Starseeker said:
You are looking forward to another rehash of the same platform game they've been making for the last 20 yrs?

Except they haven't made a 2D Mario platformer on console for how long? 18 years? No wonder the Wii became supply limited again, when all the old school NES and SNES gamers wanted a new, real, 2D Mario platformer after having been left behind around the late SNES and early N64 era. It's what an awful lot of people want to play, and it took Nintendo this long to finally get that through their heads.
Besides, the game is awesome. Local multiplayer, cool music, great gameplay, no half baked attempt at telling a silly story in a game that doesn't need one, cool power-ups and more fun than most games. Perfect? No. Still awesome, though.
Leon said:
Sega does what Nintendon't.
You mean like run themselves out of the console business?
On the topic of Heavy Rain, though...
There was also a clip from a somewhat interactive in-game sex-scene on youtube, but it's been taken down. Just as well, it was really creepy. The shower scene, shaving scenes and others were pretty bad, too...
The game in general seems to be more like a wannabe movie than a game, imo, though it fails as both a game (too little player control, too little meaningful choices and generally being a big cutscene collection) and as a movie (stopping and asking for meaningless input all the time, looks bad, a story that seems even worse than most normal video games), and so on.
Likely, sales will dive after the first few weeks after the hype dies down.