Secret of Prometheus


Except that the movie never gave any answer why there was a space ship crashed on that planet in the first place. Why it had those creatures on board. Weapons? Scientists? If a weapon, why only one pilot? And if so what was its destination? Why was it there for so long? If it was a science vessel then again only one person for the whole ship? Why did they picked up such a hostile creature in the first place? Not to mention the whole ship was full with THOUSANDS of eggs. They must come from somewhere they sure didn't started to form just from air and love. What happened with the whole crew of the ship. Have they been transformed in to eggs? There are many questions regarding the engineers or how we called them in the past "space jockeys" which have never been answered. Not even Prometheus gives so far any answer on that part of the story, but they might in a sequel we have to wait and see.

And that is just about the aliens. There is the crew of the Nostromo and the Weyland corporation. They have this signal. Somewhere in space. They somewhat managed to interpret it before sending the Nostromo on its way. And it is clear that it was a warning not a distress signal. So they send this ship which was clearly not equipment for a science mission leave alone a mission where you expect hostility, that is pretty much one of the worst requirements. I mean that would be like guiding some oil tanker to some island because there is a chance to find the biggest treasure ever.

And you have the Android Ash the movie never really showed it but there has been some kind of connection between him and the Alien as the movie reveals that he knew about it since the first time they got in contact with it and not only after it killed Kane. The book to the movie which was written after the scripts even gives the information that Ash was actually trying to ... talk with the Xenomorph or get in any other way in contact with it but he never told the survivors if he had success he wanted to take this information with him in his grave.

There are many question that can be asked. Sure a good part of it comes from as how you say "imagination". But I think that is why Alien was such a good movie.

If Prometheus does the same then that is a good thing in my eyes. But, of course "illogical" inconsistency is another thing. Those are silly and should be avoided with that I agree. And Alien was more or less free from those things (except maybe that the Corporation sends the Nostromo for it instead of some science ship but I don't have any issue with that the purpose was to show what kind of company the employe of the nostromo is). I have read for example that 2 scientists get lost in Prometheus and act in very very stupid ways. Though people forget about Kane. The guy which said "HEY! Super dead ancient alien ship with who knows what on board! OH! look big hole in the ground and no one knows where it leads to! INVESTIGATION TIME!!!111" and then he is touching that egg. Do you know what I would do there? Shitting in my pants, screaming to leave this place particularly as it was pretty clear that the pilot was ... well dead. But then Kane gets pretty curious, the egg opens and he has nothing better to do then to look whats inside. I am not sure if I would expect such behaviour from a "usual" person. The book here is pretty good though as it spends a huge time on explaining the characters. And kane was the guy who would fit in to the "tresure hunting" character so it somewhat fits.

I guess he is curious if those eggs can be fried.

But those are "movies", and at least Alien was really well made, but I don't think we have to talk about that here. How is Prometheus? I have no fucking clue. Maybe I will hate it like a few others here. But so far from what I have seen I think I will like it. One thing I hate is the ... look they gave the engineer/alien-race. meh ... I wish they would not have made them so ... human. That kinda sucks. But so be it.

- this is not a rant :P
eom said:
Crni Vuk said:
UniversalWolf said:
I can't remember another movie that raised as many questions as Prometheus without answering any of them.

I really don't see alien raising many questions.
in your imagination, everything on set might've had a backstory, but it was a fairly straightforward movie.

Crni Vuk said:

Except that the movie never gave any answer why there was a space ship crashed on that planet in the first place. Why it had those creatures on board. Weapons? Scientists? If a weapon, why only one pilot? And if so what was its destination? Why was it there for so long? If it was a science vessel then again only one person for the whole ship? Why did they picked up such a hostile creature in the first place? Not to mention the whole ship was full with THOUSANDS of eggs. They must come from somewhere they sure didn't started to form just from air and love. What happened with the whole crew of the ship. Have they been transformed in to eggs? There are many questions regarding the engineers or how we called them in the past "space jockeys" which have never been answered. Not even Prometheus gives so far any answer on that part of the story,;dr

edit: as for the evil corporation, I haven't seen the movie in years, so I'm working off vague memories, but I believe it's just a case of a bit of timely social commentary on evil 80s greed --- like when we harness atomic energy the media is full of atomic superheroes and monsters, or when computers began to insinuate themselves into daily life you get movies with evil computers running amok.

so, weyland is the archetypical evil corporation putting greed before humanity, and I guess they get this signal, plant a moledroid onboard, and send the hapless crew of the nostromo to get impregnated and return the alien to their care so they can do whatever an evil corporation does with that little alien creature --- grind it up for hotdogs, powder it's lower horn for herbal viagra, or whatever.

