivy...
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    Dark Souls

    I wish I could even buy it, GFWL games are apparently blocked in quite a number of countries. Mine is, for whatever reason, so it doesn't appear at all, nor can anyone gift it to me. You could argue that there's ways to work around this(by using fake information), but is this how they're...
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    Sleeping Dogs

    BN said it, you use whatever you like for the genre. It works particularly well in third person games because of the analog stick. Heck, try a modern 3D platformer with just your keyboard. Even better considering a GTA-styled game like this probably has support for the trigger on a gamepad...
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    Sleeping Dogs

    I have no problem playing it with a controller(even if the Batman Arkham City KB/M controls worked, it felt better with a gamepad), I'm just wondering whether the performance on an average system is good or not. Having TotalBiscuit with his beast computer isn't a good guide for that. :P
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    world of warcraft!

    WoW has to be at least experienced once if you've never played an MMO. Although not now, it kind of sucks with the entire "queue for everything" mentality. I'm glad the new expansion will disable flying mounts on the new continent, to get people to walk out there again.
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    Bethesda is going to make a Stalker game

    They should turn Stalker into an Isometric turn based RPG. :P
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    WIP Wasteland 2 screenshot coming next week

    He just posted something on Twitter. It's not much of an official announcement. :P
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    Games you don't want to play again

    Racing progression games are rarely replayable. Yet Death Rally hits the spot perfectly. It's just fun to go through once again. What magic is behind it? I'd say there's a big correlation of the games I tend to replay and their lack of annoying padding/filler(or unskippable cutscenes ugh). I...
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    Team Fortress 2

    That's not dependent on the game really, that's just the case of that server hosted by someone who needs donations to keep it running, and gives incentive to players for it. Yeah it's lame, but you might as well just search for another server then.
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    People complaining Elder Scrolls online isn't Elder Scrolls

    Re: People complaining Elder Scrolls online isn't Elder Scro Except that a WoW clone's combat probably has way more depth and tactics than a TES game. :P I'm even including the repetitive PVE rotations.
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    Watch Dogs

    There might be some hope tho after Rayman Origins' release, given it was released with no DRM at all. Then again it wasn't a very high-profile release, so we'll see how it goes.
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    Is anybody else sick of the Mario franchise?

    Last time people asked for a story in a Sonic game we got Sonic The Hedgehog 2006... Never again.
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    I only played the beta, but I think the stash is shared. Not sure about that one, but the gold is indeed shared in a single account tho. Much easier to manage. They added almost every improvement they made on UI while making WoW. It's good to know Blizzard learns and upgrades their design...
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    upgrading my pc - is my psu up for it?

    ATI has more problems with compatibility in games because they enforce proper restrictions on their shader compilers and what not... Of course blame ATI all you want, but NVidia lets you get away with any kind of crap from experience. I've never had texture artifacts(swapping textures) like it's...
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    upgrading my pc - is my psu up for it?