Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

Well, aside from Diamond City there's Goodneighbor, quite a nice little community. Not sure if I would call it a town though.
And I've heard something about The Covenant? haven been there yet.
Did you see my video where I killed two large bosses with low level melee weapons on hard? The fights ARE boring, they are just bullet sponges with bad AI.

And did other Fallouts had fights that required strategy? Some did, but definitely not New Vegas though. Oh, hey there Lanius, what you got there? A Sledgehammer? Boy, I bet it's gonna be a memorable fight with you if I won't go the speech checks route, since you're like the final boss and all.

It's a Bethesda game it takes no strategy besides they still don't know how to make a difficulty besides beefing up the damage and health of enemies. I killed her since I wanted the XP as well as getting farther in the quest line to see if there were any good quests, how dare I ask for a game that takes some strategy rather then exploiting the broken sneak mechanic and braindead AI. Look if you like how they do their difficulty in their games that's fine, just don't expect to change my mind because you won't.

All the games (with few exceptions) do nothing but beefing up the damage and health of enemies on higher difficulties so if you're gonna point a finger and criticize Bethesda on that then you might as well point it on other games as well. But calling fights boring because you picked hardest difficulty and proceeded to kill from a safe distance knowing that you'll be instakilled if you go to close because of the said difficulty is another thing.

However, I think New Vegas was on the right path with adding more depth to the gameplay, looking out for food, water and sleep as a hardcore mode would be probably a lot better. A situation where dehydration, not enough sleep and food have accumulating negative effects on your character, lowering accuracy, max health, carry weight etc., up to the point where the player character could simply die after a couple of days. Would be a much better way of cranking up the difficulty than just more health and damage alone.

Let's just be honest shall we? New Vegas hardcore mode was meh. You need to drink, eat and sleep or else you'll suffer from negative effects? The only thing you had to watch out for was dehydration, because you accumulated it fast from eating food which everyone obviously did because it increased health regen in fights. But with all the water and food you find lying around it was never a problem, and you can finish the game without sleeping just by chugging Nuka-Colas and Atomic cocktails, those aren't hard to find either. The only thing that added difficulty was the fact that stimpacks couldn't heal your broken limbs, so having a doctors bag in your inventory became essential. To the whole 'surviving in the post apocalyptic world' that was a nice addition from Obsidian, but there was nothing "hardcore" in the hardcore mode really.
Did you see my video where I killed two large bosses with low level melee weapons on hard? The fights ARE boring, they are just bullet sponges with bad AI.

And did other Fallouts had fights that required strategy? Some did, but definitely not New Vegas though. Oh, hey there Lanius, what you got there? A Sledgehammer? Boy, I bet it's gonna be a memorable fight with you if I won't go the speech checks route, since you're like the final boss and all.

It's a Bethesda game it takes no strategy besides they still don't know how to make a difficulty besides beefing up the damage and health of enemies. I killed her since I wanted the XP as well as getting farther in the quest line to see if there were any good quests, how dare I ask for a game that takes some strategy rather then exploiting the broken sneak mechanic and braindead AI. Look if you like how they do their difficulty in their games that's fine, just don't expect to change my mind because you won't.

All the games (with few exceptions) do nothing but beefing up the damage and health of enemies on higher difficulties so if you're gonna point a finger and criticize Bethesda on that then you might as well point it on other games as well. But calling fights boring because you picked hardest difficulty and proceeded to kill from a safe distance knowing that you'll be instakilled if you go to close because of the said difficulty is another thing.

However, I think New Vegas was on the right path with adding more depth to the gameplay, looking out for food, water and sleep as a hardcore mode would be probably a lot better. A situation where dehydration, not enough sleep and food have accumulating negative effects on your character, lowering accuracy, max health, carry weight etc., up to the point where the player character could simply die after a couple of days. Would be a much better way of cranking up the difficulty than just more health and damage alone.