I imagine they make the 'distress' call into a warning beacon for added drama, but if it really needs a story, I guess the guy was running out of gas, or whatever, set down on this rock and fired off a warning beacon in case any of his people happened by because he was hauling a biohazard.
then he sat in his chair watching family guy and playing starcraft until he died.

more edits: the scientist guys are way more stupider than the guys in alien.
if you found some ancient alien derelict you know you'd be checking it out.
As said, I get the part about the corporation and yeah it was some form of criticsm. It still does not make that much sense when you think about it. They had enough time to throw the old crew member out and replace it with some android which got clear instructions - remember the android in Aliens said it must have been some kind of malfunction because androids are "programmed" not to harm humans but the movie Alien makes it clear that Ash had his orders - so what stoped the corporation from replacing the whole crew with androids without telling anyone. Sure the teory is that their plan was to get one of the crew members eventually infected or what ever. But thats a pretty risky thing as we see it in the movie. But besides the hostility of the xenomorph who knows if the crew members might not have simply left Kane. You said you have not watched the movie for quite some time so I will refresh your memory about the that part for teh case you dont remember. Before the crew enters the Nostromo after they left the derelict-alien ship Ripley is refusing to open the air locks to let the crew enter the Nostromo because the directive about Alien life forms are quite clear in that case and she had to maintain a quarantine - the way how this is starting a conflict between Ripley and Lambert is quite nicely shown to say that. It is Ash that circumvents the order by Ripley and opening the air lock disobeying clear directives regarding alien life forms.

So if we assume that androids are made with "ethics" in mind which makes sense then they had the time to "reprogram" Ash one way or another. Remember. Bishop in Aliens was very curious about the Xenomorphs and did some research. Yet he didnt sacrificed the people for the research. It was Burke a human this time. So Ash even if he had some fascination for the Alien Ash probably has willingly accepted the fate of the crew because he was ordered to sacrifice them if needed.

If the company would really want that creature so bad they would not have sended the Nostromo as it is pretty clear that such a vessel has many ods against it. Not to mention the possibility that the Captain would eventually decide to leave the area after he found no one alife there.

And for the question, yeah I would NOT investigate such a place. I mean really now ... I get already the creeps when I am walking at night in some lonesome industry ruin. Do you think a usual human would enter this space ship which looks like straight from hell? I guess the usual person isnt really feeling well with that. And Lambert and others also show that even. Remember, Neither Parker nor Bret actually think its clever to get for it, they all just do it because they HAVE to check signals as you never know if it is a distress call (which in the end was not).

I guess a scientist has a different character or at least needs some particular mindset many of those people are somewhat crazy when it comes to research and studies. Or people that have at least the background of a traveler and adventurer. Like seen with people which decide to move in the jungle to spend their life with Gorilas, exploring active volcanoes, or exploring under water caves etc.

But as said, the issue with the Nostromo and the corpiration is not a big issue in my eyes. Its really nitpicking on a very high level. There are much worse parts in other movies, and it really is not important to the plot of Alien. Neither is the derelict ship, which people many times forget. It is just the "reason". The mystery which starts the part. The rest is about the crew, their survival and fight in space. Without weapons. Imagine the typical ordinary men here. Working his ass of and such. Maybe for the last 10 years. And then. BAM. A very hostile and inteligent creature attacks the ship. And neither do you know what it wants besides to kill and nom the crew nor how to really kill it.
I think Ash either had some form of pre-programmed directive that could override his don't harm the humans programming as Prometheus is cannon the Weyland Yutani corporation would have some existing knowledge of the mission that was lost years before to some unknown life form.

And was under Crew Expendable actions i.e. would not go out of his way to harm a human without cause, but would investigate the source of the signal, and if possible make contact with any intelligent life.

Also we don't know that David came back or was found in space at some other point after Prometheus or a sequal, he spent some time connected to one of the Jockeys Ships and might be in possetion of knowledge about the Xenomorphs giving WY an distinct RnD advantage.
I came...... back, from watching this movie.
This movie seems to have a very polarizing effect on people, you either love it or hate it.
I am more on the middle, the movie had beautiful cinematography, incredible special effects and great art direction, I loved the earth technology, it looked very Moebius-esque. It has very interesting Ideas.

But the characters in the movie are all caricatures, except for Vickers, The Captain and the Android, well, maybe Wylard too. The rest are basically Slasher flic victims, just waiting to be killed by the horror. The plot is pretty much carried by the characters acting like idiots, and the expedition the way they planned it makes absolutely no practical sense, (I mean, explore an alien planet without weapons to defend yourself from hostile things, like Vagina penis snakes), specially for one that costed them "Trillions" of dollars, but I could ignore most of it for the first 2 thirds of the movie, it still had some good moments, like the Squid Cesarea, but then the Ending basically made it go from "Pretty decent" to downright meh.

The characters are killed off in very contrived ways, the idiot that insists on touchign the Hissing vagina snake, and the pothead that becomes a zombie to kill the other ones because they are of no use to the plot now, the Captain kamikazes into the ship along with his non speaking role aides, Vickers is unceremoniously crushed by the Vagina ship (seriously, this "Egineers" are obssesed with gentialia), and the only character that survives is the least interesting one, and then she goes off to ask the giant Marble Guys why they want to kill them, because asking the one in the ship worked out so well for the android that actually knew their language. And the stinger felt pretty tacked on, we didn't need to see the Proto-Xenomorph emerging from the guy. They could have just leave to us to connect the Facehumper attack with the first movie. Actually, the movie didn't even need to be a prequel to Alien.

