Kilus said:
Finished the game on insanity. Was stuck near the end when two banshees attack and the checkpoint ate the Hydra Missile Launcher I placed on the ground. Luckily I had a save from 10 minutes before and was able to save the heavy weapon for one of the banshees.
Anyway endings, Legion and Mordin can get great ones but the game can't?
You know, this is sad actually, the game has very great moments but the end ruined all.
The mission on Tuchanka is really great and dependable of your decisions in previous games, it really brings weight.
The Quarian x Geth conflict could have a better development, specially regarding Admiral Xen, but none the less, the feeling is very good.
The Citadel is a live location, it changes based on what's happening, your squad is in various locations and have different needs, as well in the Normandy, you always have some of them engaging in some conversation or discution in various parts of the ship.
There's also very funny moments regarding some conversations you hear, Kasumi mission is a very funny one, the PSTD asari soldier's story could have a relation to Joker and so on.
But instead of this, we all have to bear the terrible endings.
Really, what the hell Bioware was thinking?
They didn't know how to end the game or they suffered pressure for releasing it fast?
For those wandering, there's a entry in the Codex > Secondary Codex > The Reaper War called "Desperate Measures" that simply invalidates everything post-Shepard choice in the Citadel.
And for the record, I don't mind Shepard dying.
Is curious actually, the game explaning why his end is crap and a PoS.
Oh, and the whole issue hit CNN (4.00 min in the video):
Bioware is in full PR damage control this days, go take a look on the ME3 website. Guess what?
Yep, some "MP tournament" giving away...weapons!