CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud

The reason why I am asking, is because the Enclave was build around the idea that EVERY other form of live compared to them was mutated and thus completely wortheless, with the idea to eradicate everything on this planet with a pathogen, Nazi ideology cranked up to 11 to say it that way.
So in which way, is the Brotherhood in Fallout 4 similar to Enclave, if we concentrate just on the ideology behind the movement, and not some superficial characterstics like power armor, vertibirds and that stuff.
And fighting super mutants and despising ghouls isn't exactly a novel idea in the Fallout setting - see Vault City.
Honestly, the idea the Enclave is nothing more than killing everyone in the Wasteland is a cartoonish caricature of them. If you believe that, then there's nothing to them as a faction. Yeah, the Eastern brotherhood of Steel accepts Wastelanders but that doesn't mean they're substantially non-Enclave like in every other respect.