Obsidian's Project Eternity

Crni Vuk said:
Tagaziel said:
Surf Solar said:
Liking that this might the first AAA ( ???) game for years that uses prerendered 2d Graphics.

So low resolution, not scalable, inflexible and occupying gigabytes of space with frames? Wake up. 3D is more cost effective, flexible and looks just as good as 2D. Hell, everything in Fallout/Fallout 2/Baldur's Gate/Planescape: Torment/Icewind Dale/pretty-much-every-larger-"2D"-game-made-after-inventing-3D-modelling-software was created, as you admit, as a 3D model and only then stored as 2D sprites. Why you insist on using an inferior storage medium instead of using the source model is beyond me.
Dragon age looks shit.

Thing is, 3D is one of the things that can be done fast (relatively) but if done wrong it is not aging well. Look at Oblivion, Fallout 3. New Vegas is really a worse game in my eyes exactly because of that. Despite the good writing and good quests it has to deal with a stupid 3D engine. Or Dragon Age for that matter.

Baldurs Gate and similar games, like Planescape Torment, Arcanum and many more age much better. Simply because the world has an artistic feel compared to 3D which feels rather artificial.

That doesn't mean things cant be done as well or even better in 3D. But to many times people simply are either not willingly or lack the time/resources to make it look like a classic.

I approve of this message.

Although it would be nice if Obsidian would think ahead and make the game resolution easily moddable.

I am also thinking about hi-res 2D backgrounds with fancy seamless zoom in - zoom out effects on the PC and his/her suroundings.
Every time I refresh, it's a different number. It's great.
I doubt I'll be able to pledge, though. Buying when it is released, regardless.
Crni Vuk said:
Look at Oblivion, Fallout 3. New Vegas is really a worse game in my eyes exactly because of that. Despite the good writing and good quests it has to deal with a stupid 3D engine. Or Dragon Age for that matter.

Comparing top-down/iso game to FPP or TPP is pointless - FPP games (like F3/NV) age fastest. TPP (like DA) age almost as fast, because to look good they require highly detailed 3d models (among some other things like better physics, shaders or facial animations). And it is very time consuming and expensive. Also the developement of games' graphics is focused on these genres, so it's hard to keep up to date.
Top-down/iso games that don't have 3d close-up shots can usually avoid this problem and tend to age well.

Nowadays it is not a very big problem (aside from money) to create a 3d game environment that will look much better than a 2d.

[And of course character portraits made in 3d look much worse than painted ones.]

Also: BG1 and P:T today are either a blurry mess of pixels or require a magnifying glass to see anything. BG2 aged better due to it's higher resolution but has this problem, too.
And Arcanum never looked good so I don't know why you mentioned it :P

Btw.: $1,091,918 :D
It is funded now. $1,101,038

/Edit: And Obsidian forum is overloaded, of course.
So i guess Wasteland 2 was more successful in 24 hours , that does not make sense since the studio developing it is much less known.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:

Damn, that's pretty terrible.

Was that like a "thank you" thing? A message would be more appropriate methinks, this is just confusing, what was that song?
Token-not-found said:
Damn, that's pretty terrible.

Was that like a "thank you" thing? A message would be more appropriate methinks, this is just confusing, what was that song?




Sawyer anounced that he would sing a song if they woud reach the goal today.

Why so serious?
iii said:
Token-not-found said:
Damn, that's pretty terrible.

Was that like a "thank you" thing? A message would be more appropriate methinks, this is just confusing, what was that song?




Sawyer anounced that he would sing a song if they woud reach the goal today.

Why so serious?

Is this....real life ?