Whatever, the movie has promise, not the worst Sci-fi ever, not the Best one either, but a pretty interesting one Idea-wise, exceution? not so much.
.Pixote. said:
So is there an actual Alien in this movie? :look:

An Alien like thing nicknamed the "Deacon", a Facehugger like thing, and the so called Hammerpedes.
One crewmember is infected and apparently mutates but you don't really see much.
.Pixote. said:
So is there an actual Alien in this movie? :look:

There is a quite cool squid alien, the bit in the medical pod is fun to watch with a heavily pregnant woman.
maybe they should have used less crew members in the whole movie eventually. I mean if some of them have no other purpose then to "fill the plot". Alien was a pretty good movie in my eyes because of the small crew. Doing it right with a big cast isn't really easy. Aliens did it very well, but Cameron spend a huge time working with his actors and he allowed them a lot of freedom. Everyone got his armor and they have been allowed to decorate it by them self. The start of the movie where all sit together for lunch after waking up from sleep/travel was the last scene they filmed. That way the actors knew each other already well. But even in Aliens you had actors which are important and others which would die rather early in the plot. But I usually think less is more. I mean the more actors you have the more difficult is it to make them different.
Never got why Vickers was suppossed to be some kind of bad guy(gal), she was the only one acting rational, and she cared more about the safety of the crew and was the only one with brain enough to not trust the sociopathic robot, the captain implying she si an android because she won't have sex with him was a rather stupid scene, specially because there were 2 people trapped insisde the vagina ship and you would think someone would remain checking on them instead of going for a booty call. Specially one as awkward as that one, I liek to think that Vickers just soaked the captain with a hose of cold water and told him to go back to his work. What a waste of a character, SPLAT.
maybe they didn't cared about them because they got lost in the first place. Natural selection and such. With all that technology, they get still lost there. AND they have nothing better to do then to touch some alien worm. Yeah. Thats what everyone would do in an abandoned creepy alien ship. Touching alien stuff. And getting lost of course. How they managed to get trough their colleague is a mystery.

It seems to me like that part of the plot was only there to decimate the crew ... it could have been the same if not even a better movie without that.
I don't even get why they didn't have any emasures to not get lost, the Pothead Geolosit never learnt how to leave a trail of fluorecent Beacons, paint, flags or anything to avoid getting lost in a drak cave?

Another thing is, that in a world were you can mass produce sentient Androids they still send humans on that kind of missions, It would seem like the primary use for Sophisticated robots would be Space Exploration, they don't age, don't eat, they seem to be able to learn any subject really fast, and they don't fuck up stuff by acting like idiots.

The more I think about Prometheus it gets dumber and dumber.
I enjoyed the movie for what it was. You guys work too hard to not enjoy a decent sci-fi movie.

Is there some reason you think it should have been the 2nd coming of christ?
dude, this wasn't a sci-fi channel original.

it was cashing in on a classic to the tune of 15 bux out of my pocket.

it was not good.
Even if it was the 2nd coming of Alien(s), the new movie could still never hold a candle to the first two. Of all movies I've ever seen, I've watched/rewatched those two the most. Those two, and Excalibur. A re-make of Excalibur would be hard to fuck up. Do it. Doooo IIIITTT. I have a man-crush on mirror finish plate mail. No CGI please. I also come home from my menial summer job, drink half a beer, and become posty mcpost drunk. Time to go get killed by a ladder or door in DayZ.
*stumbles off*
I think as most hard core sci-fi fans we can at time Over Analise films to death and make them unenjoyable. For the most part alien was one of the better sci-fi films that has come out in recent years and one of the few BIG BUDGET ones.

It's trying to exist in a market that is competing with films that encourage people not to think, this is a commendibale act. We get too few films like that today, while admittedly there where problems with the film such as the vagina snake scene and Noomi Rapace's low acting skill, the rest of the film was delightful and worthy of watching.

So let's stop over analyzing films like this and be thankful that we got a very well filmed story and a dose of quality sci-fi is lacking in modern cinema.
DammitBoy said:
I enjoyed the movie for what it was. You guys work too hard to not enjoy a decent sci-fi movie.

Is there some reason you think it should have been the 2nd coming of christ?
well it has a strong connection to Alien, and Alien is a quality movie in my eyes. Comparing that with the quality of Prometheus is only fair, in my eyes.

Still, you are right over analysing some movie isn't always the best thing. Funny enough. When it comes to movies I am rather easy to please - does not stop me from complaining about the bad parts though. For example, Sucker Punch for what it was was pretty good in my eyes. Sometimes its only about the entertainment.

So I want to watch Prometheus and if I only judge it by the visuals I am somewhat positive that it will be a great sci-fi movie.

But that doesn't mean one cant talk about the parts he didn't liked that much. discussions would be pretty boring if all is about "its awesome!" - "yeah everything is perfect! No need to talk about it further!".
eom said:
dude, this wasn't a sci-fi channel original.

it was cashing in on a classic to the tune of 15 bux out of my pocket.

it was not good.

opinions are like assholes, yours stinks...

sci-fi channel original comparision, really? that's just a little too much drama even for you.

I liked the movie and look forward to the sequels.