Considering Bethesda always released big DLCs in the past, how were we to know they were going to take a huge dump all over our hopes and dreams? Even Oblivion, their other game that had a bunch of little DLCs, still had like 3 or 4 big ones. Of course, if if I hadn't pre-ordered both of them and played FO4 first, I would have never bought the season pass. Complete waste of money, but on the bright side it taught me to never preorder a game, never trust Bethesda again, always read reviews before buying, and never ever buy a season pass. I'd consider it a learning experience.
Not trying to sound like I am a genius or better than anyone else, but as soon as Bethesda announced the Season Pass I went around telling people not to get it, I even had to tone down my words around in the TTW forum because I was starting to annoy some members.
All it took was knowing what Bethesda does every single new Gamebryo/Creation Engine game release, it tones it down... I already can't play Skyrim more than 30 minutes without getting bored and I saw what they also did with the Skyrim DLC Heartfire, also they are the people that did Horse Armor DLC, that damn thing became a meme and people still prefer to forget about it. All of that combined with them have already mentioned how Fallout 4 would have a voiced protagonist with a defined backstory, stupid dialogue "wheel" with just 4 options, have been inspired by Minecraft and CoD (or whatever the FPS game they said it took inspiration from), not even one mention of taking any inspiration or anything else from Fallout New Vegas, no skills only perks, etc...
It was also the first time Bethesda released a Season Pass... To me Season passes are usually made because of one thing, it is not to allow people to get all the DLCs/Addons/Expansions cheap, it is to make money from the hidden quality of future content that the consumer has no idea what it will be.
Some times it might pay off, but usually it doesn't... Maybe it's because I really don't have much money and have to tighten my belt a lot to make ends meet, sometimes I have to eat nuts for a meal

, so I am way more careful about my money.
But yeah, my point was I warned people that there was a high chance the DLCs would be shit, judging from Bethesda history and all the info about the not yet released Fallout 4... The ironic thing was I was really really hoping I was wrong and was just being an idiot, I still managed to have a little faith in Bethesda even after I knew all of the stuff I mentioned before... I still wanted to believe...
Sorry for the wall of text, but to sum it all up, anyone not blinded by the hype and that would have some knowledge of Bethesda's product history and some knowledge of what they had already said about Fallout 4, wouldn't have been that hard to not trust in the Season Pass.
But to each it's own, some people already consider their Season Pass worth it anyway, so for those there is no problem and they are happy customers, and that is good
