The 'MrMattyPlays' Fallout 4 Review "A Near Perfect Game"

i believe you people just need to accept it already that you are just a vocal minority. most people enjoy fallout 4 and most people agree with mr matty. just check his youtube likes if you do not believe me.

my understanding is your beloved fallout game got cancelled a decade ago because it was not paying the bills at interplay and putting food on the table for its employees. so it got sold to a company with a history of excellent titles and they have done nothing but good with it ever since. why cry over that? it is a dream come true to any sensible person.

it is time to let go. the majority has spoken and they love fallout 4. open your eyes and hearts and accept fallout 4 for the great game it is. enjoy it, all of its future dlc and whatever behavior interactive manages to cook up for us after.
I thought that behavior interactive thing was false?

Also you gotta try harder than that. Better than Trannigan though.
Funny then that your a member of their forums in the first place Johhny boy. Tell me then why is it that you are?
I'm not a member or user of the Bethesda forums. I visited there once for the same reason people visit the Zoo.

I honestly don't care that you're trolling, it provides entertainment at least.

Did you see Dragonborn? What a funny guy.
I did not but I have seen that name referenced here he must have been hilarious.

He's the best writer I ever had the pleasure of seeing (well, not literally) in my life. You really should check his fanfiction.

I mean it.

Pure fucking genius.
Funny then that your a member of their forums in the first place Johhny boy. Tell me then why is it that you are?
I'm not a member or user of the Bethesda forums. I visited there once for the same reason people visit the Zoo.

I honestly don't care that you're trolling, it provides entertainment at least.

Did you see Dragonborn? What a funny guy.
I did not but I have seen that name referenced here he must have been hilarious.

He's the best writer I ever had the pleasure of seeing (well, not literally) in my life. You really should check his fanfiction.

I mean it.

Pure fucking genius.

I would even go as far as calling it philosophical. Seriously, that thing is so deep that I can't even follow the story. Maybe it's all just a big metaphor for something even greater? Maybe the meaning of line is hidden somewhere in this gem?

We will never get to know the true intentions of the author unfortunately :(
i think we can all agree that at the very least he is a better writer than the people who wrote the fallout games before bethesda took over
Wow they stole the memory idea from the Geth quest in Mass Effect 3 when you have to stop the fighter squadrons or whatever they're called so Legion hooks you up to a simulation. The memorie sequences that show you the past are a complete rip off too!
i believe you people just need to accept it already that you are just a vocal minority. most people enjoy fallout 4 and most people agree with mr matty. just check his youtube likes if you do not believe me.

my understanding is your beloved fallout game got cancelled a decade ago because it was not paying the bills at interplay and putting food on the table for its employees. so it got sold to a company with a history of excellent titles and they have done nothing but good with it ever since. why cry over that? it is a dream come true to any sensible person.

it is time to let go. the majority has spoken and they love fallout 4. open your eyes and hearts and accept fallout 4 for the great game it is. enjoy it, all of its future dlc and whatever behavior interactive manages to cook up for us after.
Because the majority is always right. Except for when they aren't. There's a reason there is a term like dumbmasses:
My understanding is that this "reviewer" is the objectionable moron who spawned the atrocious website from which the likes of Dragonborne came from.
The fact anyone would consider a buggy game upon release "near perfection" is asinine.
It reminds me of when Super Bunnyhop gave a negative review for the game "Sir You Are Being Hunted" and someone commented:

"Judging a game that has only just become a 'full release' this harshly.... I thought better of you George (Super Bunnyhop). A lot better.."

Apparently we are supposed to assume games are now all released in a beta state even when it says "final release."
Sorry there is no appropriate thread for this (or it is buried somewhere deep on the forum).
I said to myself I would stop complaining about Fallout 4 as I know that it is a broken game, but how broken still really gets to me.

Take the building interface for example; I wanted to build a cattle corral as I was sick of seeking brahmin wander around stupidly in the settlements I build, some going into buildings while others wade through nearby rivers.
What should be a simple structure, a sort of box became a source of annoyance because either the ground is not flaw enough (result in part of the pen floating in the air, there is some obstacle standing in the way I can't see or remove, or the angles of the fences are wrong because they are not connected to each other despite giving you the appearance that they do.
I so much want a damn non First Person view of this like a above view or floating camera so I have a clear idea on how to construct stuff and have all the pieces fitting together.

Second, settlers keep teleporting onto roofs of buildings when you sometimes fast travel. What the hell happened? They saw some kind of radiation mutated mouse, sending them scared onto the buildings?

And of course there are still the damn collision problems that send stuff shooting away or make car wrecks dance the La Cucaracha.

This along with some other serious flaws with this game make me think that this reviewer is either a simpleton, stoned or drunk when he reviewed this game, or he was fucking bought.
No self respecting gamer would call this game exactly good, let alone near perfect.
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Second, settlers keep teleporting onto roofs of buildings when you sometimes fast travel. What the hell happened? They saw some kind of radiation mutated mouse, sending them scared onto the buildings?

Heh, I've experienced this too. Came back to Sanctuary Hills once to find Mama Murphy wandering around on the roof of a house with no way for her of having got up there..

I built some stairs anyway for the crazy thing to get down should she ever want to..
Second, settlers keep teleporting onto roofs of buildings when you sometimes fast travel. What the hell happened? They saw some kind of radiation mutated mouse, sending them scared onto the buildings?

Heh, I've experienced this too. Came back to Sanctuary Hills once to find Mama Murphy wandering around on the roof of a house with no way for her of having got up there..

I built some stairs anyway for the crazy thing to get down should she ever want to..

She's magical... what she can see the future, what other magic is up her sleeves?
The quests I've encountered in this game so far have all pretty much been "Go there, kill everything, come back". There is zero variety to the quests, and the dialogue offers zero variety as well. Playing this shit has done nothing but made me itch to play through New Vegas for the whatever number of time my next playthrough will be.
The quests I've encountered in this game so far have all pretty much been "Go there, kill everything, come back". There is zero variety to the quests, and the dialogue offers zero variety as well. Playing this shit has done nothing but made me itch to play through New Vegas for the whatever number of time my next playthrough will be.

They're boring and are far worse then anything in Fallout 3.