Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

Dishonored and another Prey
You mean Thief-lite and System Shock-lite? I'm pretty sure the main duo who were behind those games are gone one of them went off to write a western and I don't know about the other. You'll have to deal with Prey: Mooncrash the game (deathloop) and after Death of the Outsider you ain't seeing Dishonored for a while and the next Tes game will be in about ten years.

Although I never played Daggerfall
Daggerfall unity is really fun, though it's more of an rpg sim than the standard crpg.

Oblivion was the tits bruh
Setting was boring and lore breaking, level scaling is wonky, character creation results in either rotten potato or over ripened potato, gameplay was stiff and the only good content were a handful of good and unique side quests, every faction except for the Mage's Gild, and Shivering Isles. It was a step down from Morrowind.
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To a 12 year old, being their first tes it was the best game ever. Still better than skyrim and 99% of the shit floating around today. Not trashing Morrowind though.
To a 12 year old, being their first tes it was the best game ever.
Everyone likes retarded, dumb shit while growing up. Doesn't mean that stuff isn't any less bad because you had fun with it as a kid.

And Oblivion was my first Elder Scrolls game.
99% of the shit floating around today.
No, it isn't. If anything, Oblivion is pretty much the prime example of a dumbed down, RPG-lite made for the dumb masses. And Bethesda themselves said as such when they said they wanted the game to appeal to everyone.

It was a step down from Oblivion.
You mean a step down from Morrowind, which certainly to shit it is. Such a sharp drop in quality, and Morrowind is flawed.
Everyone likes retarded, dumb shit while growing up. Doesn't mean that stuff isn't any less bad because you had fun with it as a kid.
Doesn't make it any less worse than all the crap being released today either lol
No, it isn't.
Yes, it is.
You mean a step down from Morrowind, which certainly to shit it is. Such a sharp drop in quality, and Morrowind is flawed.
It had better gameplay than Morrowind and it also had more variety of quests. Morrowind quests were designed to get you moving around the map and looking at things. they are not nearly as memorable as Oblivion's. Good, or bad. they bit off more than they, or tech at the time could chew. If anything they stayed in place.

Yet another sore spot. Give me the original Prey any day.
The original was fine, but I really liked Arkane's take better. Navigating the space station and using abilities was done well, I think. The way choices were handled was good too. I went with hybrid in the end.
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Doesn't make it any less worse than all the crap being released today either lol
It's still crap regardless.

Yes, it is.
No, it fucking isn't. That's an insult to a lot of great games released recently. Don't compare garbage like Oblivion to games like Underrail which shits all over it.

It had better gameplay than Morrowind
No, it doesn't. Oblivion doesn't have the cool spells Morrowind has and the attacks based on the direction of the mouse (those shitty power moves from Oblivion aren't the same thing), nowhere near the same amount of weapons and different damage types for weapons like piercing. Oblivion's gameplay is bottom of the barrel garbage, just a button masher where two stones grind on each other until one wins.

Oblivion's combat has all the problems of Morrowind's combat without any of the good stuff the latter has. They took the wrong lessons from Morrowind's combat failings.

Morrowind quests were designed to get you moving around the map and looking at things. they are not nearly as memorable as Oblivion's. Good, or bad. they bit off more than they, or tech at the time could chew. If anything they stayed in place.
80% of the quests in Oblivion are uninspired fetch or kill quest garbage, and the ones that aren't like that aren't any better or more memorable than Morrowind's. Oblivion's supposed good quests are the most overrated, overhyped quests in the RPG genre. They are decent at the absolute best, and in any other much better written RPG they would be the worst quests.
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I remember when I was 18 and thinking that Fallout 3 was the shit! I've recently went back to it and I have to say that sometimes it is best to leave things in the past.
No, it fucking isn't.
That's an insult to a lot of great games released recently. Don't compare garbage like Oblivion to games like Underrail which shits all over it.
I'm sorry Oblivion hurt you, but I said it is better than 99% of games released today, and yet, out of all the games you could pick you went with Underrail. lol
It's a slog like most crpgs, and it's art direction is boring and forgettable. Nothing ever stands out.
Good crpgs are the very rare exception, not the rule.

No, it doesn't. Oblivion doesn't have the cool spells Morrowind has and the attacks based on the direction of the mouse (those shitty power moves from Oblivion aren't the same thing), nowhere near the same amount of weapons and different damage types for weapons like piercing. Oblivion's gameplay is bottom of the barrel garbage, just a button masher where two stones grind on each other until one wins.

Oblivion's combat has all the problems of Morrowind's combat without any of the good stuff the latter has. They took the wrong lessons from Morrowind's combat failings.
Yes, it do. A few cool spells and a pointy stick will never make up for Morrowinds mental torture of a battle system. miss-miss-miss-hit-miss-miss. Fuck me. It should not take me 3min standing in place to kill a glorified parrot. I felt dread when battle would start in Morrowind. I'm really not sure what to tell you as you are
80% of the quests in Oblivion are uninspired fetch or kill quest garbage, and the ones that aren't like that aren't any better or more memorable than Morrowind's. Oblivion's supposed good quests are the most overrated, overhyped quests in the RPG genre. They are decent at the absolute best, and in any other much better written RPG they would be the worst quests.
Morrowind had just as many fetch quests bro, don't know what to tell you. Mages guild was shit in that game. It had good art design, atmoshpere, story and setting, but it is objectively a better game than Morrowind in their vanilla forms.
If Morrowind Remaster manages to include Morrowind's spells and weapons it will be what it should have been. Skyblivion is just a nice visual treat, Morrowind was half baked.
I didn't bother playing Oblivion, but the vast majority of Morrowind's quests are unmemorable as fuck, and this is because the quests exist to increase immersion as opposed to existing to provide an interesting, unique experience.

This is great if you are all about immershun, but if you want something that tests your character, you will most likely be disappointed.

Why yes I love retrieving mushrooms, what a thought-provoking quest!
I mean everything Morgan said about Morrowind is false. Oblivion is shit. End of discussion.

I mean everything Morgan said about Morrowind is false. Oblivion is shit. End of discussion.

Honestly I could care less about 'The Elder Scrolls' argument, as I have zero interest in the series as a whole. At least playing New Vegas through this connection bought about by The Big MT's technologies gives me insight into the Mojave and other areas the other 'fantasy' series offer no such advantages for wasting my time.

Saying Oblivion of all fucking things is better than 99% of stuff that come out recently is such an ignorant, flat out objectively wrong statement. Saying bullshit and then hiding behind "it's just my opinion" needs to die. An opinion has a limit.