A possible Fallout 3 remaster?

For some recent releases, even though I haven't played it but it's generally critically acclaimed Witcher 3 showing you how it's done

The witcher 3 actually suffer from being open world, as much as from trying to appeal to the mass market in many aspects. Despite the fact that Geralt finally recovered his memory and can finally focus on business that are his own, which should have made the story even better, the story telling is way inferior to the previous games.
Well, I played the games as a reader of the books, which I know most witcher gamers don't give much of a damn about, but the witcher 3 is a big letdown compared to what it could have been with a proper use of half the ressources. Of course, I know then the game woudn't have been such a seller, so did CDPR, but it definitly relegated their games to the rank of a fan fiction. Not a so bad fan fiction, but still one anyway.
Don't get me wrong, the first 2 witcher games aren't perfect and have their share of lore breaks, misinterpreted or deformed characters (poor Geralt...), retcon attempts and general money grag concepts, mass market illness, but their writing in general managed to outlast the most questionable design choices. It didn't work that well for the third game.

To go back to bethesda 3, my recent and sole play ever didn't give me any exploration sense. Naturally I didn't bother to explore many places, only when the game provided reasons for it. I just didn't feel that ambiance I had read about, anywhere except a little during the vault intro. This game has nothing on Vegas, which does provide ton of reasons to explore a little more, beside all the rest.
Yeah, haven't played Witcher 3 all that much, but goddamn, at the very least characters there have, well, character, as opposed to literally any character in any Beth game ever.
I actually really like FO3 and there's probably some nostalgia playing a part in there, but I still play it a lot (never stopped playing it in all the 10 years). I keep switching between New Vegas and 3 because most newer games that get released these days just suck. I know New Vegas is a way better Fallout game, but as a general exploration game I still prefer FO3. If they would remaster them and it would look as good as The Outer Worlds, I would buy it, but it won't and since I really don't like how F4 and 76 look like graphically, i'll just stick with the original versions.
If you have FO3 and FNV (+all DLCs for them), you could always check out TTW (Tale of Two Wastelands). It makes it so you can play FO3 in FNV engine, so you get a much more stable experience, all the goodies from FNV (iron-sights on weapons, harvestables, survival skill, ammo and food crafting, different ammo types, traits, all the FO3 + FNV perks, hardcore mode, etc).
You can also travel between both wastelands, by catching a train (it has a small quest to supply the train station with power if you started TTW in Vault 101).

The trade-off is that mods for Fallout 3 have to be converted by people who know what they are doing, and some mods for FNV have to be patched so they work on both wastelands. But there are many popular mods that were converted for use with TTW already.
I have had the W3 installed since day 1... I have yet to play it passed the tutorial area... It just doesn't hold my interest.
Witcher 2, I played 'till around the Kraken fight—or whenever Geralt & Tris were attacked in the garden courtyard.
Witcher 1 I played through several times, and will continue to do so.

The sequels stripped out almost everything I found interesting about it; and somehow ruined the dice game. :scratch:

*Of course... it goes without saying that the same thing happened with FO3. :roll:
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heh that I forgot to talk about this subject here.

I have a sneaking suspicion that it will also be a Fallout 3 remaster. It would have happened inevitably and that is probably why the FO3 to FO4 project was given a cease and desist order. (if a fan made conversion turns out better than a probably poorer made inhouse conversion)
But I have a feeling that Bethesda maybe riding hard on this one after the negative reactions that Fallout 76 received and not just bringing it out to play on people's nostalgia but also in the hope of regaining fan support again for a future Fallout 5. (having to wait for a Fallout 5 after the mess that was Fallout 76 would probably generate even more backlash)

Well I don't need to say what my opinion on this game will be.

The only genuine future this franchise has its with its fan projects.
If you want to remaster bethesda 3, to quote one of it's characters, 'the first thing to do is to get rid of all that bethesda crap'...

To be serious, if I personally wanted to port this game, I would try to do it into F2 engine, or a similar one.
That way the lack of VA woudn't be a problem, and the game could truly be remaster, as in rewritten and changed at leisure without worrying about voices acting at all. Because let's face it, the lack of voice acting stand out in a 3d engine, while in late 90's 2d or half 3d, it still wasn't a problem.
why the FO3 to FO4 project was given a cease and desist order. (if a fan made conversion turns out better than a probably poorer made inhouse conversion)

It was a copyright thing though (they wanted to reuse FO3 voicelines). It was also resumed in January.

As to the remaster- I don't really care- I've got TTW, the only Fallout 3 remaster I'll ever need.
I think it's for Fallout 76 Game of the Bicentenial Edition, which will come with all the DLCs, unique weapons and 500 Bethesdacoins for the shop.
It was a copyright thing though (they wanted to reuse FO3 voicelines). It was also resumed in January.

Okay I stand corrected and I do recall this now. Even if without using the voice lines from vanilla FO3 I think there would have been significant risk percentage that Bethesda would send a cease and desist order to the team.

If part of the FNV debacle is true than Bethesda doesn't like being "upstaged" by others handling the Fallout license better than them.
Okay I stand corrected and I do recall this now. Even if without using the voice lines from vanilla FO3 I think there would have been significant risk percentage that Bethesda would send a cease and desist order to the team.