Let's just be honest shall we? New Vegas hardcore mode was meh. You need to drink, eat and sleep or else you'll suffer from negative effects? The only thing you had to watch out for was dehydration, because you accumulated it fast from eating food which everyone obviously did because it increased health regen in fights. But with all the water and food you find lying around it was never a problem, and you can finish the game without sleeping just by chugging Nuka-Colas and Atomic cocktails, those aren't hard to find either. The only thing that added difficulty was the fact that stimpacks couldn't heal your broken limbs, so having a doctors bag in your inventory became essential. To the whole 'surviving in the post apocalyptic world' that was a nice addition from Obsidian, but there was nothing "hardcore" in the hardcore mode really.

Bethesda takes it too far by giving enemies copious amounts of health even more then other games. They can do things like kill the enemy as fast as they can kill you like in Metro, make stimpacks heal less, put more enemies on the field, give enemies different tactics besides standing there like idiots. As for the Mirelurk Queen, it actually feels like a ripoff of Carmerax from Borderlands except they failed the execution. They should of put weak spots along with tactics to find an exploit to those weak spots. No matter I downloaded a mod to fix survival mode anyways.
Bethesda takes it too far by giving enemies copious amounts of health even more then other games.

I haven't noticed that, maybe because I don't go against enemies that have skulls next to their names. You may also try lowering your difficulty if everyone is too bullet-spongy for you.

They can do things like kill the enemy as fast as they can kill you like in Metro,

Which you can, depending on your build, hence the whole 'survival' thing which forces you to focus on perks you choose and getting stronger weapons and better armor whenever you have the chance rather just shooting everything that moves with one type of gun.

make stimpacks heal less,

which they do, and quite ridiculously low in my opinion, but that comes along with going with harder difficulty.

put more enemies on the field,

Ever asked yourself why games in general don't do that with their difficulty sets?

give enemies different tactics besides standing there like idiots.

Valid point, I just don't see why that should depend on the difficulty set. Just having enemies with good A.I. is already a great thing.

As for the Mirelurk Queen, it actually feels like a ripoff of Carmerax from Borderlands except they failed the execution. They should of put weak spots along with tactics to find an exploit to those weak spots.

She has a weak spot - It's her face.
Thing is New Vegas didn't force you into combat on every single quest, FO4 does, and it doesn't have the AI to justify it and the bullet spongey nature of enemies makes all big quest tedious as they always end up making you fight yet another bullet sponge.
You can talk about speech checks all you want, I'm talking specifically about actual battles if you decide to fight them and New Vegas' battles were just as shit as in Fallout 3 and 4.
You can talk about speech checks all you want, I'm talking specifically about actual battles if you decide to fight them and New Vegas' battles were just as shit as in Fallout 3 and 4.

I totally agree, the combat in FO3 upwards is absolute shit. Which is why I always put up my speech and charisma extremely high and get the Good Natured trait.
You can talk about speech checks all you want, I'm talking specifically about actual battles if you decide to fight them and New Vegas' battles were just as shit as in Fallout 3 and 4.

Combat was crappy in New Vegas, but enemies weren't such bullet sponges if you used the alternate ammo types and the DT bypassing movies and poisons. Also the problem here is that those boring ass boss battles are THE ONLY thing those quests allow. Hell almost 90% of quests are about fighting through dungeons filled with enemies without missing a beat, you do NOTHING but fight all the time. Gunplay mechanics are better in general but enemies are bullet sponges with bad AI so those mechanics are basically wasted half the time.
Combat was crappy in New Vegas, but enemies weren't such bullet sponges if you used the alternate ammo types and the DT bypassing movies and poisons.

Hello! Falout 4's armor piercing weapon mod calling he has his friend Mr. Syringer with him to. Anyone there? Not to mention the other ones that let you add fire or electricity damage. Just because there aren't ammo types added doesn't mean weapons weren't upgradeable to point were one could deal far more damage depending on the enemy you're facing.
Combat was crappy in New Vegas, but enemies weren't such bullet sponges if you used the alternate ammo types and the DT bypassing movies and poisons.

