Dr Fallout
I was discussing this with someone yesterday, in the game i can say at least 3 times your military background is brought up; once when you tell Danse you were in the army, when you come across the USS Constitution, and it mentions your speech on a terminal in the veterans hall. Makes you wonder if all the internet rumors of not being able to play as a woman were true.I honestly wonder if Fallout 4 was designed, at least part of the way through the process with a canonical white dude protagonist a la Geralt or Adam Jensen (since those folks star in games that people seem to like) then realized fairly late in the process that this would be a very, very bad look what with the history of the Fallout series and the general (positive) trend towards representation of more kinds of people in video games. I mean, "I can play as an idealized version of myself" is part of the core aesthetic appeal of create-a-character RPGs.
Originally perhaps, then Bethesda probably added in a female.