Water Chip? Been There, Done That

Elite Dangerous I tried a few times, really wanted to get into it, but struggled massively with the controls and just what to do. I don't think the game was poor though it's just beyond my patience limit for learning to play! I have heard it's "as wide as an ocean but as deep as a puddle" so perhaps it is guilty of adding world detail instead of mission/quest content.
No Mans Sky I really liked flying around, the first hour or so in my ship just swooping around and enjoying the experience. But I had no interest in shooting rocks for fuel so thats where I left it. Nothing wrong with mining games but not for me.
I have tried something call Corvs (pronounced Corus) and though it's proudly a arcade experience I found it fairly intutive in its space combat, need to tweak the controls a little but I think that might be my next space shooter. It's even got a certain amount of RPG lite experience in it with skills to unlock, upgrades to ship etc. Its got some grand story also which may turn out to be bobbins but I've enjoyed it so far.
Elite Dangerous got boring for me too. Never played No Man's Sky, but Space Engineers is fun. I recommend playing with friends though.