Hello! Falout 4's armor piercing weapon mod calling he has his friend Mr. Syringer with him to. Anyone there? Not to mention the other ones that let you add fire or electricity damage. Just because there aren't ammo types added doesn't mean weapons weren't upgradeable to point were one could deal far more damage depending on the enemy you're facing.

Those types of weapons are only available really late game, you will still be funneled into a bunch of boss battles with bullet sponge enemies often. Unless you grind for them, which, fuck grinding in Fallout, seriously.... I got 4 ranks of Big Leaguer, an Electric Supersledge, Strenght 8, Power Armor and Lots of drugs and most fights are still pretty tedious when fighting anything other than a basic enemy on hard. At least those will go down with a few swings. Bosses? Not so much, and it's not like I really have that much of a challenge beating them, I have been regularly killing Overleveled Deathclaws with ease since I got a Baseball bat and modded it, they just take forever to go down but not a single one has ever actually killed me.
Combat was crappy in New Vegas, but enemies weren't such bullet sponges if you used the alternate ammo types and the DT bypassing movies and poisons.

Hello! Falout 4's armor piercing weapon mod calling he has his friend Mr. Syringer with him to. Anyone there? Not to mention the other ones that let you add fire or electricity damage. Just because there aren't ammo types added doesn't mean weapons weren't upgradeable to point were one could deal far more damage depending on the enemy you're facing.

Those types of weapons are only available really late game, you will still be funneled into a bunch of boss battles with bullet sponge enemies often. Unless you grind for them, which, fuck grinding in Fallout, seriously.... I got 4 ranks of Big Leaguer, an Electric Supersledge, Strenght 8, Power Armor and Lots of drugs and most fights are still pretty tedious when fighting anything other than a basic enemy on hard. At least those will go down with a few swings. Bosses? Not so much, and it's not like I really have that much of a challenge beating them, I have been regularly killing Overleveled Deathclaws with ease since I got a Baseball bat and modded it, they just take forever to go down but not a single one has ever actually killed me.

Is your character melee only?
It was, until I reached level 40 and I needed to grind for 7 levels to get the last Mele and Unarmed Perks so Now I started taking low level pistol and rifle perks. I still mostly use melee weapons.
Those types of weapons are only available really late game, you will still be funneled into a bunch of boss battles with bullet sponge enemies often. Unless you grind for them, which, fuck grinding in Fallout, seriously.... I got 4 ranks of Big Leaguer, an Electric Supersledge, Strenght 8, Power Armor and Lots of drugs and most fights are still pretty tedious when fighting anything other than a basic enemy on hard. At least those will go down with a few swings. Bosses? Not so much, and it's not like I really have that much of a challenge beating them, I have been regularly killing Overleveled Deathclaws with ease since I got a Baseball bat and modded it, they just take forever to go down but not a single one has ever actually killed me.

You can get both Junk Jet during Danses first mission and Authority laser rifle after you finish it. Both are good early/mid game and can be upgraded to deal fire damage. You can find the syringer in greater mass blood clinic, not to mention you can buy combat shotgun in Diamond city which you can upgrade to deal armor piercing damage. All those I got before reaching level 17 - really late game indeed.
However, I think New Vegas was on the right path with adding more depth to the gameplay, looking out for food, water and sleep as a hardcore mode would be probably a lot better. A situation where dehydration, not enough sleep and food have accumulating negative effects on your character, lowering accuracy, max health, carry weight etc., up to the point where the player character could simply die after a couple of days. Would be a much better way of cranking up the difficulty than just more health and damage alone.

