Except that the movie never gave any answer why there was a space ship crashed on that planet in the first place. Why it had those creatures on board. Weapons? Scientists? If a weapon, why only one pilot? And if so what was its destination? Why was it there for so long? If it was a science vessel then again only one person for the whole ship? Why did they picked up such a hostile creature in the first place? Not to mention the whole ship was full with THOUSANDS of eggs. They must come from somewhere they sure didn't started to form just from air and love. What happened with the whole crew of the ship. Have they been transformed in to eggs? There are many questions regarding the engineers or how we called them in the past "space jockeys" which have never been answered. Not even Prometheus gives so far any answer on that part of the story, but they might in a sequel we have to wait and see.
And that is just about the aliens. There is the crew of the Nostromo and the Weyland corporation. They have this signal. Somewhere in space. They somewhat managed to interpret it before sending the Nostromo on its way. And it is clear that it was a warning not a distress signal. So they send this ship which was clearly not equipment for a science mission leave alone a mission where you expect hostility, that is pretty much one of the worst requirements. I mean that would be like guiding some oil tanker to some island because there is a chance to find the biggest treasure ever.
And you have the Android Ash the movie never really showed it but there has been some kind of connection between him and the Alien as the movie reveals that he knew about it since the first time they got in contact with it and not only after it killed Kane. The book to the movie which was written after the scripts even gives the information that Ash was actually trying to ... talk with the Xenomorph or get in any other way in contact with it but he never told the survivors if he had success he wanted to take this information with him in his grave.
There are many question that can be asked. Sure a good part of it comes from as how you say "imagination". But I think that is why Alien was such a good movie.
If Prometheus does the same then that is a good thing in my eyes. But, of course "illogical" inconsistency is another thing. Those are silly and should be avoided with that I agree. And Alien was more or less free from those things (except maybe that the Corporation sends the Nostromo for it instead of some science ship but I don't have any issue with that the purpose was to show what kind of company the employe of the nostromo is). I have read for example that 2 scientists get lost in Prometheus and act in very very stupid ways. Though people forget about Kane. The guy which said "HEY! Super dead ancient alien ship with who knows what on board! OH! look big hole in the ground and no one knows where it leads to! INVESTIGATION TIME!!!111" and then he is touching that egg. Do you know what I would do there? Shitting in my pants, screaming to leave this place particularly as it was pretty clear that the pilot was ... well dead. But then Kane gets pretty curious, the egg opens and he has nothing better to do then to look whats inside. I am not sure if I would expect such behaviour from a "usual" person. The book here is pretty good though as it spends a huge time on explaining the characters. And kane was the guy who would fit in to the "tresure hunting" character so it somewhat fits.
I guess he is curious if those eggs can be fried.
But those are "movies", and at least Alien was really well made, but I don't think we have to talk about that here. How is Prometheus? I have no fucking clue. Maybe I will hate it like a few others here. But so far from what I have seen I think I will like it. One thing I hate is the ... look they gave the engineer/alien-race. meh ... I wish they would not have made them so ... human. That kinda sucks. But so be it.
- this is not a rant
Except that the movie never gave any answer why there was a space ship crashed on that planet in the first place. Why it had those creatures on board. Weapons? Scientists? If a weapon, why only one pilot? And if so what was its destination? Why was it there for so long? If it was a science vessel then again only one person for the whole ship? Why did they picked up such a hostile creature in the first place? Not to mention the whole ship was full with THOUSANDS of eggs. They must come from somewhere they sure didn't started to form just from air and love. What happened with the whole crew of the ship. Have they been transformed in to eggs? There are many questions regarding the engineers or how we called them in the past "space jockeys" which have never been answered. Not even Prometheus gives so far any answer on that part of the story, but they might in a sequel we have to wait and see.
And that is just about the aliens. There is the crew of the Nostromo and the Weyland corporation. They have this signal. Somewhere in space. They somewhat managed to interpret it before sending the Nostromo on its way. And it is clear that it was a warning not a distress signal. So they send this ship which was clearly not equipment for a science mission leave alone a mission where you expect hostility, that is pretty much one of the worst requirements. I mean that would be like guiding some oil tanker to some island because there is a chance to find the biggest treasure ever.
And you have the Android Ash the movie never really showed it but there has been some kind of connection between him and the Alien as the movie reveals that he knew about it since the first time they got in contact with it and not only after it killed Kane. The book to the movie which was written after the scripts even gives the information that Ash was actually trying to ... talk with the Xenomorph or get in any other way in contact with it but he never told the survivors if he had success he wanted to take this information with him in his grave.
There are many question that can be asked. Sure a good part of it comes from as how you say "imagination". But I think that is why Alien was such a good movie.
If Prometheus does the same then that is a good thing in my eyes. But, of course "illogical" inconsistency is another thing. Those are silly and should be avoided with that I agree. And Alien was more or less free from those things (except maybe that the Corporation sends the Nostromo for it instead of some science ship but I don't have any issue with that the purpose was to show what kind of company the employe of the nostromo is). I have read for example that 2 scientists get lost in Prometheus and act in very very stupid ways. Though people forget about Kane. The guy which said "HEY! Super dead ancient alien ship with who knows what on board! OH! look big hole in the ground and no one knows where it leads to! INVESTIGATION TIME!!!111" and then he is touching that egg. Do you know what I would do there? Shitting in my pants, screaming to leave this place particularly as it was pretty clear that the pilot was ... well dead. But then Kane gets pretty curious, the egg opens and he has nothing better to do then to look whats inside. I am not sure if I would expect such behaviour from a "usual" person. The book here is pretty good though as it spends a huge time on explaining the characters. And kane was the guy who would fit in to the "tresure hunting" character so it somewhat fits.
I guess he is curious if those eggs can be fried.

But those are "movies", and at least Alien was really well made, but I don't think we have to talk about that here. How is Prometheus? I have no fucking clue. Maybe I will hate it like a few others here. But so far from what I have seen I think I will like it. One thing I hate is the ... look they gave the engineer/alien-race. meh ... I wish they would not have made them so ... human. That kinda sucks. But so be it.
- this is not a rant