Mass Effect Andromada: What we know so far


Honestly that looks like an improvement.
The journey isn't fun when the destination is getting slammed into a brick wall at 100 MPH.
You're missing the point. Everything up to that point was a 6.5/10 decent sci-fi shooter worth $30 when it's on sale.
And hey I'm sure fans playing ME3 for the first time were having a blast right up until Starchild.
Remember that ME:A is going to be poisoned by DENUVO, which is insta-kill for sales for the 90% of the titles.
There's plenty of successful titles with DENUVO. Hell, I didn't even know Doom & DX:MD had DENUVO before I bought them.
There's plenty of successful titles with DENUVO. Hell, I didn't even know Doom & DX:MD had DENUVO before I bought them.
DX:MD is not succesful for SE. MGSV saw moderate success. Japanese publishers are yet to make profit from these titles. Dishonored 2 backfired with almost 40% of 1st game's success loss.
I said 90%, so far I can only clarify Doom as succesfull, even then only recently, when CPY hung DENUVO by it's guts on Doom.

In the mean time, 10/10 GOTY Twitcher 3 sold 10 millions overall and Epic fail of Fallout 4 got even more.

I don't believe much in a ME:A in this regard, most of the failed games were disappointing sequels so far.
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I hope control is the canon ending and not Synthesis. They better introduce new alien races for the citadel forces. The Krogan, Turians and Quarians got really old by the third game.
This is Bioware so what do you expect? However I get the feeling that EA wants to move away from marketing and making games with a heavy SocJus narrative as that didn't help in terms of sales for Dragon Age: Cisquisition and would explain why EA shut down the BSN. Bioware on the other hand would be more then happy to just make games for their small, perverted, SocJus audience with a heavy political and SocJus narrative because that's whats sells millions! :V I expect that this will be the final nail in Bioware's coffin and that once MEA doesn't sell well (Which we all know is going to happen. Hell I expect that MEA to sell less copies then DA:I) then EA will finally absorb and dismantle Bioware like they have with other studios of theirs in the past.

Here is another that is more fitting:
View attachment 6684


By the way the Asari characters name is PeeBee and with a name like that you just know that she is going to be fucking annoying as all hell to the point where you will long for Preston Garvey's company.:V

"Another planet needs our help, I'll mark it on your map."
Hey Andromedans, thought I'd share some totally unbiased fan statements with you.

On a thread about the shit facial animations:
Congrats on the first Negative Nancy thread.
Everything in the game looks great in the current state
It's easy to complain if you don't do the work yourself
I had zero issue at all with the disarming scene, looked totally fine to me
I loved the cc in DAI
tbh looks better than TW3 and I say this as a fan
The faces in Andromeda are the most expressive they have ever been in a Bioware game... And definitely the best looking ones... if anyone is expecting a sprawling RPG to look as good as a relatively short linear-ish, non customizable action game such as Uncharted then that person is just being unrealistic in terms of expectations
noone complained when fallout 4 did this... Bethesda must have criticism-armor
Oh, is it already that time in the game hype to pick apart every detail we see? Hooray!
this is pretty equivalent actually, and I say this is a professional animator
"Professional animator" telling us that this is good. Okey dokey.
I do agree on the Bethesturd's Criticism armor comment, fuck them too, their character models look even worse than this.
Do people actual care about character models though ? Surely gamplay is more important !?
God, Bioware fantards get so triggered if you so much as criticize this POS and Bioware's bigoted employees. Hard for me to say who is worse, Bethesda fans or Bioware fans. I think I will go with Bioware. I don't see Bethesda fanboys sticking up for a racist like Maveen Heir. Yes, I have sadly come across Bioware fans that have stood up for Maveen and his racist views.
If you think Manveer is bad you should read up about Bioware's other employee's. Apparently Patrick Weekes and his wife are not only a big fans of Feminist Frequency and love to tweet about feminism and soical justice and harass anti-SJW's and right wingers but Patrick likes to torment victims of sexual abuse who criticize his "art". What a charming man and his wife is even more charming than him. :twitch:
I'm a lazy cunt who can't be arsed to look for this stuff myself (also I have no idea 'where' to look for it) mind linking me that stuff?
I just don't understand how the company who made Origins, one of my favorite RPGs, got so baaaaaad. I think everyone can agree DA2 was pretty shit as well as DAI but both of those games still had their moments. At the very least the Dragon Age series (so far) has never stopped me from being right-wing if I want to. (being religious, joining the Templars, keeping the Mage's Circle intact because magic is inherently dangerous, etc) Sure there's left-wing things you CAN do but there's always been that option to play as the other side. At least that's how I feel about it. I've never felt forced to do SJW things in the Dragon Age series. Like I don't know, can someone explain to me why they think Inquisition (just as an example) was so SJW-leaning? I felt I could be just as right-wing if I wanted to compared to left-wing stuff.

