The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

A movie where Hicks was alive? I am curious how that one would have worked. But, there have been Alien 4 scripts flying around which tried to explain Alien 3 as some kind of "dream" ripley had in Hypersleep. There are people which even believe that Alien 4 is also such a nightmare. I can see why :V
"Insulting" Is the word that comes to mind whenever I think of Alien 3 and 4. And yes, we all wish they were both just nightmares, and that when we wake up they'll be gone.
...There are people which even believe that Alien 4 is also such a nightmare. I can see why :V
The same could be said of Aliens. Believe it or not, there's plenty Alien fans who prefer the first one because, although like liked Aliens, they felt like it was a disservice to the franchise to have muscly marines in shootouts with Xenomorphs. Combined with Ripley magically being revived hundreds of years later following her exodus to learn the horror planet her ill-fated crew landed on has since then been "peacefully" colonized only to find the nightmare isn't over, and you can see why those fans like to think Aliens was just a dream, too. And, by extension, 3 and Resurrection, therefore, could not have ever happened.

Anywho, I've been catching The Producers: The Movie Musical on cable a couple times, lately, and that's always a fun watch whenever it's on. Good music (nothing particularly spectacular, though I love rewatching the "We were fated to be mated as Bialystock and Blooooooom" and "Get Lost! Get oooooooooooooooooout!" song parts, personally ^^), funny story, good comedy, enjoyable characters. Just a delightful film all round. =)
Recommendation: Paris, Texas (1984) with Harry Dean Stanton, Dean Stockwell, and Nastassje Kinski. Really good movie.
Yup, good one! Thanks for tip, it reminded me of another American movie with similar tone: Little Boy Blue (1997). It's a solid family drama with some unexpected sinister events emerging to surface consecutively. Placed in Texas too, also with Nastassja Kinski.
I don't know if I have recommended John Dies at the End, but I really like it. Actually I think I have, but really, any fans of Phantasm, go fucking watch it. Oh and a new low budget Phantasm movie is coming out too, but it isn't being directed by the original dude.
Since I was an avid reader of cracked, and through it John Dies at the End's writer, I expected a similar level of laughs and entertainment from that movie. But it left me dissapointed. It was unique, which for me was the only plus it had going for it. Not that it was bad, but it just didn't wow me at all.

I watched Mockingjay part 1, and surprisingly but not so surprisingly it retained the dullness the second movie had, which I thought originated from the fact that it was kind of more of the same. But in this movie the revolution starts in earnest, but it didn't excite me that much more.

More of a while ago I watched Transcendance, which was surprisingly better than I expected. I heard only terrible things about it and saw reviews that didn't recommend it, so my expectations were nicely low. Not great, but good enough.

The Hobbit part 3 had an obligatory cinema visit from me, my brother, my father and a friend. And I kind of hated it. Didn't come close to the great adaptations of lotr, and even those had problems.

Face/off was a good timewaster on a movie night with friends. It's like watching a good movie, only. . not.

Donnie Darko was, like John Dies at the End, a unique experience. Which was it's strongest point. But the narrative was enjoyable as well. Not an 8/10 for me, like IMDB users give it, though.

Two westerns I saw were True Grit and the Homesman. Both enjoyable experiences. I was in the mood for some westerns, with their signature slower than usual pace and lonesome atmosphere. Especially the Homesman succeeds in this. The Coen brothers have made nothing but hits for me so far, though I haven't seen most of their movies, I think.

I also watched Amadeus which was. . not as enjoyable as it could have been. before watching it I got the feeling it was overrated merely for it's substance. It concerns one of the most famous people of all time and it has a big budget, so of course it's good! But I didn't get the feeling I would want from such a movie, with the american accent, an element of juvenility and dubious accuracy.
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You enjoyed True Grit? That's like their worst movie. Well, Intolerable Cruelty is maybe a little worse, but still.

Also: Amadeus is a perfect movie in each and every way. :razz:
I personally thought True Grit was very good. Nothing special, but I enjoyed the scenery and Jeff Bridges' role in the film, among other things, though I like his roles in general. The story was fine too - I believe it closely follows the one from the book (I own it, but have never read it).
Like I've said, it's far from a revolutionary piece of art, but I thought it a solid and enjoyable film.
Just as I feared. Fury was a disapointment. It just doesn't really work for me.
Agreed, same here! And I'd swear that there's a lot of lines in script which are taken directly from All Quiet on the Western Front novel written by E. M. Remarque. Anyway, older movies as Sahara (1943) or The Beast of War (1988) rocks much harder than this modern flick. At least the characters are much more believable, they actually act and look like a battle hardened soldiers from the WW2.
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Just finished watching Excision for the second time.

The ending still gets to me. Also, Traci Lords' acting in it continues to blow my mind!
Ayyyyyyy. I just finished watching Jersey Boys. A better movie out there? Forget about it. This is the stuff, capiche? Ya wanna really impress a girl, take her to see it, flyboy. It'sa thinga beauty, I'm tellin ya. Forget about it.
Finally seen There Will Be Blood.
Fuck, why haven't I watched this earlier? Brilliant film in every regard, really enjoyed it. I watched it from 1AM to 4AM, didn't have an urge to fall asleep for a sec.

There is so much content, so much things in this film. I'll need to think about it a bit more, but I love it.
I've had the flu for the last couple of weeks and a free Showtime/HBO weekend so I've managed to see quite a few flicks. Some:

Django Unchained

I really liked about 90% of this one, but Tarantino's infatuation with splattering blood everywhere all the time in Django's big gunfight scene kind of broke the believability of the story for me. Also some of the stuff right at the end was a little silly. I didn't want the silliness, because in seemed to clash with the intensity of the rest of the movie. Still, very good. I always approve of an good addition to the genre.

Silver Linings Playbook
I liked this one. Bradley Cooper was better here than in American Hustle. It's a romance, maybe even a chick-flick, and as such not really my cup of tea, but it's better than almost all similiar movies - the ones I've seen anyway. If your special lady friend wants to see it, you can go with her and you won't suffer too much. The only strange thing is Chris Tucker in the most tokenized role I've seen in a long time. You could cut him out completely and you'd have exactly the same movie but with no black people in it. It's kind of bizarre.

The Thomas Crowne Affair

This is the original from 1968 with Steve McQueen. Not bad. I think the remake from the late 1990s is also not bad, but I think I like this one better because it's got a harder edge.

I re-watched the Tim Burton Dark Shadows from 2012. I liked it better this time, which surprised me. There are some pretty funny moments. Also, those of you who drool over images of Eva Green will enjoy her in this one.

The Coen Brothers make lots of movies but the interesting thing is, they seem to know when they make one that isn't very good. Whenever they do it doesn't get nearly the marketing of the good ones. As an example I offer Burn After Reading from 2008 - by far the worst Coen Brothers movie I've ever seen, even though it has a few good parts.

The Big Lebowski is the Coen Brothers movie to see if you've missed it.