Let's just be honest shall we? New Vegas hardcore mode was meh. You need to drink, eat and sleep or else you'll suffer from negative effects? The only thing you had to watch out for was dehydration, because you accumulated it fast from eating food which everyone obviously did because it increased health regen in fights. But with all the water and food you find lying around it was never a problem, and you can finish the game without sleeping just by chugging Nuka-Colas and Atomic cocktails, those aren't hard to find either. The only thing that added difficulty was the fact that stimpacks couldn't heal your broken limbs, so having a doctors bag in your inventory became essential. To the whole 'surviving in the post apocalyptic world' that was a nice addition from Obsidian, but there was nothing "hardcore" in the hardcore mode really.

It was going in the right direction. And the best part of it. It was optional. There is absolutely no reason why Fallout 4 could not offer a new mode on that concept and also improve it. One way to make enemies more difficult is to simply give them more health and damage, making them just bullet sponges in the process. Another way is to de-buff the player, which you could achieve in a setting like Fallout trough more or less believable mechanics, like dehydration. Like I said, as long it's optional, why not?

Of course it's not everyone, but who said the hardest possible difficult or that every game mode should be for everyone. That's why it is awesome if you have it as option. And I am pretty sure that one way or another modders will offer that for Fallout 4. Seeing how some modders made even hypothermia a thing in Skyrim.
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There we go, some fun for once.
MY NAME, IS GABRIEL ANGELOS, CAPTAIN OF THE BLOOD RAVENS. My chapter is in ruins, I am abandoned upon a hostile, backwater planet, with mutants, chaos, and xenos all around me. But fear not, for the humans here are willing to fight against these agents of heresy, and I shall assist them while teaching them of your might, God Emperor.

As for our enemies, they shall taste the blows of my Daemonhammer, God-Splitter! THE TIME FOR RETRIBUTION, HAS COME!



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    2.5 MB · Views: 1,085
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Oh this is hilarious:


Did you hate newspapers yet?

Do be fair, I haven't had a lot of the dialog misunderstandings so far, but I hhhate the black/white attitude/demeanor. In particular, sarcasm is just not sarcasm, it's terrible stand up one liner comedy, that has nothing to do with anything, just blurting out "A PRIEST, A HOOKER AND A HORSE WALK INTO A BAR =O"
all "good" replies are overly, disgustingly compassionate, the "i miss my daddy so much, please hug me!"-attitude nobody asked for in a Fallout game.
"B-but, it's for roleplaying good guys." yes. It is. Good guys. Not nancy lil sissies >:'I
I lean mostly towards good-guy replies, so, my character is being consistently annoyingly nice :I

I haven't tried the evil replies yet, mostly cus I still fear that they'll break my quests, although I probably should know better. Reactions to sarcasm replies are pretty much non-existent "This is no time for jokes! Anyway - "
I wonder if Elder Scrolls will be going for a voiced protagonist now? The dialog and C&C in those games is already non-existent so it won't be as big a departure as it is with Fallout.

Has anybody noticed that Vertibirds are the new dragons?
I wonder if Elder Scrolls will be going for a voiced protagonist now? The dialog and C&C in those games is already non-existent so it won't be as big a departure as it is with Fallout.

Has anybody noticed that Vertibirds are the new dragons?

Oh don't get me fucking started... I forgot... the frustration
I'm meeting this synth guy, and he doesn't even finish his greeting, all "I took these guys out and - oh no you don't!" then he runs off after a fucking vertibird. I don't wanna get involved, cus they're brotherhood, and I'm brotherhood, so I figure I'll let him just defeat them on his own. It takes.. forever. So I leave the area, I go far, to make time pass, I see his dot on the map, he is chasing them around. I return later, and he finally comes back to the spot, but before I can talk to him - mutants. Oh, random encounters, I love them! This time I can get involved at least, untill the goddamn vertibird returns. I leave the area.

I return again. He is back at the starting point. I run up to talk to him, and he just goes "Oh no, you don't!" I swear...
He ditches off again, to fight an incoming goddamn motherfucking vertibird...

I leave the area...

On my return, I am finally able to finish conversation with him, and begin the quest, and I am not kidding - he takes off to fight more vertibirds, but THIS time I have the marker for the boats and the raiders, and can at least finish the quest.