I haven't played the Mass Effect games though so I can't really say anything about them. I was planning to until I got spoiled for Mass Effect 3's ending and seeing how shit it was I just decided the series wasn't worth slogging through if that was going to be the end result. Is it still worth a shot if 3 is left out of the picture? I've heard 1 and 2 are amazing games and I know next to nothing about them save for a couple of cutscenes with asshole Reaper Sheppard.
I think Bio already started to loose their 'magic', before they finished Dragon Age Origins, I mean DA:O wasn't a bad game, but it really really was lackluster when you think that Baldurs Gate was a huge inspiration for them. DA:O had some really nice moments ... but then you're greated by a lot of lackluster and and mediocre stuff. I thought the combat was convoluted, yet to simplistic - it was simply complicated for the sake of complexity. I also thought that the companions, have been simply clones from Star Wars the old Republic. It kinda sucks, it seems Bio has this spreed sheet for their companions, and they just replace the name and setting, and call it a day. The last time companions feelt somewhat different was in ME1. But ME suffers from a shit town of own problems ...

Bioware, really has become a company that makes polished schlock, rather than RPGs.
I'm a lazy cunt who can't be arsed to look for this stuff myself (also I have no idea 'where' to look for it) mind linking me that stuff?
Top Hats and Champagne has a lot of links in his video description.


What a bunch of cunts. I called Patrick a scumbag and he had me banned on Twitter.
Edit: Got the thing with Twitter worked out. Learn to take criticism Patrick!
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Do people actual care about character models though ? Surely gamplay is more important !?

Gameplay is more important, but that's still no excuse when you can look at other games that have better character models.

Hell at the moment the Monty Python cartoons look and move better than this game.
DA:O had some really nice moments ... but then you're greated by a lot of lackluster and and mediocre stuff. I thought the combat was convoluted, yet to simplistic - it was simply complicated for the sake of complexity.

I have to agree with you that the combat is lackluster but honestly when I play games like this I play them for the story and replayability anyway. Goddamn just putting DAO on Normal though and I can't even get past the beginning Tower because everything kills me in 2 hits and the companion AI is bad. It was my first game with this sort of gameplay-style though. Maybe I'd be better at it now that I've had some practice at managing a bunch of AI companions like in POE and Tyranny.

I also thought that the companions, have been simply clones from Star Wars the old Republic. It kinda sucks, it seems Bio has this spreed sheet for their companions, and they just replace the name and setting, and call it a day.

I haven't played Star Wars the Old Republic (the first one anyway) but I thought the companions in DAO were just fine. The only one that stood out to me as being meh-worthy was Oghren, simply because he's literally just the drunk dwarf stereotype. Even Wynne despite having a sort of "nagging granny" stereotype going on was still interesting because of how she played the straight man to your antics and the whole story with there being a faith spirit inside of her. Maybe you're right and they are clones of SWTOR's companions but tbh I'm fine with that, they're good companions. Alistair is my favorite, he's such a lovable goofball. Even Morrigan, despite being the antithesis of everything I believe to be good in the Dragon Age games is still a really interesting character. Who exactly do those 2 parallel?
I wonder if Bioware and their perverted fanboys/girls know just how much a fucking joke they are in the gaming world. The Codex makes fun of them relentlessly. The Bioware threads on the Codex are some of the most hilarious shit I've seen. The BSN was so toxic and one big giant circle jerk that EA shut it down. Bethesda fanboys love to make fun of how juvenile Bioware and their fans are. Bethesda fanboys make fun of them! I can't wait for this game to be released just to see how bad its going to be and as well as seeing the biggest circle jerk in the history of gaming. The circle jerk for MEA will make the circle jerk for Fallout 4 look tame in comparison.
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Yeah I mean maybe the grahpics arn't great but I think the bigger problem are with the writters being stupid and writing stupid things in an ultmitly stupid game that is stupid. I've never played a bio ware game but when looking at the shit they pull fuck them.