As much as Bethesda is awful they wouldn't go so low. TTW exists without a problem, they also don't have any problem with FO3 remaster mod now that the team declared that they'll have their own actors.
Didn't Bethesda sue a company LITERALY because the name of their game had the word "Scrolls" on it? They can and have gone lower than that. TTW doesn't get cease and desists because it depends on the user having the game and it's a mod, but if they can sniff even the smallest thing to sue over they will and have in the past.
Didn't Bethesda sue a company LITERALY because the name of their game had the word "Scrolls" on it?
They did and they did it because they thought it would create market confusion with the then upcoming Skyrim. So they have no issues suing for the stupidest shit.

And Scrolls is a card game to make things funnier.
If part of the FNV debacle is true than Bethesda doesn't like being "upstaged" by others handling the Fallout license better than them.

Unless they manage to find some worse developper than them (good luck), they are doomed to be upstaged all the time.
Yeah guys, an amateur team without any special tools and resources that even at their best will simply port over things completely mangled to another mangled mess of an engine can totally best companies that literally solely dedicate to making remasters, in less than a decade after the original release, and of course, be . We've seen it so many times! Like...

It's very nice and all to make this up about the nippy little fans that could against big corp, but come the fuck on. It's even disingenuous to what the business, and product sense it makes to remaster/remake things. It's mostly, to preserve and refresh games for audiences who'd have missed the original for whatever reason, usually also taking it over to posterior console generations. Clumsily stapling the content of a previous game into the framework of it's sequel is flawed in so many ways, but most if not all of them are sort of irrelevant considering that the average (if succesful at all in foundation) fan port will take longer than either an official port or a straight up sequel to which would've been better effort spent waiting for.

On suing beyond the "Scrolls" thing, which wasn't some nobody (it *is* 50% of the name of a license and what's usually shortened to), they've not done anything outrageous? Just like three weeks ago now Enderal got a standalone Steam release that doesn't even need you to have the original game installed, uniquely for a Bethesda TC, and so will Nehrim soon enough. Again, it's nice to pretend like they'd go almost criminal, but
And have gone lower than that
is just without examples. :shrug:
You mean those mods that fix the bullshit that's in their games? Like level scaling, making the gameplay less crap? That's not upstaging? Okay, then. And you really think they won't pull the plug in Enderal sooner or latter? Or any other mod that tries the same thing? Are you that naive?

Suing something just because half its name is the same as another game is utter idiotic. Should Nintendo now sue Almost Human for making Legend of Grimrock because the first two words are the same as Legend of Zelda? No, they shouldn't. Because that would be stupid.

And no one uses Scrolls as a shortening for Elder Scrolls, haven't see anyone do it. And let's not forget all the bullshit they have been pulling with Fallout 76 but it's easy to plug your ears and not notice that.

But then again, this is Arnust, the contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. Thinking you're now in some high pedestal, believing to being better than others just because you are "neutral". Get real.
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Example of frivolous and petty suits by Bethesda.
Companies like Bethesda regularly warn off individuals and companies that it sees as infringing on its rights. Usually, these thundering legal letters rarely come to light. When Bethesda took on one of its biggest fans, a Norwegian artist, the company received a response it likely did not expect.

Erling Andersen loved Fallout, and is a bit of an art whizz. So he created some really cool Fallout-inspired posters to decorate his apartment. He then posted digital versions online, and gave them away.

Bethesda sent Andersen a legal letter demanding he cease immediately. Andersen complied, but not before sending the company a detailed take-down of its dodgy legal position. (He was a student of law.) He mocked Bethesda’s heavy-handed tactics, saying he’d have been happy to comply to a friendly email.


Fortress Fury
Jordan Maron
When YouTube gaming personality CaptainSparklez announced a mobile game, he asked his fans to come up with a name. They decided that the 2D strategy game should be called “Fortress Fallout.” Bethesda’s legal department disagreed.

Almost as soon as CaptainSparklez (real name: Jordan Maron) announced the name, Bethesda sent him a cease-and-desist letter. Maron agreed to the demand, eventually changing the game’s name to Fortress Fury.

”Our lawyers said that Bethesda is a notoriously litigious company,” said Maron. “Obviously they have lots of money and resources at their disposal which we don’t really have at the moment. So essentially we are being strong-armed into having to change our name.”

Apparently Bethesda invented the words Fallout and Scrolls.
That's not... worse? They also made that one game change its name to "Praey" from a claim on "Prey". It's petty and pointless but it's hardly any more of a strike against art than technically everyone could do.
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A true remaster would be a whole revamp of the flesh of it. Revamp the story. Revamp the map. Revamp the whole NuCanon. Make things 'fit' in this world, however that may be. More than just two settlements and a few niche ones scattered every which way or a unsustainable Mercenary army or mutant host.

That'll be a true Remaster, not just updating the graphics or porting it all to Fallout 4.
It wouldn't be a remaster if they "revamp" everything. It'd be a remake, or more specifically a re-imagining.

Either way, I don't care what Bethesda does to Fallout 3, because the end result most likely wouldn't be that much different from original product, anyway.

I actually really like FO3 and there's probably some nostalgia playing a part in there, but I still play it a lot (never stopped playing it in all the 10 years).
I never understood that logic. If you've been playing a game for an [x] amount of time, then there's really isn't any nostalgia involved. It can motivate you to keep playing it, even if it's considered a miserable excuse of a representation of its series by dedicated fans of said series.