I know, if I ever get my hands on Fallout 4, I am going to abuse the console-commands like crazy. There is no way that I am going to deal with that bullshit system of theirs, and just make it a full shooter from the start.
I know, if I ever get my hands on Fallout 4, I am going to abuse the console-commands like crazy. There is no way that I am going to deal with that bullshit system of theirs, and just make it a full shooter from the start.
I know, if I ever get my hands on Fallout 4, I am going to abuse the console-commands like crazy. There is no way that I am going to deal with that bullshit system of theirs, and just make it a full shooter from the start.
I know, if I ever get my hands on Fallout 4, I am going to abuse the console-commands like crazy. There is no way that I am going to deal with that bullshit system of theirs, and just make it a full shooter from the start.
Actually i disagree because dialogs, quests, player freedom and leveling system are all worse than Fallout 3. Only thing Fallout 4 is better at is combat gameplay and that's it.Fallout 3, while a bad Fallout game, was still more of a Fallout game than Fallout 4. Choice and consequences, tone and themes, and overall plot.
But Fallout 4, rated on its own as a game standing out against other games in the industry, was a better game than Fallout 3. Combat gameplay, settlements building, crafting mechanics, etc.
Both rank below all the other ones as a Fallout game (with the exception of that one which I will not speak of). But that's not the point, because we're comparing them against each other. So here goes.
Fallout 3 was the better Fallout but Fallout 4 was the better game. There. That's probably all the needs to be said.
Actually i disagree because dialogs, quests, player freedom and leveling system are all worse than Fallout 3. Only thing Fallout 4 is better at is combat gameplay and that's it.
I can't believe i'm defending F3......
Actually i disagree because dialogs, quests, player freedom and leveling system are all worse than Fallout 3. Only thing Fallout 4 is better at is combat gameplay and that's it.
I can't believe i'm defending F3......
I don't know, we can ascertain if a game is good by seeing what they aimed for and if they did well or failed. Fallout 4 was marketed as a deep and diverse RPG with lot's of C&C, yet when it was released it was just a open world shooter. It may be a good game, but on terms of what the developers 'said' they aimed for, it failed badly.
If this game is a "good" game then what makes it one? I sure didn't see anything that made me want to say that and it didn't even keep my interest for that long. If it was the perks, those were boring stat dumps with percentage increases, if it was difficulty you were in bullet sponge valley without difficulty fixing mods, if it was combat I'd have to say it got boring quick, if it was quests then again a bunch of boring radiant quests, if it was graphics not only did it run like shit but the textures are dated, and if it's the characters then I'd have to say even cardboard cutouts have more personality.
I've even seen some Bethesfans on the forums disliking the game which is quite shocking.
Does that mean mods?F4 is greater than the sum of its parts. All Bethesda games are, really.
All of the points you mentioned are not requirements for a game to be fun. A game can be fun wjthout dialogs, quests, player freedom, etc. I said a good game, not a good RPG, and definitely not a good Fallout.
Don't say that the popularity of Fallout 4 doesn't prove anything. It does. A game is popular because it's fun. A game can sell on 95% hype and 5% content but not solely on hype alone. Fallout 4 has its positive points. Literally no game in the world does not. Not even Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
Every game is redeemable. Every game has a reason why people enjoy it. It's easier write them all off as people who enjoy dumb entertainment or gets pleased easily. It's not that simple, it never is.
Fallout 4 is a good game. It is functional interactive entertainment that a lot of people enjoy. Whether it's a quality game or not is a different matter. A game serves to entertain and it does that. Let's be serious, over all the satirical mockery, the fueled hatred, the bashing. Fallout 4 did not sell on advertisements, bribes, and stupidity. By way of common sense, nothing can.