I don't get it though there alot of devs that are decent/Hardworking. But people still buy the games. I think stuff like this is down to grahpics and it 'looks amazing' kinda thing. I think the only way to go about video games these days is to do check up talk about it with other gamers then try it for yourself. But never ever go by loooks because jeus Christ the amount of polished shit that comes out but you know its still shit
I haven't played Star Wars the Old Republic (the first one anyway) but I thought the companions in DAO were just fine. The only one that stood out to me as being meh-worthy was Oghren, simply because he's literally just the drunk dwarf stereotype. Even Wynne despite having a sort of "nagging granny" stereotype going on was still interesting because of how she played the straight man to your antics and the whole story with there being a faith spirit inside of her. Maybe you're right and they are clones of SWTOR's companions but tbh I'm fine with that, they're good companions. Alistair is my favorite, he's such a lovable goofball. Even Morrigan, despite being the antithesis of everything I believe to be good in the Dragon Age games is still a really interesting character. Who exactly do those 2 parallel?
Eh, don't get me wrong I didn't 'hate' the companions in DAO. It's just that after playing the Old republic, I constantly had the feeling like I already saw more than half of them ... just with light sabers.
It's really like Bioware is only doing stereotypes these days, and nothing else. I mean I don't mind stereotypes, I take well written stereotypes over the ... stuff you get from Bethesda these days. But it simply becomes stale at some point. For example, I didn't have the same feeling with New Vegas, where the companions gave me a totally different feeling, despite the fact that they share much less information with you, compared to Bio games. But if Vegas was made by Bioware:

Gannon would have been your typical gay love interest - of course, but who was to shy to admit his love to you, unless you had some convoluted long plot with thousands of dialogues where you both explain your love to each other.
Cassidy, would have been your foul mouth, drinker-looser type of character that got banned from her tribe/organisation/what-ever and the player was there to give her salvation, after a long plot with thousands of dialogues where you explain her the true meaning of live or something.
Lilly would have been some evil super mutant, turned not so evil, following the player or betraying her former 'master' - the games main villain, because the player managed to beat her, but spared her live - choices! yaaay! Now she constantly belittles the player on how shitty he is for not doing the evil stuff, but says that she will still follow, cuz the player earned her respect. Oh, and after a long plot with thousands of dialogues, she will explain to the player all her evil ways and what it means to be an evil Super Mutant, doing evil stuff and such.
Boone would be the old, whise but super grumpy father/mentor type of guy with either a super sad or long and tragic backstory, that is kind of an asshole to the player and criticising him at every turn, but in the end telling him that when the time comes, he will have to make the tough choices! And yeah, after a long plot with thousands of dialogues, he will explain his whole back story to the player.
Ah, and Veronica, would be simply a whiny bitch with a hot booty for the player to fuck around with. Also the lesbian love interest of course. After a long plot with thousands of ...

I think you get the picture.

The fact that Bioware, used the same voice actors for some characters didn't really help much either.
I'm starting to see a lot of the issues people have with Bioware now.
Jesus, way to alienate a large percentage of your fanbase.
No wonder I wasn't interested in anything post EA outside of the original Dragon Age and Mass Effect trilogy.

I also just found out that all the founding members have left, while one left pretty early on, the other two "retired" from Bioware in 2012, I find it odd that two founding members of a pretty successful Company at that time "retired" but I guess they jumped out a sinking ship.